Hardcore check in for January 2017

I looked into juicing and I am not going to do it because of the cost and I hear the juicers are a pain to clean. I will make some smoothies using both fruits and veggies instead. Thank you for all of your input. I found some good recipes online so I will try some of those and see what I think. I found one with green apples, ginger, spinach, lemon and water. I thought I would put in some pineapple or a banana too. I might put in some cayenne pepper because it is so good for circulation and it drives nutrients into the cells.

Today I did Pyramid Upper Body, Chest, Biceps and Triceps only. I love this workout if you are short on time. I also walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes, traveled 2.2 miles, 7.0 incline and I burned a total of 609 calories for both weight work and cardio. I am not going to post my weights, it's the same old, same old. I don't feel like lifting much this week so I am going to do just a little and do more cardio.

Debbie, great workout. I might try that one using your weights and see if I can do it!

Diane Sue, let us know what your doctor says today regarding your recovery. Hopefully you will get the ok to increase your weight work.

Roselyn, I am going to check out those workouts by Sigi.

I hope you all have a fab day!
This morning I had to cut my workout short. I chose Cardio Slam and figured I could do all of it because on the case it says 41 minutes. In reality it was 51 minutes. I was pushing it and stopped when there was 3 moves left for the step portion and I did the standing portion of the stretch. This was 45 minutes, 343 calories. I had to really rush to get showered and my hair dried and everything to go to my appointment. Fortunately it is close. I didn't modify as much today except for the burpee, plank moves.
My appointment went well. He said I can go back to my workouts but would like me to ease into the upper body and give it a couple of weeks before I really go at it again. We had a discussion on how to handle things if the need arises for tests like I just went through and my mammograms. Trying to get the people to understand the issues when they read the reports.
Anyway, I felt somewhat better this morning and the workout went pretty well. I would like to have done the entire workout.

Roselyn, looking at the pdf those Beast workouts look pretty good. It seems Beach Body is making a push for their online workouts. I am surprised that there are new ones there now. I thought they were pretty much just having mostly older workouts available. They must have changed things?

Debbie, nice workout today. I have had my Ninja for almost 3 years now and use it all of the time. You can buy just the part with the blade. I have not done it, but one time it stuck and would not move. I think there must have been some protein powder or something dried in the base of the blade because my husband used some pliers and loosened it and it went back to working fine. I was going to order another part. I didn't realize that there were so many different models till I looked for the part.
Jolie, I purchased the Wild Diet Smoothies book from Amazon. I was a little annoyed though when I found that the Wild Diet cookbook's smoothie section was the same exact smoothies. The smoothie book alone was not that costly though. He has a high performance smoothie in the book that looks great but I doubt I will ever have all of the ingredients on hand. It has berries and protein powder along with a lot of other things. I could probably get away with my whey protein and greens powder for some of the ingredients. I do have chia and hemp seeds. He puts some droppers of B12 in it as well. It really would probably kick up the energy if done how it is laid out.
Today I did Cardio Coach 5 and had a really good workout. I remember when I hated this workout, now it's becoming one of my favorites. The first challenge is 3 - 4 minute hill climbs and I usually just do a fast pace walk up 10-15% incline. Today I decided to run up the hill but of course I didn't have the incline that high. I did about 3% and ran the whole thing, really tough. My legs are so sore right now, I definitely have to stretch later on today.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran 3.62 miles, burned 379 calories (TM said 502) and went 7416 steps.

Diane Sue - Glad your appointment went well and that you can start doing upper body again, just take it slow and light for a while. I guess I could just buy the blade for my Ninja, I'll have to look into that.

Jolie - Nice workout, I also love PUB. I've been wanting to do it for some time now. Need to.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Boot Camp Basic Premix 1 that includes the abs. I did not do the push ups/fly portion. I just did some run ups on the step. Also I skipped the push ups on that final ab combo. I just did the plank walks. I went light on the whole workout. Mostly a bit lower than Cathe other than just lower work. This was 58 minutes, 356 calories. I then did Lean Legs and Abs mix, timesaver 3 chair/firewalker and bonus barre. I wore 3# ankle weights for the bonus barre and on the chair portion I used a 10# dumbbell and the blue firewalker loop for firewalkers. I used pink for the side lying outer leg stuff. I can never manage that with heavier. This was 37 minutes, 143 calories. 499 total calories and 96 minutes. I still go nuts over the varying calorie burns. Boot Camp was 265 Fit Bit :O , Calories burned calculator Net calories 356, Map My Fitness using blue tooth and the fit bit, 469, Cathe 500 at a met value of 8. I checked it with a met of 6 which felt more how I thought it felt and it would have been 371. I took the next to the lowest burn as Fit Bit was just too low IMO.

