Hardcore check in for January 2017

Jolie, that would be good if they could fix a nerve and stop the pain. The cortisone shot will probably help for awhile. Rock m Sock m has the least amount of jumping of all of the kickbox workouts imo. It is a lot of boxing moves alternating with some kicks. There are a few jumps but they can easily be mo d ifird. I think there is a premix to avoid some of the jumping. I do a lot of hop and step into the punches to increase the steps and intensity a bit on this one. It is fun being able to do more again. I am at 7 weeks post surgery.
This morning I did a mix of Pyramids and S&S Giant Sets. Worked Biceps & Triceps today and had a great workout!! This is a great mix with these two workouts, my bi's and tri's felt it big time.

This is what I did:

From Pyramids:
Hammer Curls:
10's/12's/15's/12's/10's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Regular Curls: 10's/12's/15's/12's/10's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
From Giant Sets:
W-Curls on the Ball:
15's - 16 reps
Incline Hammer Curls on Ball: 15's - 16 reps

From Pyramids:
3's/5's/8's/5's/3's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Overhead Extension: 12's/15's/20's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
From Giant Sets:
Seated Overhead Extension:
12's - 16 reps
Close Grip Press on Ball: 15's - 16 reps
Lying Extensions on Ball: 12's - 16 reps

Really felt this big time!

The walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

Jolie - Hope your foot gets better, I didn't know you having issues with your foot. That sucks.

Diane Sue - I know, these HR gadgets get to me. Lately my Fitbit seems to be pretty accurate. I'm happy about that.
Today I did Shoulders. I put my own workout together and I really liked it, I felt the burn! I burned 213 Calories.

Seated Alt. Overhead Press
20# x 12, x 10, x 8
Bothe Arms Overhead Press
20# x 15 TF
15# x 12 BOS

1 Arm Lateral Raise
12# x 12, x 10, x 5
2 Arm Lateral Raise
10# x 12 TF
8# x 11 BOS

Rear Flies
12# x 12, x 10, x 9, x 8 TF
10# x 13 BOS

Upright Rows DB's
15# x 15, x 13, x 12
12# x 12 BOS

Debbie, great Biceps and Triceps workout today! I just love the Pyramid workouts and I love that you added Giant Sets to the end. I might try that workout, looks like a burner!

Roselyn, I hope your hand is healing.

Diane Sue, Thanks for the info on the Boxing workout. I need to order some new 1# gloves because I have had mine for so long they are starting to fall apart. I like the add the weighted gloves for boxing workouts. I do not have the big boxing gloves that Cathe uses in her workouts. My hands sweat a lot and I don't think they would dry in the inside if I used those gloves. Have a nice workout.

Off to buy a shirt for my son for Winter Formal Saturday. I measured his neck and it is 17 1/2 and his arm length is 37! I hope I can find this size shirt!
Today I did Ice Chiseled Lower Body, 48 minutes, 319 calories. I then did Total Body Giant Sets round 1 lower body and Ramped Up upper body back (no pullovers) and shoulders, and stretch 30 minutes, 147 calories. Total time was 78 minutes, 467 calories. I also did some of Yoga Tune Up upper body but didn't bother with it for time and calories. I just figured that I was going to need it. My arms are a little sore form Monday's workout. I think that I am going to like Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up Upper after trying some of it and viewing the moves. Next weight day I will try the arms from that one.

Debbie, nice workout mix today. I was surprised how much closer my Fit Bit was to my other methods of measurement today. Not to Cathe's workout manager , mind you. I still have a hard time understanding the met value of measurement. I feel like most things that I exert myself at around my moderate cardio heartrate I believe would be a 6. Now this may be different because of the way you are burning the calories with weight work and calorie expenditure but I have a hard time accepting it that way. The workout manager has some of these weight workouts in the 8 and near 9 met values. Anyway, it was not quite as frustrating today. It is when the readings are all over the place by up to 200 calorie or more expenditure from Fit Bit to Cathe's and other measurements.

