Hardcore check in for June 2017

Roselyn, you can choose from over a hundred workouts and do it whenever you want to. She introduces a new one most Thursdays and you can do it while she is doing it or wait for a couple of hours till it is up with the rest of the workouts. You use them whenever you want. Not bad for the price.
Today I did RIPT90 Back & Shoulders. Had a great workout. I really like this workout, almost added one more set but wanted to get on my treadmill.

This is the workout:
SET 1 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Lateral Raise: 12 reps - 12's
Back Flyes: 12 reps - 12's
Upright Row: 12 reps - 15's

SET 2-4 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - Used my pullup bar
Overhead Press: 12's - 10 reps
Did this superset 3 times no rest at all.

SET 5 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Lateral Raise: 12 reps - 12's
Back Flyes: 12 reps - 12's
Upright Row: 12 reps - 15's
Dumbbell Row: 12 reps - 20's

SET 6-10 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - Used my pullup bar.
Overhead Press: 15's - 10 reps
Did this superset 5 times no rest at all.

Since this workout was only 20 minutes I did SJ&P Abs as well.

I also walked on my treadmill for 1.25 miles.

Cathe Live sounds awesome, I may check those out this summer. What do you watch them on? Your laptop? Tablet?
Debbie , i streamed them to my television with a special cable that had hdmi and went to my phone. Later when i replaced the phone the cable did not work so i atreamed from my laptop via gdmi. You can do sceen mirroring if you havevthe right set up, i never tried. I think i could do it fia my new blu ray player and the internet now, i will try again one day.
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I am not working out today, I am very sore and short on time getting my son ready to go visit The University of Nevada tomorrow with his dad.

I watch the Cathe Live off my laptop. My display is big enough to see them well but I am going to hook them up to my tv going forward.

I sound like a broken record here, but I am so sore today from my boxing workout yesterday. There were a ton of leg drills, abs, pushups and shoulder moves. My body is responding in an incredible way to these workouts. First of all, I am releasing a lot of water. My muscle must have been holding on to water which explains my weight gain. I look so much slimmer after one week of changing my workouts up. Secondly, I am working so many muscles in each workout that I feel completely exhausted after working out each day. I am going to do at least two full body workouts and two kickboxing workout per week and maybe a short leg workout. Or, I will do some upper body workouts and some lower body workouts along with kickboxing workouts. There is a great total body workout called "Total Body Sculpt" that was aired on 9/4/2014. It is a long workout but a really good one to do if you have the time. I will list my favorite workouts that I have done in the past in case any of you would like to try them.

100 Rep Challenge Kickboxing- Very tough workout- 503 Calories
Total Body Sculpt- 9/4/2014-
Barbell Upper Body - 1/29/2015- 365 Calories
Express Upper Body- Great to add on any workout if you want more to do or if you are short on time
Tri-set legs- Awesome workout!- 435 Calories
Hardstrikes boxing- 6/19/2014- 520 Calories
Upper Body Sculpting- 7/3/2014-
Strong Upper Body and Core- 10/24/2014- 401 Calories
Hi- Low Kickboxing-
Hooked on Legs- Hard- 514 Calories
Gloved up and ready-
You can do anything for a minute- 495 Calories
Quick Fix Kickboxing - 100 reps with step- 610 calories

Debbie, great workout today and good job on adding the abs into the workout at the end.

Diane Sue, I listed my favorite workouts, you can see that I did mostly weight and kickboxing workouts only. A lot of Cathe's workouts that are cardio based are too high impact for me. I like the boxing workouts because they work my shoulders and back so well, also she adds some leg exercises in to them as well.

Roselyn, for $10 per month there are so many workouts to choose from each day. I like the fact that you feel like you are in one of her classes as well.

I am laying off the walking for awhile because my hip flexors are sore from walking the hills.