Debbie, it is funny how some of those workouts grow on you after awhile. I have had that happen before. Nice workout. I thought I would start out with something like I did today that was relatively light. The most Cathe picks up is the 20# barbell. I was careful of anything that seemed to pull in chest more though. I did not do pullovers even on the abs I did not do the pull over move. I held the dumbbell but no pullover.
Today was my rest day. I ran errands and went shopping for most of the day. I just looked at my Fitbit and I walked 19,000 steps today!!!

Great workouts today ladies!
Today I did Shoulders from Ramped Up Upper Body. Really like this workout and I especially like how you can break it up so easily.

From Ramped Up:
Overhead Press:
15's - 12 reps
Front Raise: 15# - 12 reps
Lateral Raise: 5's - 8 singles/4 partials/8 singles
Overhead Press: 15's - 12 reps
Front Raise: 15# - 12 reps
Lateral Raise: 5's - 8 singles/3 partials/4 singles
Lateral Band Circles: 32 reps each front and back
Rear Band Delt Kickbacks: 32 reps

I also did the Bonus Abs from S&S and I walked on my treadmill for almost 2.25 miles.

Diane Sue - I agree, no pullovers for you yet. Nice job on your workout, though, I bet it felt good to do something with weights again.

Jolie - I hope you enjoyed your rest day. How the heck did you walk 19,000 steps just by running errands? Nice job! I find when I go shopping I hardly get any steps because your more or less shuffling from one rack to another. Even at the grocery store, I'm lucky if I get 100 steps by the time I get done. Plus when I'm pushing a cart, my Fitbit doesn't register my steps, which is ridiculous. Nice going, though! I don't get those kinds of steps unless I run on my treadmill and then have a training all day where I'm walking around constantly.

Roselyn - Hope you are having good workouts. Thanks or the info on BB.
Jolie, wow on the steps. I do not get that kind of step coun. Even a couple of days ago when i went to the grocery store and did cardio slam i ended the dat with 7717 steps. Yesterday with Bootcamp Strong and Sweaty and my house cleaning I was only 5191. I rarely get 10000 steps. The days I have I was either walking the fairgrounds or chasing my 2 year old grandson up and down the stairs.
Maybe it is the way I walk.

Debbie maybe we need to march through the stores with our carts lol.
I went to the mall yesterday, which is one of the largest in the US, then I went to Nordstrom Rack, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Sprouts, Ralphs, and Target!!! Also, I got in two dog walks one in the morning and one in the late afternoon and each were one mile long. I have no problem getting in 13,000 steps per day ever! I always park at the farthest parking spot away from the store and I always walk my dog one to two times per day, he loves it!

Today I did Shoulders, my own workout and Biceps, Four Day Split. I absolutely love the 4 Day Split workouts. I have to start doing them again. I ended with ABS from STS Total Body. I also did a 50 rep Challenge for Biceps using 10# DB's. Total calorie burn was 374.

BB Overheard Seated Press
35# x 15, x 12, x 10
25# x 15 BOS TF

1 Arm Lateral Raise
12# x 12, x 10, x 9
2 Arm Lateral Raise
10# x 12 BOS
8# x 11 BOS

Rear Flies
12# x 15, x 13, x 12
10# x 15 BOS

Hammer Curls with a twist DB
10# x 12
8# x 10

Traditional Curls DB
15# x 8
20# x 6

Crazy Eights BB
25# x 24

Reverse Curls
12# x 12

Incline Hammer Curls
15# x 16

2 Arm Seated Curls
15# x 10

Conc. Curls
15# x 16, x 13

50 Rep Bicep curls 10# all in one set! Biceps are fried!

ABS, STS Total Body

Great job on your workouts today!

It is so windy here today, Holy Santa Ana Winds!!! Sunday it is supposed to be 78 degrees and its only 60 degrees today.

Have a wonderful day!
This morning I did Cardio Slam again, I didn't do all of the step last time. I did the mix that does not have the mat portion in it, 34 minutes, 244 calories. I then did Ice Low Impact Sweat workout 2, 28 minutes, 219 calories. I finished off with Yoga Relax express #1 from the Low Impact series, 28 minutes, 45 calories. I chose this one because there was not a bunch of up dog down dog flow to it. Total workout time was 90 minutes and calories burned, 508.

