Happy Halloween!

Cathe Friedrich

I know the day is half over already but Halloween is equally celebrated in the evening so its still not too late to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! We had a "howling" class this morning and many dressed up. I used a Halloween theme tape and we Monster Mashed the calories away!!!!!

Well, it's time to get the kiddies ready for their big day. I will be escorting Thomas the Train and Spongebob Squarepants around town.........Trick or Treat!!!

Same to you! Have a great and safe trick o treating time .

I myself will be escorting a dead dancing witch, a zombie soccer player and a sweet pretty princess tonight along with me being the mommy tiger and daddy being himself :)
Have fun!
Happy Halloween to you too, Cathe!

I bet those little munchkins are adorable! Post some pictures if you get a chance. :)

My little/big six year old is a vampire.

Cheers, Marcia :)
Happy Halloween to you also! My younger son will either be a dinosaur or a Power Ranger. I'm not sure what my older son is going to be. He's got a silly skeleton mask (it's got a tongue sticking out, and is supposedly from Scary Movie), and a black shroud kind of thing, and skeleton gloves. It sounds weird, but it's cute because while he's 9, he's a little small for his age. I'm sure he would love me saying he looks cute in it! Anyway, have fun!
Happy Halloween all!

Just got back from Trick or Treating. Or Trunk or Treat here. Since everyone is pretty spread out and there is no base housing, organizations, teachers and families decorate their trunks/cars/vans and line up on a back road and the kids go from one trunk to the other collecting candy. It's fun.

Have a safe night!!

Happy "Boo!" night to all!

Our younger two will trick or treat this night. The youngest, age 10 boy, is going to be a Buffalo Sabres Fan. Next in line, girl age 12... going on 19, we have one of Charlies Anges with her girlfriends also Charlies angels.

Best of all it is my DH's Birthday! We don't do a formal dinner tonight for obvious reasons. But tomorrow...we will have a nice date together!
Gosh Cathe, they sound adorable, and their costumes surely do take me back a few years -- Spongebob is still HUGE around our house, and Thomas the Train had his day around here many years ago! I hope "Thomas" and "'Bob" have a wonderful time, and Mommy and Daddy too! Please give us a report later and tell us about your evening!

My biggest boy is going out trick-or-treating with a big crowd of high school juniors and seniors (wait, dear readers, keep going before you protest! :)) in a neighborhood that has decorated to the hilt and has been advertising that it WELCOMES teens! He's 16 so this is a real live treat for him -- he thought his trick-or-treat days were over. Meanwhile, his brother (13) is going to a party and then out for a wee bit of trick-or-treating with a buddy, and they're dressed as Mario and Luigi -- the Mario Brothers, of Nintendo fame.

Have a great time, everyone, and be safe!!

http://e4u.deltait.com.au/sport/sport23.gif Kathy S.
Happy Halloween Cathe. Your class this morning sounds like it was so much fun - I love Halloween music. What a neat idea!

DH & I will be escorting Kim Possible (5 year old DD) Trick 0r Treating this evening. We have spent the day buying our candy to give out, carving pumpkins and toasting pumpkin seeds. She is so excited!

Happy Halloween everyone!

~Sissy B
Happy Halloween Cathe and everybody! Oh my I've been munching snickers since yesterday}( Bad! Bad! Tomorrow is pay day...(Muscle Endurance plus 30 mins cardio x( ) Cathe take pics of the kiddies so you can share. Have a fun day everybody!
Hope you and the kids had a blast, Cathe!! We just finished here, and our decorations were a HIT!! We had such a great time!! Now it's time to watch scary movies ...

We had such a blast last night!! It was warm, and only started to rain around 9:30 PM, long after everyone was finished. We decorated the house, and had the fog machine going, and my hubby put on his Michael Myers costume, which always scares the kids! I was dressed in my witch costume, and the dress was short. I had on short boots, and it was the first time in a very long time I wasn't wearing a big "cover my fat" costume, so I was very happy! My daughter was dressed as a vampire slayer, and there were lots of kids dressed as vampires, so she had fun with them! We almost ran out of candy! We live in one of the few developments in our small city, so people drive in from other areas to trick-or-treat in our development. It's fun because we get to meet a lot of people we wouldn't normally meet. Two of Nicole's teachers were there with their kids! We have a neighbor who is a local cop, and he circled around in his patrol car all evening, but we've never had any kind of trouble. Still, it's nice to know he's there! It was a lot of fun! We do something every year, and it's nice to have neighbors come up and compliment us on our special effects. I also had more than one of my neighbors come up to me and tell me how great I look, and ask me how I've lost so much weight! Of course I told them WW and Cathe!!!!!! Cathe, I gave out the link to this site to a LOT of women last night - LOL!! The dress had short sleeves (it was 75 degrees here last evening!!), so I was showing off my biceps - LOL!!

Hope everyone else had a fun Halloween!!!

This is definitely a little late, but I hope you had a great Halloween evening :) It was SO COOOLD here... 30 degrees around 6:00. I feel so terrible for the children as it's been beautifully warm until about 3 days ago... Needless to say, there weren't many trick-or-treating little ones and we have lots of candy left. We kept getting on my DB to stop giving each one so much! I guess we should've let him :)


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