Gym Style Legs substitution?


Hi Cathe!
Looking forward to doing your May 2013 Rotation!
I have all the workouts listed except for GS Legs. Can you suggest some workouts to sub? I have most all of your other ones!

Butts & Guts, PLB but with the floorwork section too, the new legs workout in Xtrain, the lower body workout in Intensity series (name escapes me), etc, etc.

Great! Looks like good choices. Also, I have Legs and Glutes and a friend suggested Plyo Legs from Meso 3(STS).

Thank you!:D
I pre-ordered Hardcore back in the day and got all the workouts. However, years ago, I foolishly decided I did not like the two upper body Gym Styles workouts and the Kick Max, so I sold them on ebay :(. I have come to regret this decision these past three years as I have faithfully collected the majority of Cathe's workouts. There is a reason I tell this other-wise unrelated story for this thread:

Long story longer ;) I have to substitute for the upper Body GymStyles workouts too that the May 2013 rotation calls for!:( But I have all of STS, so that is what it's going to have to be!

I am sure that just about any of Cathe's other lower body weight workouts will suffice as a sub!

Best wishes.

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