Debbie, it was great being able to do more again. Now I can look forward to some of my workouts. Nice job on the Ramped Up workout. I do like the mixes on these workouts and was glad when I saw each body part could be done on it's own. I like that the Total Body Giant sets has mixes where you can do several sets of the lower body only.

Jolie, now I see how you got so many steps in. I am not prone to parking too far from the stores. It always seems there is some odd person wandering around in the parking lot. I would worry. The mall that I go to does have security that patrols though. The Mall with the most stores though is terrible for parking. They have parking garage you can use. I only go there if I have someone with me and I go early on a week day. I really am not wild about going to the mall anymore. I used to take my girls all of the time, but when they grew up my want to go left.
4 Day Split is a good set of workouts.
Today, I wanted to check out the format of Strong and Sweaty PHA training. I did the whole workout but upper body was much lower weight and I did not do the release push ups or the pullovers. I subbed some hammer curls and triceps kickbacks for the push ups and I did delt flys for pull overs 2 sets then a set of reciprocating lawn mowers. I was trying to find what I thought would get the heart pumping a bit more. Very light on lying triceps extensions at 8 and 10# and one set of dips with a dumbbell in my lap. This was 44 minutes, 237 calories . We had a birthday party for my grandson 6 today at a bounce place.
Saturday I did Cardio. 50 minutes on the treadmill, 6.5 incline, 2.5 miles. Next I ran on the elliptical for 10 minutes and traveled 1.5 miles. Total workout was 1 hour, 4 miles and burned 624 calories. Next I went on a 1.5 mile dog walk and ran some errands. I was so tired by the end of the day, I looked at my fitbit and I walked 20,000 steps!!! I don't know how I do it sometimes but I did!

Diane Sue, nice workout! I haven't done that one yet but it looks good. I am doing one or two body parts a day right now so when I am up for a change I will try it. I hope you had a good time at the birthday party!

Today is Sunday and it is a rest day. My parents came for the weekend so I wanted to go out with my mother while she got some shopping done and then out to lunch.

It is 80 degrees here today and will be for the next couple of days.
This morning I did a mix of Pyramids and S&S Giant Sets. Worked Chest and Back today and had a great workout!! Pyramid workout felt really easy, probably should have gone up in weights. This is what I used last time, though, and remember it being tough.

This is what I did:

From Pyramids:
Chest Flyes:
12's/15's/20's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Chest Press: 12's/15's/20's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
From Giant Sets:
Chest Flyes on the Ball:
25's - 16 reps
Chest Press on the Ball: 25's - 12 reps
PushUps: 2/2 ct. 2 singles 4x's then 8 singles

From Pyramids:
12's/15's/20's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Double Arm Row: 12's/15's/20's/15's/12's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
From Giant Sets:
One Arm Row:
25# - 16 reps
Pullovers: 30# - 16 reps

The walked on my treadmill for 2 miles. Worked out a little longer because we are having major snow right now and I'm going in late. So was happy to have some extra time with my workout.

Nice workouts this weekend Diane Sue and Jolie!! I should have done something, I felt so lazy this weekend.

Roselyn - Hope all is well!
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Boot camp, timesaver 7 no upper mix, 35 minutes, 251 calories. This still has the metabolic weight sections so it is not exactly no upper. I did not do the push up/fly combo. Instead I just did some lunges off the step with dumbbells. I then did Strong and Sweaty Abs, (no push ups or pull over moves) 14 minutes, 68 calories. I wanted to ta bit more weight workout so I did Total Body Giant Seats rounds 5 and 6 with the stretch(last lower round and arms round) 19 minutes, 109 calories. I finished off with Les Mills Pump Flow 21 minutes, 46 calories. Total time was 89 minutes, calories burned 474. I have an early appointment tomorrow, but am hoping to get in a bit of cardio before I have to be there . I used Cathe's weights on lower body and biceps. I could tell doing biceps that I am a bit weaker. 15# felt hard. I went lighter on triceps. It is hard to isolate triceps without pulling in shoulders and chest.

Debbie, I like using the stability ball in the Total Body Giant sets workouts. That is one of the things I liked about the Muscle Meltdown workouts on Ice. I like the 5 exercise format for each upper body part on Ice Muscle Meltdown/ Great workout combo today.
Yesterday and today no workout. I am a little under the weather, No energy and light headed. I am listening to my body and just taking a rest from working out. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.

Debbie and Diane Sue, nice workouts!!!