Jolie, I have several pair of weighted gloves. Both of Cathe's that have the removable weights. My one lb Cathe's started tearing at the thumb hole. I put them on the sewing machine and sewed around it to help stop it. The 2# ones are just so hard to put on and get off. I only use them for weight work and I keep them on the entire workout. I have no clue how they pull out those little weights and put them in so fast. It is probably that I have large hands though. I like my Title One 1.5# weighted gloves. They are easy on and off and made well. I found them through Kelly Coffey. I have another really old pair that still work even though I have tried washing them over the years. They sort of rusted around the seams. The Velcro does not stick as well so sometimes they want to fall off mid boxing. It makes them slip and sometimes it maes my thumb joints ache. That is a nice looking shoulder workout that you put together.
My grandson 19 is 6'3 and I have to look up at him. My husband took him to Kohl's and found a nice dark blue shirt with long enough sleeves and the shirt tail length long enough. It is hard because clothes made for tall men are generally also for heavier men. Not men with an athletic lean build. My grandson lost over 55 lbs in a weight loss contest with my husband. My husband took him out and bought him some clothes with the winnings. They are now in a pay up for pounds gained as incentive to keep the weight off. My husband lost 75 lb. Even my son joined in which helped my grandson. He wasn't participating for money, but he was inspired to do it too. My grandson is using the elliptical and my husband is doing some weights and using the Tread Climber. Anyway, good luck with the shirts. Sometimes you can find tall shirts on Amazon that are not huge. A person could probably make some money marketing shirts for tall thin men.
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so saw hand surgeon yesterday, he took out some stitches but leaving the rest in unti Monday, the wound is not closing very good, so he is going to see what it looks like then, I just missed slicing my tendon and going into my wrist so i consider myself lucky,. he did put me in a wrist brace and that is keeping it stable . He said it is just in a bad place and it was without blood supply so we shall see.

so today was back and bi and the brace was great for my workout.
Roselyn, you are lucky. Be careful with that hand. I am sure it needs all of your bodies resources that it can get to heal. Plenty of protein, collagen, rest. Sort of the same thing I was told after surgery. I hope it is better when you go back Monday.
Today I woke up with a horrible headache and didn't want to run. I ended up walking on my treadmill and that was good. Worked up a good sweat, I can't believe how sweaty I get just by walking. I walked on a 3% incline at a fast pace.

Workout was 60 minutes, went 3 miles, burned 302 calories and went 6931 steps.

Jolie - Nice workout, I'm working shoulders tomorrow and can't wait. Love working shoulders. Nice job!!

Diane Sue - I think Cathe's workout manager is a bit off, not sure how that thing figures out calorie burn but to me it seems way high. I just stick with what my Fitbit says I burn and the eat the calories I'm supposed to with Myfitnesspal. It seems to be working out well. I used to log more of a calorie burn in MFP, but don't do that anymore.

Roselyn - I think you should rest that hand for a few days, it will heal. Maybe the heaviness of the weights in your hands is irritating it.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Cardio Slam with the no modifications this time and the bonus abs again. 63 minutes, 465 calories. I then did Ramped Up Upper Body double biceps timesaver premix #9, 21 minutes, 108 calories. I started out with the 15's for hammer curls but by the second time through I was lowering the weight a bit. I think doing a little here and there will be a good way to build my strength back up.

Debbie, I think the Fit Bit is okay for some things.. I use the heart rate average from it for all of my calculations. Also Map My Fitness uses it for the heart rate readings through Bluetooth. Oddly, they are still different somewhat. I have learned with Map My Fitness it's calorie calculation is dependent on not only the Fit Bit but also the type of workout I am doing. If I use say, a yoga setting it will be way to high but fi I am doing yoga and use it on stretch and strength it comes closer to what the Fit bit has, Today everything was pretty close on burns except of course Workout Manager and their met values. Cardio Slam would have been over 591 calories. Not that I would have minded, but I would probably start packing on weight if I relied on that. I seem to do well with the way I calculate it. Actually I have lost 7 pounds since I had the surgery. I wasn't really trying to lose though.
Also, I do find it irritating when I am sweating and breathing hard and I get some reading for 45 minutes of work that says I burned 140 calories. I know it is not correct.
Today I did Biceps, ABS and walked on the treadmill. I did Pyramid Biceps and Xtrain Disc#2 Biceps. This was a great workout, a lot of reps and it felt good.

Hammer Curls 10# x 12, 12# x 10, x #15 x 8, 12# x 10, x 10# x 12
Traditional Curls - same weights and reps

Alt. Curls- 15# x 16

Incline Curls- 15# x 16

Conc. Curls- 15# x 16

W Curls - 15# x 16

Incline Hammer Curls- 15# x 16

Preacher Curls - 12# x 16

Slo Mo Curls - 12# x 16

Incline Reverse Curls - 12# x 16

Crazy 8's Hammer Curls - 12# x 28

ABS Xtrain Core# 1

Walked on the treadmill 30 minutes, high incline, 1.6 miles.

Total Workout I burned 598 calories.

Debbie, I hope you feel better! Great treadmill workout even though you just walked.

Diane Sue, I noticed if I put lotion on my wrist prior to working out, my Fitbit doesn't read well. I make sure my skin is clean with nothing on it before I workout.

Roselyn, I hope your hand heals well and thank god you didn't cut the tendon!

