HARDCORE check in for the month of December 2013

Today I used the tread climber for 37, 330 calorie and max hr was 166. I then did X Train Burn Sets weights shoulders and triceps 29 minutes, 29 minute164 calories, and finished of with Yoga Shatki shoulder openers and supine poses 13 minutes 38 calories. . Total time was 79minutes and calories burned 532.
Today is a rest day. Yesterday was a family birthday here. I did a shorter workout of the Treadclimber at a lower intensity for 25 minutes, X train bunr sets chest, and the abs and stretch from Flex train. 274 calories and 53 minutes.
Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA. Last week was just a blur as I'm sure it was for all of you as well. I didn't workout last week, just didn't have it in me or had the time. So I rested and it did my knees a world of good.

This morning I did one of my Cardio Coache mixes - it was a mix of Candace's workouts. I had an excellent workout and once again I didn't use the HR monitor. I can honestly say that I don't miss wearing it. At all!

The workout was 62 minutes and I ran 3.79 miles - almost 4 miles! I figured I burned about 478 calories.

Hope you all had a great Christmas! I can't believe it will be 2014 in just a couple day! :eek:
This morning I did the warm up from Flex Train then did 30 minutes on the treadclimber avg HR 144 max 164. I followed with STS disc r chest, shoulders and biceps. workout was 92 minutes and calories burned 810.

Debbie, I am glad the rest did you some good :)
I did STS disc 5 Back and Triceps, 58 min, 310 calories. I then did Ab Circuits Med ball abs no partner, 11 min, 50 cal. I finished with Lean Legs and abs core and stretch, 16 minutes, 51 cal.. Total time was 85 min, 411 calories. I have not had luck printing the workout cards this week. I just get lines with no words. It worked fine last week. Got to run, I have to take my puppy for shots this morning.
Today I worked my legs on my own. Wow, I guess I'm going to have to go get my knees checked out soon. I can hardly do anything anymore. Squats kill me and lunges I can't even do anymore. Both knees hurt but my right one is the worst. I did some floor work and deadlifts. I did some presses on my leg press station and that even hurt my knees. I also did some light weight squats.

Workout sucked. I'm just glad I can still run on my treadmill, but what the heck am I going to do when I can't do that? I will have to get them x-rayed soon and see what's up. My body is really hating me lately. :(

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