Hard Core Fitness Maniacs September 2024

Roselyn, I am so sorry to hear that you have Covid. I hate that stuff. Is it as bad as it was a few years ago? I hear it is milder now, not as strong as it was. Feel better.

It is so hot here and it will be for the next 5 days! It is suppose to be 107 degrees at the beach on Sunday!!!! I took the pup for a 2 mile walk this morning and went home, too humid and we were both wiped out. I may start lifting again on Sunday but it may be too hot. I am enjoying my rest week.

Belinda, have a nice rest of your trip.

Diane Sue, great job with the step and tone workout! I love those workouts. I need to look into this one that you did to see what it is like, maybe I will try it.

Debbie, Great workout! Are you going to do Body Beast and if so, are you doing the whole series rotation? I think I may just do whatever till October and then buckle down on a rotation.

Make it a great day.
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This morning I only had time to do a half hour workout because I had to be at work early. I just walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes, burned 198 calories and went 1.5 miles. Good, short workout.

Jolie - Wow, I can't believe how hot it is where you are, I always thought you all had perfect weather all the time. It has been cool here, almost like fall. I sort of like it but I don't want it to get too cold too soon. I am thinking of starting Body Beast on Monday but sort of not quite sure yet. So I can't give you an answer. I may do a week of the workouts next week and then see how I feel. Like you, I am not looking to get bulky or muscular, so I'm wondering if I even should do it? Decisions Decisions...

Belinda - I can't believe you time in Key West is almost over. Where does the time go? Yikes!!! Glad your knees are doing better.

Diane - I did see those jump workouts. I doubt I will do them, jumping isn't my thing anymore. I haven't even previewed them. Great job with your workout yesterday. It puts me in pain every time I clean as well, even if I just mop. My back and shoulders hurt all over.

Roselyn - Oh no!! I sure hope you get better soon!!

Hope you all have a great weekend! So glad it's Friday. It sure was a long week for a 4 day work week for some reason.
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I did not sleep well last night and just did CDorner Day 10 Spinal Mobility and Yacht Rock 80's full body stretch, 52 minutes. I spent some time looking at workouts, and just decided I would rest and recovery from all of the stuff I did yesterday.

Roselyn, I hope you feel better soon. One of my friends texted me and her family have covid. We changed the day I am hosting our game day group so she can be here.

Jolie, nice that you got out for a walk with the pup this morning. 107 would be way to hot for going for a walk.

Debbie, good job on the treadmill walk today. I suppose I should look at the jump workouts. I did check out the start of the first one she put out and listened to her encouraging jumping if you can because it is good and she only jumps onto the step. I did go further than her introduction. I don't think my joints would be happy with me right now.
Today I did CDorner 30 day mobility challenge Day 6 Morning Mobility 12 minutes, 24 calories. I then did Raw Fine Tuning, 39 minutes, (36 actual) 91 calories. I finished with CDorner Challenge day 2 seated upper body stretch, 18 minutes, 22 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 137 calories. The moves in fine tuning works a lot of my problem areas.

Raw Fine Tuning
1 minute each move 5# dumbbells and optional ankle weights (I used 3# ankle weights) moves done slowly.
Workout is designed to work on minor muscle groups to prep for heavier weight training days. It works on shoulders, upper back, and hips. Kelly says if done at least once a week it will help progress with heavier weights.
Round 1 alternates lower and upper body
lateral raise/scare crow 5# dbs
balance shin block
triceps kickback/bent over scapular squeeze
leg lift behind/bend at knee/release balance move
pec deck/overhead press scapular squeeze
leg lift forward/ reach with opposite arm towards toe/crunch balance
squat/ push out 5# db 1 minute right then 1 minute left
Round 2 repeat all moves
Today is supposed to be 107 degrees at the beach! We also have a fire in the San Bernardino mountains, and it is so smoky out it is hard to breath. I chose not to workout again today, trying to just make it through this terrible weather. We have 3 more days of high heat and then it will go back to the high 70's. No workout again, but i did intend on taking the week off anyway. I will bring some equipment into the house tomorrow and get in a workout. All I can say is, this sucks!
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We just got home. It’s cold here :( I have the heater.

