
Hay DebbieH...thanks for the encouragement-
to pick up the intensity GRADUALLY.

When I first moved here two years ago, I scared many people away from my classes. Fortunately, I learned to back off, so someone would show up for class. For about a year, I had 5-10 people in Yoga, 3-6 in step/kickboxing, and 6-11 in spinning. Sometimes it was hard to stay motivated, for such small class sizes, especially after teaching so many years for Chris and Cathe at 4 Seasons. The classes were full and LOTS OF ENERGIZED BUNNIES WORKED HARD...couldn't work some hard enough Those were the days, I miss the members! SOB STORY...SORRY!

Now, however, with the changes I've made in the schedule, I have about 15 regulars in my Metabolism Boost Class(like Cathe's Power Hour), 20ish in the Rock Hard Ab Class(15 minutes), and about 20 in the Bottoms Up Class(thighs, butt and ab class lasting 45 minutes...had members name the class and vote on the final choice...cute name...hard work).

As far as getting together with Cathe for the upcoming videos(I just found out yesterday when Lisa e-mailed me), I will have to wait to hear from Chris or Cathe. I sure would love to continue doing them and see my old buddies at the club, friends, and family any opportunity that I get. I remember last time Cathe sent me the choreography on video and I practiced faithfully...a little scary though. I give Cathe and Chris LOTS of CREDIT for trusting me like that. I could have bombed big time. But anyway, I'll have to wait to hear from them when they get a chance to check in. So we will see.

Thanks again for you kind post, I hope keep the gradual education and encouragement for steps towards health and wellness here in Americus.
See Ya,
Hi Rhonda!

I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed having yu be in Cathe's videos and I hope you will continue to be in them.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
RE: Hi Rhonda!

sorry about the typos! I have enjoyed you being in Cathe's videos

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Rhonda, it is really nice to have you on the forums...keep coming back!!

BTW, I always look forward to seeing you in the videos...(you and Cede are "standards" for me). Hopefully, you will be part of the Intensity Series as well.

I wish all the other "girls" from the videos would chime in every once in a while.

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Hi Rhonda,
I agree with the others. I really enjoy seeing you in the video's. You have great expressions! Glad to hear you are doing well.

It really is you!

Oh girl, I hope you're up to challenge, the Intensity challenge that is, because I seem to mirror your moves so much more precisely than the rest of the crew. (I think that happened incidentally while I floundered through each tape.)

But, one thing I found out, you and I are the same height: only 5'6". I say "only" because I read the rest of the cast is about 5'2". I'm looking at you in vid after vid thinking hey she must be about 5'9", but not!

But seeing how you move and adjust the body mechanics (especially on quarter-deadlifts) has really helped me out.

God be with you if you choose to accept this "Intensity" mission. (Can't wait to those "Rhonda abs" again.)

You must be in great shape!:-jumpy

Hi Rhonda!

Count me as another member of the "Rhonda fan club". Sure hope you'll be joining the gang on the new videos, as I always look to you for encouragement (you grimace and make faces at Cathe right at the point where I do!).
Hello Rhonda!!

Oh I hope you are in the new vids. Cathes' background exercisers are very important in my motivation. Just knowing someone else is able to make it though makes me work even harder. You gals seem like my old exercise buddies from the gym - except in much better shape. Nice to hear from you and hope you and the other girls (Cede-Hope-Jade-Rhonda-etc) can chat here sometimes. Sami
Hey Rhonda -- from a Georgian

Hi Rhonda!

Your posts since you've been in Americus have always been filled with such barely-disguised homesickness, and this last one you wrote to Debbie H. (under the heading "New Fitness Guidelines") breaks my heart -- it sounds like you feel sad and trapped in some kind of small Southern town purgatory full of steel magnolias who won't break a sweat and eat nothing but fried chicken! I hope that's an exaggeration and that you're finding Georgians in your town to be friendly, welcoming and warm to you, if a wee bit sedentary. :) My husband is a Jersey boy, I might mention -- he's been "down here", as he says, for 20+ years now and he's fully adjusted to our slower, gentler pace -- even though he still says "coi-fee" instead of "coffee" (or, as we Southerners say it, "CAW-fee" :))

