Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I hope you have a very special Memorial Day weekend with your family and friends. I will be doing some local things around here in town with my family that should be fun. What will you be doing?

Take Care,
Texas Road Trip Reunion!!!!


Have fun this weekend! :) A few of my Texas Road Trip friends will be here in 4 hours! Yippee! :7 We are planning to enjoy blueberry buttermilk pancakes :9 at my favorite cafe then shopping and a trip to the zoo to walk off the calories! ;-)

Love and hugs, Cathe! :*

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Texas Road Trip Reunion!!!!


Enjoy your well deserved day off with your family.

I am one of the Texas girls going to meet Heather for blueberry pancakes and a trip to the zoo. You can be sure we will have a good time and your name will probably come up a time or two in our conversation!;-)

Thank you for all that you do! You are the best!! See you in July!
RE: Texas Road Trip Reunion!!!!

HI Cathe:

Have a wonderful weekend. Our family is going to a Washington Nationals baseball game in DC on Monday. Other than that we are going to enjoy the beautiful weather and do some biking, BBQ and stuff outside..
Opening the Maine lake house with hubby and yellow lab, Sid. A bit cool, a couple of notorious black flies but the sun is shining and the hope of summer is close by.

Working, but the good news is, I get to eat where I work, and it just so happens that work is also the home of Union Park restaurant, home of the best NY Strip Steak I've ever tasted!!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Hi, Cathe!
We are planning on taking the train to NYC, and going on one of those dinner/moonlight boat cruises around Manhattan. I'm sure there will be great food and drinks, along with a DJ, so I'll have to dance some of the indulgences off!!:7 Take care, and have a great weekend, (See ya in July!!!)~~Nancy J.~~
Thank you Cathe, I hope your weekend is special as well, and filled with fun and some well-deserved rest!
Hi Cathe,

Happy Memorial Day to you too! Enjoy your much needed break with family. I will be taking in our town parade with my daughter and hopefully my son and grandson. It will be my grandson's first parade. Should be fun.

Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone :)
Hi, Cathe,
I haven't been online in a couple of days, so I just saw this. I thought you might appreciate this -- my 4 year old niece is visiting and she joined DH and me in Stretch Max 1 about an hour and a half ago. She really did a great job, and she was darling in her satiny zebra stripe with pink polka dot ruffles pajamas. I think she's set for Road Trip 2024! LOL!
See you in July!
Happy Memorial Day to y'all as well. I worked out today since I didn't have to take the kids to school. Dave did. Ate lunch and took a power nap!

Hope y'all have a wonderful and relaxin' day as well!

Annette Bethel

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