We drove from the Key West to stayed one night in Jacksonville FL. Yesterday I ended up with almost 4 miles, not what I planned to do. We stayed at the hotel 2 years ago, loved the beach. When I tried to walk from the campground to the beach with should have been 10 min. Turned out to be a 4 mile walk. I was wondering everywhere there was constructions and the access to the beach was blocked off. I had to walk all the way to the hotel which we stayed 2 years go, to access the beach. When I walked I noticed a sand wall going up which was there before. I couldn‘t help myself, I ask a couple on the beach what happened to the beach? He told me the hurricane washed away all the dunes on the beach they are trying to keep the water from coming in further :( Not the beautiful beach I remember. My short walk turned out to be a long one. I did ended up walking along the beach there was no other way around to the campground. No shot cuts. Very sad!

Last night we stayed one night in Nord.Carolina. Beautiful campground. Very hilly and had a nice lake. Lots of nice hiking. I did ended up walking around the campground. We did stopped at rest areas to get some walks in. Got in a few today.

I am tired I will catch up tomorrow. Good night.
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This morning I did Body Beast Chest & Tris. What a mistake. I cannot do this series anymore, I don't know what it is with all the testosterone talk, but I just can't deal with it. Plus this series is really intense and I feel like I might injure myself doing it. So this is the only one I'm doing and I think I'm going to mix STS 1 & 2 together and see if I can come up with a good rotation. I'll use the Strength segment of STS 1 and then mix in STS 2 workouts. We'll see. Anyways, this is how my workout went today:

Dumbbell Chest Press: 15's/20's/25's/20's - 15/12/8/8

Incline Fly: 12's/15's/20's - 15/12/8
Incline Chest Press: 15's/20's/25's/20's - 15/12/8/8

Giant Set:
Close Grip Press: 12's/15's/20's - 15/12/8 reps
Partial Chest Fly: 12's/15's/20's - 15/12/8 reps
Pushups: 10/9/8 reps

Lying Triceps Extension: 8's/10's/12's/10's - 15/12/8/8 reps

Super Set:
Single Arm Kickbacks: 5#/8#/10#/8# - 15/12/8/8 reps
Triceps Pushups: I did band pulldowns

Dips - Skipped
Ins and Outs - Skipped

Workout was 47 minutes, burned 185 calories and HR was 96/131.

No time for personals, I'm heading into a meeting. Great job with your workouts everyone!!
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I walked after i got home from the infusion and did STS 2.0 LB1.

Debbie - great job today.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
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Today I did STS 2 Metabolic Core Warm Up 11 minutes, 49 calories, CDorner Biceps and Triceps 34 minutes, 77 calories, and CDorner Vertical Step Aerobics #417, 31 minutes, 136 calories, heart rate 117/143. Total time was 76 minutes, 262 calories. The CDorner Workouts were posted today.
I started to do Raw yoga stretch, but my daughter called and was telling about their travels to Spain and Rome so I just laid on my foam roller vertically and talked to her while I moved side to side on it. I slept 8 hours last night, but still feel so fatigued and want to nod off. Hopefully that goes aways.

CDorner Biceps and Triceps timed 45 seconds work each move 15 seconds rest
uses 8,10,12,15 lb dumbbells

Alternating twisting curls 15# dbs
W curls 12# dbs
hammer curls up then slow down15# dbs
iso hold alternating curls 12# dbs
reach out sides pull in 5# dbs (I think Chris decided on a 5 or 6# dbs)
1 arm kickbacks with a twist 10# db
overhead triceps extension 1 1/2 15# db
regular kickbacks 10# dbs
alternating twist biceps curl iso hold 12# dbs
biceps curls out to side pulsing to front 10# dbs
hammer curls slow 15# dbs
45 second iso hold biceps curl
lying triceps alternating 10# dbs
lying triceps 15# db holding ends 15# db
lying triceps iso hold 43 sec.
Super Set 3 minutes
alternates hammer curls 10 reps and kickbacks 10 reps 8# db

Debbie, I don't think I could push through Body Beast. Right now my upper back is bothering me. It started hurting last night after I carried out buckets of aquarium water. Maybe it doms from Saturday's weight work for strengthening that I did of Kelly's for fine tuning those little areas for heavier lifting later. Hopefully it gets better. It hurt to lay on the floor today.

