Hey Everyone! I worked out late yesterday but read most of the posts - need to go back and see what I missed though! The plumber was here for 6 hours. Thank goodness that is finished. Now I am cleaning house b/c even though he was very neat and wore those shoe covers, there are so many leaves outside, etc that he tracked stuff in left and right, the grout from around the toilets got everywhere, etc. At least I don't have to clean toilets this time around though
Linda - I am so glad that you weren't hurt any worse! How are the hand and knee today?
Patti - I remembered that I was going to mention to you about your produce bill...it gets ridiculous, doesn't it? Makes me want to grow a huge garden. My grocery bill is so high just b/c of fresh produce, and I buy organic when that option is available so that just adds to it.
Dallys - I also remembered that I was going to tell you that I love those big gears too. I prefer that to the easy spin but know that I need both! Do you have Spinervals Big Gear Strength?
Diane Sue - don't you just love hanging, not knowing what is going to happen???!

Keep us posted.
Sonya - congrats on the job transfer!!
Ally - The calories do seem low - I don't eat enough sometimes (too often - something I am working on!) and can really tell the difference in my workouts and the way I feel. I just always try to make smart choices with what I do eat so that I get protein, whole grain/natural carbs, some fat and fruits/veggies. I was reading in that Oxygen last night about what you can eat/drink to supposedly help you loose weight - green tea, red hot pepper, cinnamon, nuts, berries, citrus, dairy, protein shakes as long as you watchout for added sugar, soups (b/c they are low energy-dense, meaning they contain lots of water and fiber (instead of calories) which keeps you satisfied longer... high energy-dense would be like a Starbuck's muffin - a small piece of food that is loaded with calories and unhealthy fats), fish with Omega 3s and/or flaxseed. That way, you can still eat the calories and not send your body into starvation mode. There was another page on not eating enough calories - stuff we have all heard before but always good for me to read again since I am guilty of that and would prefer that my body not hold onto any extra fat b/c I am not eating enough.
So, yesterday was some ab work - just a little bit - and cardio. I decided to just be off one day on the STS rather than do back to back days b/c I am sore from Tuesday and my recovery week is next week anyway. Cardio for yesterday was CC#5...Challenge 1 on bike, 2 on stepmill, 3 on arc - warm up and cool down on TM. Burned 610 calories, MAX HR 182, AVG HR 155. Today I am doing the abs in the new Oxygen issue and Disc 11, and think I will spin on the bike and do some TM for just a bit.