Getting to know you

I am 28 years old
Live in metro Atlanta
I have been on the forums since Jan 2001
Married for almost 8 years
Had a career as a food scientist
Now a SAHM of 2
Vegetarian for 12 years
Now on "Eat To Live" for almost 2 months and love it!
I love to exercise, but am currently in a major slump
I love to garden and look through catalogs and think about what I would like to plant!
My name is Denise.
I am 35 years old.
I live in Indiana..yuck!I would rather be in AZ..LOL!
I have been on the forum for about 1 year.
Married 5 years to my wonderful DH.
I have 3 sons: Twins 12 (will be 13 in March) and my baby is 9 years old. I also have 2 step sons: 15 and 11..yes all boys!
I am a Registered Nurse, and I work in Labor and Delivery.
I used to teach spinning and hi/lo and kickboxing back in the day.
I have recently discovered Pole dancing..LOL!
I LOVE to workout at home! I have not been in a gym since 2003.
I enjoy working with many Holistic healing Therapies: Reiki, Angel medicine, healing touch, sound therapy: crystal bowls, tuning forks. I am currently quite interested in Quantum Physics and Quantum Leap Theory.

I am Tracy.
I also live in Michigan, outside of AA.
I have been on/off this forum for several years (I can't remember when I joined), but I am a rare poster, and have been gone for several months. I am trying to "get back my groove" because I have fallen off the wagon and have been very depressed and lazy. It's amazing what just coming back and reading the posts here has done for my motivation.
I am a SAHM with 3 girls (3,5,and 7).
I am homeschooling my daughter although I never planned on it, and I'm not sure if I will continue to do it.
I am 36.
I've been married for 13 years.
I only workout at home (if and when I bother).
I'm Amy and also live in Augusta GA
I'm a paralegal for a small firm
Love going to work EVERY day...even after 10 years...LOL
Been a member of the forum for about a year...mostly lurk
My hobbies are working out and cooking
Hope to be certified as a PT when I take the ACE exam in May...YIKES!
I have no children
Will be 40 July 9th...double YIKES
Been working out for 15 years, started with Jane Fonda now exclusively into Cathe
Only workout at home

ETA: Just noticed that I have only been here since November...guess I lurked longer than I thought!
I'm Brandi
I live in WA State(about an hour N. of Seattle)
I am 33 years old
I am single but living happily with my BF
No kids, but my BF has two :)
I'm an investigator in a public defender's office
I've been a member of this forum since Dec of 2004 but lurked quite a few months before that.
I found Cathe on Fit TV and have slowly been building up my collection.
In addition to Cathe, I've been running for about 3 years
I come to this site daily for inspiration:)

Hey bondgirl congrats on med school graduation...maybe I can pick your brain as my son is graduating high school and wants to go to med school after college...

We are hoping he gets into Berkeley because they have a pretty good acceptance rate for med schools...

Can I pm you with a few questions?

I'm Kristen.

I live in Marin County, California, near San Francisco.

I've been a forum member here for a few years but mostly lurked until pretty recently. I've been doing Cathe's workouts since 1996!

I'm 43 and living with my fiance and our 17 month old Black Lab.

I manage a team of production editors for a legal publisher in San Francisco.

Besides Cathe's workouts, I hike every day and would like to get back to skiing. I also love doing yoga.

I love to travel, cook, read, and play with my dog.

I've learned more about fitness between this forum and Cathe's workouts than I ever dreamed was possible.

It's great to find out more about everybody!
Great thread!

I am Ann Marie
I live in Virginia Beach with my husband, and DD, age 5, DS, age 3.
My DD was born 14 weeks premature, at 1 LB. 5 OZ., and we are blessed!
DS is a tank!
I am an Optometrist, have just applied for a VA License, we moved from NY, last Nov.
Since having the kids, i have only worked 2 days/week, and now that all my loans are paid off, I will work one day/week, for some extra fun $}( }(
I am 38!:eek:
I am Kirsten
I live in Atlanta, GA
I have been in this forum for around 4 months
I am an operations manager for a ceramic tile wholesaler
I am 30 years old
I have no 2 legged kids but have 5 of the 4 legged kind.
I have been married for almost 5 years
I listen to ALL music
I workout in my home mostly with the FIRM but am working my way UP to Cathe.:)
My name is Laura.
I live in Austin, TX.
I've been posting since 2001 (I think.)
I work as a Web Coordinator for a educational publishing company.
I'm 34 years old.
I have one child - a wonderful 9 year old son.
I've been married for almost 10 years.
I LOVE rock music including hard rock.
I workout at home.
I'm an ACE certified personal trainer but am not currently training.
Dear Amy,