Belinda, that ended up being a long walk on the beach to get to the hotel you had stayed in. It is nice to be able to stop and rest along the way back. I hope the infusion is helping. Nice work on STS 2.0 lower body 1 today.

Jolie, hopefully the air clears soon and fires are gone. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Wow, I'm really sore from yesterday's Beast workout. Maybe I should just do them on my own? I don't know. I sort of like the idea of doing STS 1 and 2 together and see how I like that.That's probably what I'll do.

Today I did RAW Heavy Bag/Shadow Boxing w/Zach and had a great workout. This one is my all time favorite from Kelly, I just love it and the music. I used my 1.5# egg weights.

Workout was 39 minutes, burned 295 calories, did 2323 steps and HR was 135/175.

I also did some of RAW Stretch. This is a 20 minute workout, I wish I could get through the whole thing. I like it a lot. I only was able to do 15 minutes of it before I ran out of time.

Belinda - Great job with your workout after your infusion. Hope that went well.

Diane - Nice workouts yesterday! Is your daughter back from her travels now or is she still in Europe? How fun!! I am really sore from BB but I don't think I can stand doing that workout series. I'll stick with Cathe and Kelly. LOL!! What workout of Kelly's does fine tuning of smaller muscle groups? I need to check that one out.

Jolie - I hope the weather is getting better near you, I can't believe it's so hot where you are.

Roselyn - I sure hope you are doing better. Weird how you got it so bad this time.

Looking forward to the debate. Have a great day everyone!!
OMG the fires are burning everywhere! We had one yesterday so close to our house, the airport fire, and so many of my friends had to evacuate their homes. Overnight, the wind came up from the ocean and pushed it the other way, thank God! The smoke is better today and the weather will be cooling off later today. What a nightmare situation the last week has been for us in Southern Ca and Reno NV. Today I just took the pup out for a 3 mile walk, he was going nuts being cooped up in the house due to the heat and fires. Tomorrow I will begin lifting weights again, I cannot wait! I look so flabby right now, I need to get back into lifting now!

Debbie, I love STS Meso 1 and Meso 2, those are my favorite all time workouts. I might do those with you. I like working out with women on the screen a lot more than me myself. Great job on your workout yesterday and the one today as well. Let me know what you plan on doing going forward. I might do Meso 1 because I love the no repeat types of workouts.

Belinda, I hope you medical procedure went well and great job on your workout.

Diane Sue, nice job on your workout. That STS workout must be part of the STS 2.0 program right? What do you have planned for your workouts going forward? I like Debbie am trying to figure out what to do for the next month or so. I think I will do either CL or STS Meso 1.

Roselyn, I hope you are feeling better. Covid is the worst!

Make it a great day. I cannot wait for tomorrow; it is supposed to be 25 degrees cooler this week!
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Walk outside and STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 is done. I will do a short stretch later.

Diane - how are you doing? great job on CDorner Biceps and Triceps and step workout. It was a very long walk getting too and from the beach. We took 3 day‘s to drive home from the Key West. It‘s a 1250 miles from my house to drive to the Key West. We stayed at RV parks on military bases. Mayport in Jacksonville FL is were the dunes got destroyed by the hurricane. It was sad what was left of the beach.

Debbie - I like your plan on STS. I will keep my eye on that one. I plan on doing STS once I am done with STS 2. Great on the RAW Heavy Bag/Shadow Boxing and stretch. My knee is acting up again. I saw my primary doctor today. He took xray‘s of both my knees. He thinks I should get a knee replacement :( Maybe I need to move to FL. My knees felt great.

