Hardcore check in for January 2017

Today No workout for me. I am wiped out from painting! My back and shoulder and arm are so tired from painting, I cant believe it. The bathroom turned out great but I'm not sure if I love the color. It looks a little green when it is overcast, it is suppose to be a white/tan color named Pearl White.

I am glued to the tv today watching the coverage on President Donald Trump. I am very excited to see what he can do for our country!

Debbie, great Back and Bicep workout today!

Diane Sue, nice workout, nice calorie burn!

Roselyn, I feel for you! That must be so painful.

Running late to take my son to the Dermatologist.

Have a great day.
Roselyn, sorry I missed your post earlier. I am so sorry that you sliced yourself. That must have been painful. I hope it heals well and you do not need to see plastic surgeon.

Jolie, lighting definitely makes a difference in how a shade looks. I think our lighting with all of the sky lights are what makes our beige walls look almost gold to me. I do not like the color. I found a shade of white for the kitchen that goes well with the gun metal colored tin ceiling and nickel chandelier. It doesn't look too bad up against the beige where the kitchen ends. I would like to do the whole lower floor and loft room in that color. Maybe a different shade in the exercise room since it does not run on from the rest of the space. I so much wanted to get away from the beige in my bath that I went with a grey white. It is probably a bit too grey but I like it a lot better. My upstairs bath has a skylight I am looking forward to the inauguration. It is fascinating hearing all of the preparations being done.
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Today I did Xtrain Burn Sets Shoulders. I am really sore from the back/biceps workout, my biceps especially. I got really sore when I did the chest/tri's workout as well. :)

Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 1 set/10 reps (to failure)

Single Arm Lateral Raise: 8# - 2 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 8# - 1 sets/12 reps (to failure)

Single Arm Rear Delt Flye: 10# - 2 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Rear Delt Flye: 10# -1 sets/14 reps (to failure)

Scarecrow: 5's - 12 reps

I also did KP&C abs and then I walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

I am looking forward to the inauguration as well but I won't be able to watch it. I'll have to Youtube it later on. Looking forward to seeing what Trump can do for our country. I think it will be great!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!! Have a great weekend as well!!
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Cycle Sweat Timesaver 3, another 4 gone, 42 minutes, 8.53 miles, 313 calories. My grandson came over today and I wanted to watch he inauguration so that is all I did. I loved Trump's speech today. I wish we had cable so I could hear Fox News because listening to the other media and the things they come up with irritates me. . I have two of my younger grandchildren coming over tonight and tomorrow I have to put together a birthday cake for my grandson's 19th birthday party on Sunday. I am going to have to got o the store to pick up some things.
God Bless America!!! What a spectacular day! I walked on the treadmill and watched President Trump being sworn into office. I walked for 60 minutes, traveled 3.2 miles, 6.5 incline, max heart rate 181 and I burned 720 calories. This was the easiest workout ever, the time fly by and I loved the news coverage. I haven't turned off the tv since 6am and it is now 2:15pm.

Debbie, great shoulder workout today. Don't you just love being sore after you workout! I feel like I did something different and I am getting results. You will love the Presidential Coverage! Melania was stunning!

Diane Sue, nice Cycle workout. I loved Trump's speech as well. I have been watching Fox News all day and they covered the event in a great way, I felt like I was there myself. I hope your Grandson has a wonderful birthday.

Roselyn, I hope you had a nice workout. How is your hand?

I will be watching the news all weekend and Sunday I will be watching he Football Championship games! Good Times!!
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Jolie, lucky you. I would have loved to watch Fox news instead of hearing negative commentary after I just got done hearing a great speech.
I am watching Trump's speech right now on YouTube , it's excellent. He knows what he's doing and I can't wait to see the outcome!!!!! Awesome day!!!

Melania is a beautiful woman, I am so proud that she is our virst lady!
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Today my workout was Chest and Abs. I am so tired today from my workout yesterday and not sleeping well. I did 3 exercises and each were progressive sets. I like this way of working out, I really feel the burn and I don't have to lift too heavy, great for avoiding injury.

Chest Press DB-
15# x 15
20# x 12
25# x 8
25# x 8
20# x 12
15# x 15

Chest Flies-
12# x 15
15# x 12
20# x 8
20# x 8
15# x 12
12# x 15

Incline Chest Press DB-
15# x 15
20# x 12
25# x 8
25# x 8
20# x 12
15# x 15

ABS- Les Mills Extreme Cardio Fighter and some extra exercises.

I burned 234 calories.

I'm off to look at a car for my son, I think it is too fast, but I will at least look at it.

