HAPPY HUMP DAY! *Cute pics*

Oh, I just fell in love with that sweet kitten looking up with those soulful eyes... and then I about rolled out of my chair laughing at the boxer with the sunglasses. Ahem.
>The photoshopped cats crack me up. How many do you think are
>really there? 6 or less?

I was just looking at that... looks like there are 5 or 6. :)

Those pics are so cute! :D
Oh Liann you've done it again!! Thanks for the Hump Day pick-me-up, luv em all:) The Boxer butt with sunglasses is to funny. The little Doxie in uniform is cute. I love animals to.

That arm load of kittens is so sweet! Love the kitten in the doll house too.

But, my fav is the squirrel in fatiques!!! Too special!!! :D
I love the boxer with the glasses and his bum showing!:+ Whatta a cutie! Don't cha just love animals? Thanks for sharing!

I love your weekly pictures!! You are wonderful and I appreciate you putting up these FUN and CUTE pictures!! Have a great evening!


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