Got STS now I am concerned....


Don't get me wrong - I think Cathe and the girls have awesome shapes but I am concerned that doing the STS is going to make me bulk up too much for my shape.

I am 5'1" (very short) and I think I build muscle pretty easy although I still have a some fat around those muscles that I need to lose! I want to look longer and leaner not bulky.

Are my worries un-justified?

Thanks for the input.
I'm 5'1'' as well and I'm not worried at all! :D I bet we'll see some great results.

Cathe is around our height and so are some of her crew. They all look really great! They're not too bulked up at all! Wait! Here's a pic of me next to Brenda, Cedie and Lorraine from the road trip in '05, just so you can see they're all around the same height as you and I, or maybe an inch or two taller. :eek: (5'1'').


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It's very hard for a woman to "bulk up." It takes testosterone and a special diet. You may lean out, but I doubt you will bulk up like you fear.
One time my hubby made a comment about my arms that I guess has got me parinoid about getting big arms.

I am excited to try it...

You will NOT end up looking like Cathe and Jai and Lorraine unless you want to (and have the genetics, and eat clean).

I agree that it's not a look that fits me personally, but I'm not worried about STS making me look any way I don't want to.

One time my hubby made a comment about my arms that I guess has got me paranoid about getting big arms.

Husband's like to tease.

If he makes another crack tell him he's just jealous that you've got better guns then him.

strong shapely arms are something to be proud of, just imagine all the women who will be envious because of how spectacular you look in a sleeveless shirt.
Shapely arms

Husband's like to tease.

If he makes another crack tell him he's just jealous that you've got better guns then him.

strong shapely arms are something to be proud of, just imagine all the women who will be envious because of how spectacular you look in a sleeveless shirt.

Nods ITA ;)
Tpa Girl is correct. Women don't have enough testosterone to bulk up. You'd have to do what the women bodybuilders do to bulk up and take/shoot some steroids/testosterone. Of course, then you'd end up looking more like a man in drag than a woman! Weights/resistance training help you build lean muscle and burn more fat. Combined with cardio, it's the perfect combination to give you a great physique!
I agree. The overwhelming majority of women do not bulk up but get firmed and toned. I lift heavy consistently and I have not bulked up.. I have very good muscle tone and definition
Husband's like to tease.

If he makes another crack tell him he's just jealous that you've got better guns then him.

strong shapely arms are something to be proud of, just imagine all the women who will be envious because of how spectacular you look in a sleeveless shirt.

Agreed!!!! :) :)
Even if you did get "too big" for your tastes, all you would need to do is reduce your weights and you would shrink back down very quickly.

But as the others have said, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I've been at my leanest when lifting my heaviest. Granted, the last time I was training hard I weighed heavy on the scale, but I was wearing size 2-4 pants. I have great expectations for STS (and the clean eating that I'm about to embark on) now that I'm wearing size 12 pants! :)

Hi Slenamond! No worries at all. STS is not about bulky strength training, its about balanced strength training. There are three phases to your weight program, Meso 1, light to moderate weights, Meso 2, moderate to heavy weights, and meso 3, heavy weights. These three phases, along with a healthy clean diet, and recommended cardio workouts, will have you looking great in just 90 days. Stay focused and true to your program and you will be VERY pleased! :D

Don't get me wrong - I think Cathe and the girls have awesome shapes but I am concerned that doing the STS is going to make me bulk up too much for my shape.

I am 5'1" (very short) and I think I build muscle pretty easy although I still have a some fat around those muscles that I need to lose! I want to look longer and leaner not bulky.

Are my worries un-justified?

Thanks for the input.
Slenamond, I am so glad you started this very interesting thread. I believe you will look leaner and not bulky. I, too, am 5'1", and, like you, looking leaner is what I am hoping for.

I pre-ordered STS in August, 2008 because I really need assistance with weight training, and I believe STS would provide gym-style results that I could achieve at home. I will begin when Cathe begins on 2/16. This entire thing is so exciting for me!

I have working out consistently for 2 yrs now and have lost over 50 lbs by personal coaching and living a Leanness Lifestyle, and have kept the weight off for over 1 year now, still counting. It is is difficult, but I'm learning that consistency is the key, of course along with eating clean and minimizing processed and fatty foods. My Coach recommended Cathe's DVD's to me.

Right now my goal is to burn more fat and develop more lean muscle. I went to a bodybuilding show with my Coach in November and was VERY impressed by the physiques I saw in the female fitness competition and my new goal is to get more muscular and leaner. Those women in the competition had HOT BODIES and did not look bulky or overly-muscular at all, and THIS motivated me a great deal! Now I can never see myself entering a contest of that sort, but I DO want to have more muscle!

Slenamond, I don't think you have to fear "bulking up". I am just learning that muscle is slimming, and we do not have the male hormones in our bodies to get bulky in the sense you may be speaking of. The reason that muscle is shapely, is because a pound of muscle takes 1/3 of the space in the body as one pound of fat.

A study published in 2000 in the Journal of Applied Physiology suggests that a woman weighing 150 lbs. at 33% bodyfat following a moderately strenuous training regimen focused on strength and endurance could gain about 2 lbs. of muscle in 6 months (or a 2% increase in muscle). I'm told that women in good physical condition can expect to gain 4-6 lbs of muscle in a year of consistent and progressive resistance training - not the rate of muscle growth to fear "bulking up"!

I am expecting to observe my first real muscle growth after 2-3 months of consistent and progressive resistance training, which is EXACTLY why I am excited about STS! I really love the way Cathe and the others in her videos look!

Also, remember, as we age we actually LOSE muscle, so resistance training takes on that much more importance for our health!

Good luck! I am certain you will find the results you want by eating clean and using STS!

Don't get me wrong - I think Cathe and the girls have awesome shapes but I am concerned that doing the STS is going to make me bulk up too much for my shape.

I am 5'1" (very short) and I think I build muscle pretty easy although I still have a some fat around those muscles that I need to lose! I want to look longer and leaner not bulky.

Are my worries un-justified?

Thanks for the input.
if you are concerned

You can get your hormones checked to see if you have the hormone balance to make muscle. I have insulin resistance, tend to put on a lot of muscle, and have a hard time losing fat. I have high testosterone levels. This produces androgenization such as facial hair, muscle, and fat around my middle section. You would want your TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) as well as your fasting glucose level checked. These numbers may tell you whether or not you have insulin resistance and or pcos (poly cystic ovarian syndrome.) The cool part is that the treatment is something you already do, cardio. And avoiding simple carbohydrates. Insulin when not absorbed is converted into testosterone producing the over abundance of both fat and muscle in women.

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