82 degrees here today!
legs today and I did chest, shoulders and triceps yesterday

my hand is not healing well, the skin is not attaching correctly so I see a hand surgeon tomorrow, on an antibiotic because that area is also infected. So stitches did not come out today
Jolie, it doesn't hurt to take a rest. You have put in some great workouts and walks. It is probably just time for a bit of a break.

Roselyn, I am sorry to hear your hand is not healing well. I hope you get something positive from the surgeon without major surgery. I am surprised that you have been able to do the weight workouts.
Today I did Cardio Coach 3. I have to say, my running is getting really good lately. I know I've been running for a very long time, but I finally feel like I'm getting good at it. Today my breathing was perfect and even though my FB said my HR got up into the 160's for most of the workout (I know, right?) - I felt awesome. Never ever thought I'd feel like this about cardio let alone about running.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.81 miles, burned 299 calories (TM said 375) and went 5660 steps.

Roselyn - I think you should hold off on working out until your hand heals. That might be what's making it like that. I hope it gets better soon.

Diane Sue - I have a love/hate relationship with ball workouts. I do like it most of the time, but then sometimes it's just a pain and I'd rather use my bench. How do you like S&S abs? I like that workout.

Jolie - Nice job listening to your body. Hope you feel better soon.
Today I did Rock m Sock m Kickbox, 50 minutes, 397 calories. I had a doctor appointment this morning so that was all I had time for. I left there to do some shopping that needed done.
I don't know what was up with my Fit Bit this morning. I got up and put it on and went upstairs and back down, made coffee and put some laundry on and looked and it said I had 0 steps and 0 floors. I have been up and down the stairs multiple times today vacuuming and putting things away after shopping. It says 4 floors and after the workout and Walmart and the doctors and cleaning I only have a little over 6000 steps. I hope it is not malfunctioning. If I wear it to bed I generally start out with a bunch of steps which does not make sense to me. Yesterday with weights and boot camp etc.. I only had 5963 steps for the whole day. I should set my cell and drag it around for a day and see what it comes up with. Although I do not want to work out with my cell phone strapped to me. I do have a arm bad holder for it. Maybe there is a reset or something for the Fit Bit. I don't sit around all day long by any means.

Debbie, my Fit Bit once in awhile gives me a high heart rate reading and I figure it must have been a very short time or it is not working right. Today it had my max at 178. I swear I have never had that high of heart rate with a regular heart rate monitor watch and strap. Although Fit Bit comes back with lower calorie reads. I really like my Fit Bit, but sometimes it has me scratching my head and wondering. I realize it uses a different method of evaluating activity. It really depends on what I am doing how it reads. Hiit gives me lower reads even on heart rate which is so odd. Then a lower intensity workout may come out with a high calorie expenditure. I don't recall having that high of an average like you did. You are probably getting really good at the running. When I used to use my treadmill all of the time I would average around 158 throughout a workout when I was working hard.
Today I did Chest and Triceps. I am feeling better today. I think I just needed a break...

Chest Press DB
25# x 15, x 13, x 10

Chest Flies
20# x 15, x 13, x 11

Incline Chest Press DB
25# x 13, x 11, x 10

Incline Flies
20# x 15, x 13, x 11

Lying Triceps ext.
15# x 13, x 12, x 11

Cross Body lying ext.
12# x 15, x 13, x 11

1 Arm kickbacks
10# x 14, x 10, x 9 ( Could have gone heavier)

I went to my foot surgeon today, and of course, I have a terrible problem with a broken foot and a big toe joint that is fusing together. But the good news is, he thinks the pain is coming from a pinched nerve. I got a Cortisone shot to see if that helps. If it is in fact a nerve issue, I could have the nerve removed and that would eliminate the pain altogether. The bad news, my toes would be numb in some places but that is better than the pain I endure daily. I cant do any intense walking for the next couple of days so I will knock out my weights and do more cardio at the end of the week.

Debbie, great run today!!! I am so happy for you. Nothing better than having a kickass workout! I would love to be able to run, but it isn't going to happen. I am ok with walking.

Diane Sue, I am so glad you can do more with your workouts. That was a good calorie burn for that workout. Is there a lot of jumping in that workout! I like the ones with less jumping jacks and air jacks because it hurts my foot. I like the boxing workouts that Cathe has on her live workouts. My fitbit gives me fits sometimes too.

Roselyn, do you think that lifting weights puts too much pressure on your hand and cut and that is why it is not healing? Maybe just do some cardio until you go to the surgeon. Just a thought! Nothing worse than dealing with body issues and health issues.

Have a fabulous day!

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