Have a nice day.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Cardio Slam timesaver premix no mat, 32 minutes(a bit short as my grandson came in and I cut off the end of the stretch) 203 calories, I went back after his mother left and did Body Design Kelly Coffey weighted kickbox with 3# hand weights and did the cool down as well, 16 minutes, 99 calories. I finished off with Strong and Sweaty bonus abs, 14 minutes, 67 calories. Total time was 62 minutes, 369 calories. Today was my grandson and my library day and we went to Sprouts and errands. I always come home with extra things. He chose nectarines and tortellini which was fine. I refused the tub of gummy candy this time around. I signed him up for the summer reading program. He is doing well at learning to read himself.
I have done the live with my laptop but I prefer streaming through the television. I have a fairly large 3D Sony smart television. It makes the workouts nice.

Jolie, I keep meaning to pull out my notebook. I took notes on each workout as I did them and times so I could add on a portion here and there. I recognize the names of most that you have done. I think I did most of the Kickboxing workouts that were done before
about a year ago. I remember liking the you can do anything for a minute. I did a lot of the step ones as well. There was a coupe I liked that had quite a bit of variety in them. Also I remember one with some barre work that was a bit more active and fun that the ones on dvd that I have done. I will try to get it out. I am sore all over from STS and the shock cardio. Change is always a good thing. The body does adjust. I need to get busy on the painting I am doing for my granddaughter's birthday. I need time for the oils to dry before her birthday later this month. She may get the picture frame and an come and see it. Background sunset,, rocks and trees are in and I started on the sand. next is working in the water and waves. I am always a bit apprehensive as I start adding in something new . That I might mess up the whole thing.
Your son is checking out a lot of universities. How long does he have before he has to choose?
Today I did Cardio Coach 5 and other than my mp3 player stopping after each track, I had a great workout. I hate technology sometimes, really frustrating. Not sure why that thing was doing that. CD's worked so much better than this wifi stuff. Oh well.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran 3.78 miles (woohoo!!!), burned 437 calories (TM said 513) and went 7687 miles. Avg. HR was 131 and Max was 176. This was a great workout for me, I had so much energy and did great with all the challenges.

I am running late so no time for personals. I hope you all have great workouts today and a great weekend!!! Finally some heat coming our way, it has been really cold here this week.
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Today I did Cathe Live- Strong Upper Body and Core again, same weights as last time. Since I knew what was coming and new what to expect, I enjoyed the workout even more than the first time I did it. I had a better calorie burn this time, not sure why. Workout was 1 hour and 10 minutes and I burned 510 calories. I had to pause the workout a couple of times for bathroom break and to change my laundry. This workout exhausts each muscle in your upper body to total failure if you are lifting heavy.

nice cardio workout today and it is nice to see you got a good calorie burn too!

Diane Sue, I will be back later to read your post.

Roselyn, great job on Lower Body Blast, that is a tough workout!

Have a nice day! I have to get my husband and son off to the airport soon so I better help with the packing!
Today I was tired so skipped any cardio. I did STS disc 13, chest, shoulders, and triceps, 71 minutes (I stopped to help my husband find a key) 243 calories. Heart rate 96 avg/ max 137. I then did Barre Amped with Suzanne Bowen Strength and Stretch , upper and ball stretch, 20 minutes, 29 calories. Total calories 272 workout was 90 minutes. Fit Bit sure doesn't give many calories for a weight workout no matter how hard you are working. Cathe has this STS at 420 on her met scale. Map My Fitness clocked me at 427. Go figure.
Weights today
flat bench press barbell 35# x 12; 35# x 12; 40# x 12; 40# x 10; 40# x 8
chest flys dumbbells 15#'s X 12; 15's x 10; 15's x 8
incline bench press barbell 40# x 12;10;8 reps
incline chest flys 15's x 12,10,8 reps
seated front press 17's 12,10,8,10 reps
alternating one arm standing lateral raise 12's x 12,10,8, ending both arms 10 reps
seated rear delts 12's x 12,10,8,
flat bench triceps extension barbell 35# x 12,10,8,12 reps
side leaning one arm overhead extension on ball dumbbell 15# x 12,10,8reps
one arm kick backs 15 x 12 reps; 12# x 10, 8 reps