Have a nice day!
Today I did 4 Day Spit lower impact step mix, 37 minutes, 252 calories. I followed this with Lean Legs and Abs no core timesaver mix 2 no core, 34 minutes, 132 calories. total time 76 minutes, calories burned 384.
I need to finish up the cake I am making for my Grandson 19's birthday tomorrow.

Jolie, nice work with the progressive sets today. Good luck looking at the car. It is a challenge finding the right car for the teenagers. My husband went shopping with my grandson 16 when he got his car.

Debbie, Trump has already started some changes. I have a lot of hope that he will fix some things.
Today I did Back & Chest from Ramped Up Upper Body. Went heavy and really felt it. I really like this workout.

One Arm Row:
30# - 16 reps
One Arm Back Fly: 12# - 10 reps
(Did this twice through, both sides)
Pullovers: 35# - 2 sets/10 reps
Rear Delt Flys: 12's - 2 sets/10 reps rest and then did it again
T-Band Pulls: Skipped

Chest Flys:
25's - 12 reps
Push Ups: Drop sets - 12/10/8 reps
Chest Flys: 25's - 12 reps
Push Ups: 4 sets - 2/2 cnt, 2 singles
Incline Press: 25's - 16 reps
I added the incline press, just didn't feel like I did enough for chest.

Then I walked at 3% incline at a fast pace for a little over 1 mile. Worked up a good sweat.

Diane Sue & Jolie - Nice workouts this weekend! I was so lazy!

Roselyn - Hope you are doing well.
Today I did Muscle Meltdown Back and finished with ABS. I felt like it was too easy, next time I will up some of my weights. This workout is 3 rounds of a Giant Set which includes 5 exercises, no rest between exercises.

1 arm row- 25# x 12, x 12, x 12

Pullovers- 25# x 12, x 12, x 12

1 arm horiz. row- 20# x 12, x 12, x 12

Barbell underhand rows- 40# x 12, x 12, x 12

Stiff leg deadlifts- 40 x 12, x 12, x 12
(slight bend in the knee)

I put together my own ab workout using my favorite exercises.

Workout was 30 minutes and I burned 220 Calories.

Debbie, nice Chest and Back workout today. Good job on the pushups! I stay away from them because they hurt my shoulder, I know I should do them but I just don't anymore.

Diane Sue and Roselyn, I will be back later to read your posts.

I'm a huge Patriots fan so I am pretty pumped up about them going to the Super Bowl!!!

Have a nice day!
Today I did Cathe's Low Impact Circuit Lower body Circuit, 56 minutes, 383 calories. I had to go run some errands since I have my grandson staying tonight and I will be taking him to school in the morning. His mother had to do an early surgery tomorrow so needed someone to get him to school. I was so dragging through this workout today. I am still not feeling up to much. Usually that was always an easy workout to me. My fit bit had me at 179 max heart rate this morning. I felt I was working hard but I don't think that was accurate. Map my Fitness had me over 450 calories burned with the heart rate from my Fit Bit. I didn't use it though. I go in for my 6 week post op visit. Hopefully I can get the go ahead for more workouts.

Roselyn, how are you? Are you healing?

Debbie, nice work on Ramped Up today.

Jolie, I really do like those Muscle Meltdown Giant sets. Nice work today.
Today I did Run Fit with Candace and had an excellent workout. Love this workout and I think I did my personal best with it today. Really was sweating. Knees were bothering me a bit and my inner thigh got tight, but that didn't stop me. I need to do some stretching when I get home this evening, which I plan to do.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 3.59 miles, burned 374 calories (TM said 494) and went 7320 steps. Average HR was 122 and max was 162, although that didn't last long. It seemed each time I looked at my HR it was showing around 130-140.

Jolie - I don't know why Cathe does so many pushups in her workouts. I do like to do them sometimes, though. They don't seem to bother me.

Diane Sue - Sorry you still are 100%, it sure seems to be taking you long to recover from that. Do you see your doctor again anytime soon? Is it normal to feel like you do after what you had done? Take care, maybe you need to rests for a few days.

Roselyn - Hope your hand is healing.
Today was a short workout. I did SS Total Body Giant Sets Timesaver Lower Body only, 32 minutes, 142 calories. By the time I came back from taking my grandson to school and doing some errands I just was not feeling the workout. My daughter had an ablation surgery this morning for fibroids. So I kept my grandson overnight and took him to school this morning. He is so cute :) He had to go check in the mirror this morning to see if I did the flip back thing on the front of his hair right.