Julie - Oh no on the fire! That is horrible. My infusion yesterday went well. Thank you.

Roselyn - how are you feeling?

I will be back tomorrow.
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I just did this stretch for my chest/shoulder/neck. I really liked it. I felt a lot of popping in my shoulder. I thought I would share.
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Today I did Raw Kickboxing #3, 41 minutes, 208 calories, heart rate 129/174, 2,524 steps. I also did today's CDorner Full Body Stretch using a strap or towel for some of it, 31 minutes, 48 calories. Some of the stretches were timed for one minute hold. Total time 72 minutes, 256 calories. I had to stop and loosen my watch strap because 12 minutes in I was still not getting anything above 99 heart rate. Not sure why, but it picked up after it was pretty loose. I woke in the middle of the night with my whole upper back and ribs hurting. When I got up this morning and got going it was a bit better, but now my low back hurts. :rolleyes: I have been doing lots of reading on exercise, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, to work out a plan. Consensus between most is to keep working out around most situations, maybe ease up on a flare up or an individual area that is hurting too much. Sort of what I knew anyway. One said maybe on shadow boxing, another said no power moves whatever that means. I saw a group of workouts in a plan for arthritis on arthritis.org that has some shadow boxing in it with tubing which I thought was different.

So, here is a plan I have worked up following Mayo Clinic suggestions and www.arthritis-health.com.
My plan is to do Raw Fine Tuning once a week
full body weight workouts twice a week (unless I need to avoid a body part with too much pain) Thinking STS 2 full body workouts, but maybe a little lighter on the weights right now.
low impact cardio around 4 days a week (one item suggest most days.
mobility or stretching most days
fit in some balance work once a week (Raw Fine Tuning does some balance on leg work and there is another balance workout she has with weights that I might consider) I figure Cathe's new workouts will come in handy.

Debbie, nice work on Raw Heavy Bag/ Boxing with Zach. I am happier picking and choosing my workouts by how I feel than pushing through a series. I like the Raw Stretch flow workout a lot too. I also rather like her Yoga stretch that is 14 minutes. The timing is often good, for stretching everything and some movement when short on time. What I do not like is stretching my wrists with my hands facing my body. It sets of the pain in my wrists which are somewhat off already. Chris did that today and I just slightly stretched and then did wrist circles. I did the Raw Fine-Tuning Saturday and tried to describe the movements. It is in the other category on the Raw channel. I need that scapular work and scare crow. I did scarecrows when doing PT.

Jolie, that would be really disturbing having the fires headed toward you. I am glad it switched directions. I hope you have a good weight workout tomorrow. At least you were able to get the pup out for a 3 mile walk today. I posted my plans for working out for a while. I have had so much bad pain lately and I think I am going to have to accept that the arthritis as it progresses means I need to not push so hard. Hopefully it gets better, and I can reconsider. Yes, the workout from STS was from STS 2 abs workouts. It uses 5 and 10# weight plates and is all standing moves, that gets the heart rate up.

Belinda, nice work on the walk and STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 today. I am sure seeing the dunes gone and things changed was a disappointment from what you were expecting. Being able to stay at RV parks on military bases is a nice perk. Getting a nice park can usually cost quite a bit.
Diane - you are welcome! I really enjoyed the stretch.Nice job on your Raw Kickboxing and stretch. We been to those parks that cost quit a bit. Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I do think Cathe‘s new workouts come in handy.
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Diane - you are welcome! I really enjoyed the stretch.Nice job on your Raw Kickboxing and stretch. We been to those parks that cost quit a bit. Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I do think Cathe‘s new workouts come in handy.
Here is the link to what I was reading on exercise and RA https://www.arthritis-health.com/types/rheumatoid/exercising-rheumatoid-arthritis-relief
It is from the same link I gave you.
Funny there is no overhead press or shoulder moves listed in the suggested exercises. I suppose we really work shoulders quite a bit doing other moves.
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