Jolie, I was looking a bit at my Cathe Live notebook. It seems like Hard Strikes had a lot of upper focus in it ending with to the floor and push ups. I remember liking Legs with weights and stability ball. I also liked the Bun Burners barre and ball (I think no weights here) I may have used ankle weights though. All about legs is a lighter weight lower body workout that uses 10's and 12's with some cardio type jumping though. Kickbox Bootcamp was kind of fun with moving from kickboxing to the group split between who was doing heavy bag tabatas and who was doing weights. It ends with everyone with the gloves off and doing some strength and abs. Nice calorie burn today :)

Debbie, good job on the heart rate and calorie burn today. I bet you were feeling it !
Debbie that looks good. I like that you can adjust by the tubing and also the tension.

I am so sore today. I think a combo of STS yesterday and tripping over my dog . My knee cap is bruised, my elbow is bruised a and i have a light bruise and scrape on my chin where i hit the corner of the table. It could have been worse though. Today will be cardio and abs. I am not sure if inwill do the heavy bag from STS shock cardio though. It is the only part of theses workouts that i havent done.
Today's workout was Rockout Knockout + heavy bag mix, 69 minutes (4 minutes extra for putting gloves on and setting up, I put another fitbit band with frame over my Fit bit to block the gloves from hitting it and stopping it) 473 calories, heart rate 129/ 165 max. I then did Ab Circuits med ball abs, 10 minutes, 45 calories and no equipment abs 17 minutes 50 calories. Total time was 96 minutes, 568 calories, 6,805 steps.
Today I did Gloved Up and Ready, Cathe Live, using 1 pound weighted gloves and using 5#, 8#, 10# and 12# weights. This was a great workout, a lot of boxing, tabatas, jumping jacks, pop squats and weight work. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 559 calories. I had to pause the workout in some places to catch my breath and drink water. Heart rate average was 123 and my max was 184! I have a sore right shoulder because I slept on it wrong so It kind of made the workout a little hard to do.

Diane Sue, I hope you are alright after tripping over your dog! I did that last year and I had to go to the chiropractor because I really hurt myself. I hope you are feeling better today.

Debbie, that looks like a great piece of equipment to help with pull ups! I don't have anywhere to do them so I just use my pull down machine instead. I am excited to hear how you like it after using it!

Roselyn, I hope you are having a nice weekend!

Have a nice day!
Today is a rest day. We went to dinner with our preacher and his wife after church. There was no family brunch today since everyone had something going on. I am not as sore today :) So glad.

Jolie, I remember doing gloved up and ready. You really got the heart rate up there. Fortunately I am doing better today. My knee that I landed on is kind of achy. Maybe a combination of the fall and kickboxing yesterday. I was afraid I hurt the dog. She doesn't seem to be too afraid of getting under foot after the ordeal.
Today I did Chest Shredder again and it was as hard today as it was the last time I did it. OMG, love this workout! Did really well with it and did quite a bit of the pushups on my toes. The last five reps on some I went down to my knees. 135 pushups total plus 30 if you include the T-Bar pushups. I usually hate pushups but I love this workout.

This is the workout:
SETS 1, 2 & 3
Wide range Pushups: 15 reps
Shoulder Width Pushups: 15 reps
Triceps Pushups: 15 reps
T-Bar Pushups: 5 reps each side - 5# each side
(this exercise is done in Body Beast in one of the shoulder workouts, pushup and then raise your arm up while holding a weight, switch sides)
Chest Flye: 15 reps - 20's (did inclines with the 3rd set)
Chest Press: 15 reps - 25's (did inclines with the 3rd set)
Situps: 25 reps (here I did crunches for 1st set, then I did reverse crunches for the 2nd and 3rd set was bicycle - did 30-35 reps)

You do all this straight through with hardly any rest. The situps are an "active recovery". Rest a few seconds and then start over. Did this three times through.

SETS 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

Elbow Planks: 5 sets/30 second hold (these were easy, my abs are getting strong again)

Chest was on fire!!!