Debbie, I have had two viruses set in while recovering from the surgery which has not helped me out at all. I think I have had a few days where I thought my energy and everything was finally returning and then I am back where I was. This last one felt a lot like flu symptoms but no high fever so I am guessing it is something else unless the flu shot I had let me have a milder case of the flu. I go for my 6 week post op check up tomorrow morning. Hopefully I get the go ahead for more activity. I feel like I have rested a lot. To bed early up later, naps. I seriously am not my usual very active self. My appetite has not been wonderful either.
Nice work on the treadmill today :) Hopefully I have the energy and time before my appointment for some cardio tomorrow.
My hand is healing i guess I have no feeling on the skin at all but i see the doctor monday to get stitches out and see if the skin is viable

I have been keeping up with workouts, i have to so careful not to bump it

I did a couple new workouts Beast Up Legs and Beast Up Chest/Shoulders and Triceps
Diane - I'm sorry to hear that, I had no idea you have been I'll like that, sure hope you get back to normal soon.

Roselyn - I didn't think you'd be able to Workout for a while, glad to hear you are. What is Beast Up Legs and the other one you did? New Body Beast by chance?
Today I did cardio. I walked uphill on the treadmill for 60 minutes, 7.0 incline, traveled 3.3 miles and I burned 641 calories!! My max heart rate got up to 184 today, I was really working. I increased my speed just a little and that changed everything. It is amazing how one small change in your workout can get your body to react in a positive way. It is 2pm and I have already walked 16,000 steps! I have been running errands all day.

Debbie, good job on the cardio workout today. I hope your knees feel better and I know that the stretching will help your inner leg area. My hamstrings and hip flexors are getting tight, I need to take the time to stretch as well.

Diane Sue, nice workout today even though you had a hard time fitting it in. If I don't workout first thing in the morning It is hard for me to get going. I look forward to hear what your doctor says about your recovery and what you can do for workout going forward. Good luck! I am glad you got to spend some time with your grandson!

Roselyn, I cant believe you are working out! I hope your hand heal nicely.

I want to start juicing this spring. Is it worth it? I would have to buy a juicer and get some recipes. I love to drink my meals more than I like to eat. I suppose that is why I like soup so much. Let me know your thoughts on the matter.

Have a nice day!
Jolie, I have never done juicing. I did o a 30 day green smoothie challenge and used an app from young and raw. I enjoyed some of the smoothies and some I did not. I got a Ninja to use. It has lasted much better than my two magic bullets I had. Anyway, I felt good when I did that. I would make one at lunch time and it sip at it over the afternoon. By dinner I was never that hungry after all of that liquid smoothie. I got to where I pretty much knew which ingredients I would not like. You can substitute other recipes for the daily one on the calendar. I preferred the ones that had some fruit in them and a little piece of ginger was pretty good. I did not like the ones that called for a whole lemon, skin and all. I found if I just put the juice in I was fine. Right now I just drink a greens powder(right now Green Vibrance by vibrant health) every morning with the addition of Vibrant health joint Vibrance, some turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and juice of a lemon. I put a few drops of stevia in. This is my morning drink before I have coffee in the mornings. That is the more pricey of the greens powders from this company but I am using it to try to improve my immune system. They have an essential greens powder which costs less and also one that is Maximum Vibrance that includes a plant based protein with the greens. These all have a substantial amount of probiotics in them. It is a very good product. I have contemplated doing a green smoothie challenge again though.
Today I did the Biceps and Triceps workout from Ramped Up. Had a great workout. Upped my weights and what a difference!! Love this workout.


Hammer Curls:
20's - 12 reps
Sweeping Curls: 15's - 12 reps
Isolation Curls: 12's - 4 reps of very slow pattern
Standing Bicep Curls: 15's - 12 reps
Band Crazy Eights: 2 times through

Close Grip Bench Press:
20's - 8 reps
Close Grip Bench Press: 20's - 12 reps
Dips: 32 reps/16 reps
Lying Extensions: 12's - 3 sets/different patterns
Standing Overhead Extension: 12's - 10 reps
Band Kickbacks: skipped

I also had time to walk on my treadmill at a 3% incline for 1.5 miles. Should have worked abs but will do that tomorrow or Friday.

Roselyn - I found the Beast Up workouts, I wish they weren't online only. Do you have to pay to get them? I'm sure you do. I wish BB would do another Body Beast workout series on DVDs.

Jolie - Juicing is expensive. You need a whole lot of fruit to make one cup of juice. I tried it once but it really wasn't cost effective. It's good for you, but a pain to do and like I said, expensive.

Diane Sue - I also have Ninja, love that thing. The blades seem to be getting a bit dull but I've been using the thing every day for probably 2 years now. I may invest in a new one soon.
Cardio today

Debbie I think those Beast Up are on BB demand I found some videos on them with the exercises, someone also sent me the pdf for them on facebook.


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