Got my Harcore Bundle tonight!!!!


Okay I just had to say I almost tackled the UPS guy!

But IMAX 3 is on backorder, so I hope I get that soon....

I ordered this bundle 2 weeks ago and like a doofus, I ended up ordering the 40 bundle today...

I received Timesaver for christmas and loved it so much, I bought the Hardcore series...then after getting on the forum here and chatting with all of you and reading about all your workouts and the rotations, I just had to have them all..

so now I will have an extra Timesaver and an extra Bootcamp (cuz like a dummy I ordered that with the Harcore bundle)

oh well...What is the lifetime of a DVD? I plan to use these til I am old and gray...
Lucky you to get them all at the same time!!

I have most of them now (only missing about 5 that I want, and they are older ones).

If you haven't opened the duplicates, I believe that SNM will allow you to return them. E-mail customer service to inquire :)
Wow! So you got the HC series AND the 40 pack?? Have fun making a rotation. hahaha That's got to be exciting.
Happy previewing. :)
Susan C.M.
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Welcome to the forums! You won't be sorry (but your credit card will);-)

Oh, and if you haven't opened the duplicates, I too think that SNM will let you return them.

What workout are you going to do first?
hi Wendy, well I did Gym Style Back, Biceps, Shoulders last night and then one segment of Core max...I think I needed to lift heavier as I got thru it okay...I really liked it

anyways, I just finished Low Max and it literally kicked my butt and it was very GRUELING! And I bought the 40 DVD bundle...It is going to take a lifetime just to get thru Low Max without stopping!!!

I cant even image what the harder DVDs are like...I have never had very good endurance, but hopefully I will build some up...

So far I have loved every tape...

for some reason I like weight training way more than cardio...I guess I will have to get over that though!
>for some reason I like weight training way more than
>cardio...I guess I will have to get over that though!

I hope you enjoy all your new workouts and I just wanted to say that I am just the opposite. I would rather do 2 or even 3 hours of cardio than 1 hour of weights. I do them cause I have to. I love KPC it is one of my favorites. Have you tried it? Maybe you would like it too.
Hi Judy,

I hope that you enjoy these workouts as much as I do. I have gotten the best results ever with the HC series. No other series by Cathe or by any other instructor has been this effective for me. That was a surprise considering how much I liked the Intensity series. I am kinda glad for the filming delay of the new series because I am not ready to change my focus. Gotta look at the upside of things sometimes.

Since you got a bundle rate, I doubt that you will be able to return these workouts (but don't take my word on this). Have no fear though, I'm sure that you could trade or sell them easilly.

Have fun,
no kidding Jordan - I can wait for the new DVDs to come out...I have yet to dig into every hardcore tape and I have the 40 DVD bundle on the least I am cancelling my gym membership as I have plenty to do at home for years now!

I keep talking to my friends (that workout) about how much I love the Cathe workouts...

I know the Hardcore series and the rest will make a big difference for me as long as I stick to my diet of clean eating 5 small meals a day (diet has always been the problem for me)

Wow...the 40 bundle and the Hardcores! That will keep you busy for a LONG time! Enjoy your workouts! :) It's worth every penny.

The Hardcores and S&H have given me great results.

Wow Judy, you have a lot to keep you busy!!! I love the Hardcores which I happily own all of them now!! After you get IMAX3 and do it, you'll wish it'd stayed on backorder!!:+ }(
Jane you are so funny! So IMAX 3 is tough?

I did Low Max again last night for the second time and still have a very hard time getting thru it...

one thing I do notice is that my knees are a little weak which I do not understand as I have done step at the gym alot in the last few years...

I am guessing it is the free standing squats...I really have never done those and maybe that is why my knees (like the muscles around my knee) are weak...

Today is Sunday and I am going to do a segment of Stretchmax and nothing else to give my bod a chance to rest...then Monday I want to do the GS legs which I know is going to kill me!
IMAX3 is difficult due to the high high impact. There is a lot of jumping on and off the step in this one. I just try to really concentrate and do what Cathe says and keep my joints soft when I land and absorb the shock in the muscles. This helps. One thing about IMAX3 though that is different from the other two IMAX3 is that it really flies due to the shortened recovery phases. You get almost zero recovery phase after each blast on this one. Hardcore stuff ya know?;)

LowMax get me every time too. I burn more calories according to my HMR with it than I do any of the IMAXs.

GS legs is an excellent workout!! I love it. You'll feel it, I guarantee it!!

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