Workout was 41 minutes, Avg. HR 76, Max was 147, burned 86 calories. I can't believe that calorie burn as I was sweating and my HR was up through most of it.

I also walked on my TM for 2 miles. I'm on summer hours now so I have extra time in the morning to workout. Yay!!!

I'm looking forward to doing the Back Breaker workout as it has tons of pullups. I'm going to use my new assist bands!!! :)

Have great workouts everyone!!!
This is a busy week and I have to get out to do errands today and try to get the bulk of the house work done. I am holding off on a second week of STS meso 2 till possibly next week. Today I did Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 Hardcore 73 minutes, 507 calories. When I used to use the polar I got 661 with this one. Oh well, still a good calorie burn. I was dying with some of those high rep weight moves. It is a little brutal when you think surely you are done and she goes on to make it 6 sets of tons of reps with a brief slower paced break. No stopping though. Remembered that this is the one that all of the quick curtsy lunge over the bench made my knee hurt. I got off the step and did it on the floor like some of the other participants in the workout. I think using some metabolic workouts will work well this week as far as getting a bit of everything in.

Debbie, nice work. I don't think I will ever like push ups work. I just do them because they are in the workouts:) I bet you are excited about using your new pull up bands. I will be interested on how well it works for you.
Today I did Cathe Live Upper Body with Core Express. I am not sure why this workout is named express, it is 1 hour long and it is tough! Each round has a couple of exercises, higher reps with no rest through the whole workout. I was so tired today hoping for an easy workout and this was not easy at all! I burned 382 calories, average heart rate was 116 and my max was 147. This workout I used only Dumbbells.

1. 1 Arm Rows- 20# x 16, x 16

2. Traditional Bicep Curls- 15# x 10
Hammer Curls- 15# x 10
Sweeping Curls- 15# x 10
Bicep Curls, 2 count up, 6 count down- 15# x 10

3. Lateral Raise- 8# x 24
High Ends, 2 singles, 2/2 Count- 5# x 10
Overhead Press- 15# x 8, x 8, x 8
Upright rows- 15# x 8, x 8, x 8
Front Raise- 12# x 12, x 12
Rear Raise- 10# x 12, x 12

4. Pullovers- 25# x 12, x 12
Chest Flies- 15# x 12, x 12
Pushups- x 10
Chest Press 20# x 12
Close Grip Chest Press- 15# x 16, x 16
Lying Triceps ext.- 12# x 16, x 16
Cable Triceps pull downs- 30# x 16, x 16


Debbie, great chest workout today. I cant wait to hear how you like the bands you got to assist with your pull ups! I know your calorie burn must be higher than what was stated today! Pushups really burn the calories and get your heart rate up. If I did that many pushups I would not be able to blow dry my hair afterwards!

Diane Sue, I haven't done a Jeri Love workout in so long!!!! Good job with it today. I like how you can burn 1000 calories and you burned about half than the 1000! Your In great shape, that's why!

Have a great day!
Jolie, nice workout today even though you were not expecting it to be that long. Isn't the actual time lengths on that list that I posted for you to check out? Have you done the Trisets legs one?
Thanks on the calorie burn. I am finding it interesting as I go back through workouts that I have not done in probably two to three years and seeing the difference in the calorie burns and heart rate. I like to think it is that I am fit. My heart doesn't have to work as hard(maybe)? I still get results so that is what matters most.

I forgot to mention that I purchased the newest Whole 30 Cookbook. I think that I had mentioned looking forward to it, but reading reviews I wasn't sure about getting it. I think it is much better than I expected and there are a lot of recipes in it. Last night I put together a pot of beef and pumpkin chili which I just had some of for lunch today. IT was really good. I like the addition of chipotle powder. I am going to pick up some other things at the store today. II find the hardest thing about whole 30 is giving up cream or anything in my coffee, no yogurt (not too hard) dairy is out other than ghee. There are several things that I use a lot that are out when doing it. I am thinking of doing one again though once I get rid of some of the stuff I already have in the refrigerator.

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