Have a nice day.
This morning I did a mix of Pyramids and S&S Giant Sets. Worked Shoulders today and had a great workout!! Also, my bi's and tri's are really sore, yesterday I could hardly pick up my water bottle. :)

This is what I did:

From Pyramids:
Bent Over Flyes:
8's/10's/12's/10's/8's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Lateral Raise: 3's/5's/8's/5's/3's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Front Raise: 3's/5's/8's/5's/3's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
From Giant Sets:
Overhead Press:
15's - 16 reps
Upright Rows: 15's - 16 reps
Rear Delt Flyes: 12's - 16 reps
Incline Front Raise/Archs: 8's - 6 reps each (burner!!)
One Arm Lateral Raise: 5's - 2/2 ct., 2 singles - 2x's both arms

Then I did the Ab work from Pyramids, although I have to confess that I didn't do the pykes. Just didn't have it in me today to do. I did weighted crunches on the ball instead.

I also walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

Diane Sue - I know, I get so frustrated with these devices. All I know is, I work hard with each of my workouts and I guess that's all that matters.

Jolie - Nice workout. I love Xtrain, I may do those workouts next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Today I had a lot of interruptions through my workout. I did get it done though. I have to leave in a few minutes with Gertie. It takes a bit to get to her vet since we have used the same one for years and he is in another connecting city. My workout was Ice Low Impact Sweat Mish Mosh premix, step with blizzard blast mixed in, 38 minutes, 277 calories. I then did Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up upper Triceps 3 times mix, 31 minutes, 108 calories. Total time 69 minutes 409 calories. I wanted to use that Suzanne Bowen free barre and step try out and set up another password. Then I couldn't get it to play. That was a bit of an annoyance. Then my laptop decided it needed an update for Silverlight and to restart. I finally just left the laptop alone and went on with my workout. Then packages were delivered which took up time. I had planned on doing on of the Kelly Coffey Amped up Cardio workouts after the Ice workout but gave up because of time.

Debbie, nice workout again. Great job having some muscle soreness. I am noticing some but I know that is because I haven't done a lot in awhile. My triceps are surely going to feel it tomorrow. I can feel them now and I did not go as heavy as Cathe. I did the close grip press but I only used 8's so that was not much. The rest was just a little under Cathe's weights.
Today I did Kelly Coffey Amped Up Cardio both combined workouts, 56 minutes, 380 calories. I always have fun with this. I usually use weighted glove,s but since I am still working into things I did not use them yet. I then did Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant sets timesaver #1 lower body only, no warm up, 27 minutes, 140 calories.. This was 83 minutes, 520 calories. I also did the relaxation stretch from SB Barre Amped Strength and Stretch.
Today I did Xtrain Back. I added Deadlift and 1 arm horizontal rows at the end because I feel like this workout is too short.

1 arm row
30# x 10, x 10, x 11 TF

Barbell Rows
50# x 10, x 10, x 12 TF

Rear Flies
12# x 12, x 12, x 13 TF

50# x 10, x 10, x 12 TF

1 arm horizontal row
20# x 12, x 12, x 15 TF ( need to go heavier next time)

I burned 168 Calories.

My son as the flu and he has Winter Formal tonight. He has slept for 2 days straight but insisted on going because he didn't want to let his date down. I love that about him!

Diane Sue, great workout! You always amaze me!

Have a fabulous day and Happy Super Bowl Day tomorrow! Go Patriots!
Jolie, nice workout. Did your son get some Tamiflu to help him get better faster? We got the flu shots , but my daughter and I were talking about this last virus we had and wondered if it was the flu, because it had all of the symptoms of the flu, but we both only ran a low grade fever with it. I slept for two days and nights and it has been a couple of weeks. I am just getting my energy back.
This week I'm going to do 4 Day Split weight workouts. I did Chest & Back today and had a great workout.

Round 1

(warmup): hate these and didn't do them
One Arm Rows (warmup): 12#/16 reps
One Arm Rows: 30#/8 reps
Pushups - Full/Partial – 7x’s (love these!)
One Arm Rows – 30#/8 reps
Pushups – 8 singles/8 bottom/8 top

Round 2
Underhand BB Rows
– 55#/2 sets-7 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flyes – 25's/12 slow reps
Underhand BB Rows – 55#/2 sets-7 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flyes – 25's/12 slow reps

Round 3
One Arm Rows Palms Back
– 20#/12 reps
Decline Pushups – 12 reps

Round 4
Incline Pullovers
– 25#/8 reps
Incline DB Chest Press – 30's/12 reps

Round 5
Back Pulls w/Band

superset w/
Y’s w/Band - Skipped
Around the Clock Pushups - love these, wish I had room to go all the way around

Had a great workout!!! I also walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

Hope you all have great workouts today. Hopefully I'll be back later for personals.

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