Just a word of warmth and encouragement from up here in big bad Atlanta. You always have an open invitation to come up to Atlanta for the day, or weekend, and visit with a bunch of us Cathe-ites up here. We've got quite a few die-hard serious exercisers in Atlanta, lots of Cathe fans who are big fans of yours too, and hey, since we're just another piece of Georgia we've got baked chicken AND fried chicken to feast on! Come see us anytime! [FONT C OLOR=Blue]Kathy S.[/FONT]
Hi Rhonda! When I saw your name in here I couldn't believe my eyes!! I do hope you'll be in on these new Intensity tapes. Glad to hear also that your classes are going well and you have more of a following. Sometimes it just takes a little time for people to get used to you. We sure would miss you greatly if your not picked for these new tapes. Your an inspiration to us all! Wish you the very best in Georgia, Kathy
Rhonda- I just want you to know that while I'm working out with a Cathe tape, and occasionally wondering whether I can keep up, I just look at you and it seems like you can see me! It makes me laugh and gives me a second wind to see your face! I can tell that you're feelin' it too! Thanks for adding dimension to each Cathe workout.

I wish I lived in your town-- I'd find a way to make it to your class. Maybe there's a place you can advertise where people are really looking for more intensity. I just told a high school football coach about Cathe. He has his team do stepping once a week, so I thought why not tell him?

Best of luck to you in your classes and I hope to see you in the newest videos- but if I don't- I know you'll be workin' right along with me anyway, in Georgia!

-Connie (in California)
Hi Rhonda,
I'm in North Georgia. If I was anywhere near Americus, I would sure love to take one of your classes. I'm so sorry to hear that you're homesick. That is such a bad feeling. Hope you feel at home here soon. I certainly hope to see you in "The Intensity Series" videos. Your smile and Cedie's smile are two of the reasons I have always loved Cathe's videos. Wishing you the best of eveything!

Is this THE Rhonda?

Nice to see you here! I would love to take a class with you and wish you the best in that endeavor. I hope you're in another Cathe tape soon.

I love Cathe's workout casts. You make all of that hard work so much fun!
RE: Is this THE Rhonda?

Hi, Rhonda!

How neat to see your name here! You are my favorite to watch during Cathe's workouts because of your sincerity--by that I mean you don't just plaster a fake smile on the whole time; you always grimace and give it your all. You seem very sweet and sincere. I would be disappointed if you are not in these videos. It wouldn't be the same without you! :)


P.S. If I ever had the opportunity to work out with you, I'd jump at it! But I'm out in the "boonies" of New Hampshire! :)
Is this THE Rhonda?

Hay fitness friends, just did Body Max 'cause I'm trying to check out my current fitness level. WOW!!! How did we smile while filming that.
Today, I was busy just trying to breath while trying to avoid landing on my black lab "Daytona".
I began to wonder to myself, how do I get myself into this fitness for life stuff?
It would be much easier to sit and watch on the coach while eating something yummy!
Do any of you ever wonder about that while working out?
I mean, exercising for the rest of my capable life....what a thought...sometimes I ask myself that, and then answers myself back...really I do. I think when I go into that "Flight or Fight Stage" during training, my home facial expressions are ones of help or of sheer laughter while cracking up. This seems to help me through something that is possibly much more challenging then I may fell like doing, by myself, and at that exact moment. HA!
Anyway, this message took place right after the cool down so now it's time to move the furniture back, wash off, and refuel.
Thanks so much for all the kind words.
See ya soon,
Think Fit,
Hey Rhonda!

Thank YOU for the encouragement you, Cathe & crew have given ME through all those tough workouts! When I first started working out with you all, I THOUGHT I was an advanced exerciser. It was through gradual progression I was able to keep up with you all...STILL working on keeping up on IMax! ;-) Again, great to see you here. Hope to see you on those new vids come Chrismas time. Keep up the good work!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Dog in the way

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 06:19PM (Est)[/font][p]
I forgot 2 xs to address this to Rhonda and her pooch Dakota(cool name)!
I read your post and cracked up! My oldest of three akitas ( COTY) is my training partner! I keep my stopwatch around his neck and when it goes off he comes to me to click it off! He has to be in my workout room--the first time I did cardio kicks I had to shut the door and leave him out because I needed the room-- I kept stepping on him--well he carried on bigtime and howled ( poor guy) I felt bad and let him in ! He found himself a new spot real quick tucked in the corner to stay out of mommy's way---what a good boy! I'd love to share you a pick--you can email me at [email protected] I noticed that you don't have a profile set up or an email address available to email you the pic! I just bought a scanner and I only figured out how to email pics!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hey Debbie!

Longtime no talk! It was nice hearing from you! I'll keep you up to date on my photo album ---I sent you 2 with Coty and Natasha--I can't leave my baby Niko out so he'll be in the next batch! I wish I knew how to paste them here---can anyone tell me how you transfer pics here or how to put it on my profile-- Thanks for any suggestions--Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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