I noticed that you said "Yikes" at turning forty; I am gulping a little bit because I am facing my 53rd birthday this coming May. I don't where the time went.
I'm Kristal
I live in Connecticut
I'm 34 years old
Married for 7 1/2 years,(been with my husband since 3/90)
I have 2 kids, 4 year old daughter & 20 month old son
Work full time, Configuration Analyst for an Health Insurance company...rather be home with my kids but I carry the Health Insurance!
This is my first post. Just discovered Cathe about 2 months ago and I'm starting to build my library.
I've always had to workout to maintain my shape but I enjoy it. I work out 4-5 days a week during my lunch, take an hour kickboxing class 2 times a week at a Tae Kwon Do Academy and work out at home on weekends. I have a treadmill at home & use free weights.
I love reading everyone's stories, thoughts, comments, etc. Everyone seems to be kind to one another. After all we all want the same thing, to be healthy..right?
Okay, I know that this is really late, but I hope that you will forgive me since this is the first time I have been on since... Saturday a.m. :)

I am Missy :)
I live in Indiana, born and raised close to the Jackson's in Gary (should I be proud of that, though? :p)
I have been here since last March (different username)
I am SAHM, but have spinning certification that I don't use :(
I am 26, with 3 beautiful children, two of which are excellent students and one is a sinker - er, toddler
I have been married for 9 years to a very intellegent and funny man who worships me :p
I would love to go to college and become a dietician and get an exercise science degree (phew!) but right now, kiddos are #1 priority
I listen to everything, I mean EVERYTHING! I love music!
I workout at home but run outside. I do miss the gym, though! ;(
I am a vegetarian, have been since 12/02/05 and plan on staying that way :)
I also love reading, writing, gardening, singing (though I suck), hiking, being outside and laughing

Missy :)
I have been here since September - I read the forums daily and also post occasionally. Am also very grateful for the advice I have received here, as well as all of the great fitness and nutrition information.

My name is Yve.
I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
I have a Commerce degree from the U of Toronto, with a specialization in finance.
I work in the marketing dept of a financial services company in downtown T.O.
I am 37 yrs old, and have no children....I do have a longtime SO of 6 yrs - who is very special.
I listen to easy listening type music - Yanni and Michael Buble are favourites.
I work out in my basement also... started out with Kathy Smith and Karen Voight, but once I found Cathe - there was no turning back. My collection has increased over the last several months..
I also enjoy pilates very much, and take 2 classes per week; and have recently taken up yoga (3 months ago).

my name is laura
i live in Houston Texas!
i work retail
i just turned 35 feb.1
i am single
i have a cat that sniffs my face every time i come home from work
i dance cw,ballroom,swing,and latin at a studio
i have been there for 6+years
i have been on this forum for year+
i only do cathe tapes/dvds at home and tony dvds
i now know how to poach salmon in the oven!-yumm :9
Hi! Fun thread. I love to talk about myself.
I am Robin and live in north central PA.

Married 29 years this May to a wonderful, sane, caring man.

I am a Christian and active in my church.

Two kids, 21 year old son with Prader Willi syndrome and 18 year old daughter is a freshman in college (who I hope brings her grades up high enough to become a sophmore).

I am a medical technologist who has worked in the microbiology department for about 26 years.

I started running in college, discovered fitness videos with Jane Fonda and have worked out with Cathe since Step Heat in 1995. Now I almost exclusively use Cathe for cardio and weights.

I love the out of doors, hiking, birdwatching, wild flowers, camping. I love to eat and cook, and have always been (and always will be about 20 pounds over weight).

I consider reading and working out my 2 obsessions (if you don't count chocolate).

I love to travel, although the ability is somewhat limited due to DS's syndrome.

I listen to Jimmy Buffett and whatever DH has on the stereo. I like almost anything except opera and jazz.

I can't imagine ever living in a house without at least 2 cats, and currently have 3.

I have been posting here close to a year, although I lurked for quite a while.

I would love to become a writer someday.

I really value the supportive, intelligent and fun friends I have made here and hope to meet many of you someday.

I wonder if I posted the longest? Like I said, I love to talk about myself.
Robin, OT but I just have to tell you that every time I read one of your posts I spend the rest of the day humming Buffett tunes. Usually "Love in the Library" for some reason!! DH and I actually had his music playing in our wedding procession...:D


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Sparrow, Love in the Library is one of my favorites. If I had been a parrothead 29 years ago, I'm sure his music would have been part of the wedding too. Listening to his music always lifts my spirits.
Hi everyone. I'm Marcy.
I live in Queens, NY.
Have been on this forum since January.
I am a legal secretary
I have 3 children
I just had my 13th weddding anniversary on Valentine's Day
I listen to country and rock music.
I discovered Cathe on Fit TV in October and now I'm hooked.
I'm 40.
I have a Pomeranian named Sam.
I started working out with Jane Fonda about 15 years ago, took a long break and now i just do Cathe and Patrick
I have been line dancing for about 2 1/2 years.
Great to meet all of you!

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