Debbie maybe the dizzy spells sinus??
I did Toby Massenburg Afterburn.
Good work, Debbie, be careful
Hey your girls have a question, I turned 49 friday, yikes! but the past 3 weeks I think I a period kind of a quick one, then off and on I have been spotting nothing heavy enough to wear anything, of course I got worried but is this perimenopause?? I have been having some night sweats. I did called my gyno one gal i talked to said she did this and probabley meno starting then i called again and an office manager said i should come in just so they don't miss anything, that is scheduled for dec 17, but nothing yesterday and then a little today and now nothing. I had a pap in may all that was ok but she said he may do an endometrial biopsy if he does not suspect menopause any words of wisdom