Getting to know you

My name is Anne
I live in Acme Pa(50 mile E. of Pittsburgh)
I have been on this forum since August.
I am a Salon Owner and I work it.
I have been working out on and off for well since the 1st firm came out.
I am pretty much a Cathe exclusive now.
I used to go to the gym but hated people staring.
I have a 20 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old grandson.
I am almost 41.Married 17 years.
I love stained glass, crocheting , quilting, and working out.
I like all music , old rock is my favorite.
I wish days wer 40 hours long so i would have time to do everything i want to do.
It's great learning about all of you! Thanks for sharing! :)

My name is Jeanne.
I am 49 years old, but will turn the big 5-0 in November.
I live in Gainesville, Ga., which is about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta.
I have been married to my DH for 24 years, but we've been together for 28.
DH is a Veterinarian and we run his equine practice out of our home.
I am Mom to an 18 year old son, who is a freshman in College.
I am a SAHM, even though DS is basically grown. I run the household, including taking care of my 80 year old father who lives with us.
I workout at home and run outside when weather permits, inside on the treadmill when it's cold.
I have a Journalism Degree from the University of Georgia. GO DAWGS!
I have been working out for 25+ years, but only to home videos in the last 10 years.
I've been on this forum for several years, but don't have a clue exactly how many.
I am Lori (lots of Lori's here!)
I live in Nebraska
I've been coming here about 1 year, not really a regular poster
I have a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design, but I've been a SAHM for almost three years
I am 34
I have a DD who will be three in June and another DD due in June
I've been married six years this summer
I workout at home and have way to many workout videos (not enough Cathe though)

My name is Michele
I'm 50 years old
I live in Ohio
I have been posting on this forum since June of 05--I think
I've been married for 21 years
I don't have children unless you count my kitty---and my DH;)
I'm a retired RN but taking care of my husband is a full time job
I've worked in many fields--I easily get bored and need to switch things up alot
My tastes in music run to classical, blue grass, celtic, and I love the music of my mom's day--Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, etc.
I love movies but think there is a dearth of good movies lately
when I work out I do it at home
I love antiques (18th and early 19th century American and English) and could while away the day perusing antique shops and shows

Hi Beth

I'm Elaine.
I live in Grover Beach, CA.
I am 46 years old.
I'm married with 4 children (1st two kids from 1st marriage).
I'm a part time, work from home, computer programmer.
Don't really remember when I started lurking or posting but it's been at least a year.
I work out at home, run outside alot and utilize certain equipment at the gym when I am training for a marathon.
I like classic rock, classical, reggae and only the old, old country music.
Cool post, thanks for starting it Beth!

I am Karin
I am originally from southern NJ, but now live in Denver, Colorado
I have been in this forum for about 4 months
I have a PhD in chemistry and am currently a research scientist working on antioxidant research
I am 31 years old, married for 4 years with no children
I listen to music with a good beat for running and NPR
I like to bike (rode my first century last year), run, cook, drink coffee, hike, and watch movies
I workout in my home most of the time, but still have a membership to a recreation center nearby for spinning and cardio machines
Hi, I am Judy
I live in Apple Valley, California (So Cal High Desert)
I am 42 years old
I have been married 14 years on Feb 29 - well lets call it Feb 28 this year
I have 3 great kids, the oldest graduating high school this year
I have a B.S in Geological Sciences, started my Masters then becams a SAHM!
I develop and maintain websites at home while the kids are in school
I have been posting here for a couple of months
Got hooked on Cathe at Christmas then bought her entire collection!
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis for 9 years now - boo (but things could always be worse, right?)
I quit Golds Gym this year and now work out at home with Cathe and treadmill
I like all kinds of music (you should see my Itunes music - I have everything, opera (Sarah Brightman), alternative rock, classic rock - I used to be a headbanger in college! You know glamour rock, big hair...
I love to scrapbook, H2O and snow ski, eat-of course
My favorite TV shows are Star Trek NG, 24 - go Jack!, House
Oh and I have two big lab puppies that are 1 year old and they chewed my weight bench down to plywood!
Everyone on this board is an inspiration!

I am Rhonda
I live in Oklahoma, northeast of Diane Sue
Been on this forum almost 3 yrs
I work with mentally handicaped adults, for almost 11 yrs
I am 46
Hubby and I have 2 boys, 19, and 22(soon to be 23)
We have been married almost 25 yrs
We like country and old rock
I workout at home

I do have to say, that Diane Sue, Robin, and Carole are my inspirations. I think I have to start lifting heavier lol.

Rhonda:7 :7
Hi! My name is Phyllis, 44 yrs young
I live in South Jersey(near the Delaware Memorial Bridge)
Lurked on the forum for about a year, posting for a year
I've been married 20 yrs, to the best man in the world!
Mom to 3 kids, DS - 16; DD - 14; DD - 12 (the best kids in the world)
I am a medical lab tech
Exclusively work out at home in my living room. Started out with the Firm, but do Cathe 95% of the time.
I'm kinda stuck in the 70's and 80's with my music.
I own 3cats,2 parakeets, 1 hamster, 2 aquariums ( 75g & 10g) with African Cichlids and would love a Golden Retriever
My Name is Yas
I live in Atlanta,GA
I have been on this forum since 1998 (The month that Cathe had her 1st son) under different user names but rarely post.
I am 36 years old (B-day last Sat!)
I have 2 children, Son 11, Daughter 8
I have a degree in Nutrition but left that field 5 yrs ago to pursue MBA, grad in '04 & manage a salon & beauty supply store with my DH. I am a Part-time SAHM for 11 years (I resist getting a FT job.)
I am married 12 years to my high school sweetheart whom I've known for 22 years
I worked out at home for 11+ years(7 yrs with Cathe) before joining Gold's gym last summer. I love the gym but miss my Cathe workouts & know that I will go back to them soon (Group classes in gym do not compare AT ALL!)
I listen to Hip-hop, R&B, Pop & dance music and I spend a lot of time making playlists for my cardio workouts
It's great learning about everyone.

I'm Pamela.
I live in sunny South Florida.
I've been lurking here since last summer, and I've been posting since the beginning of the year.
I'm an attorney (Civil Litigator - I'm not sure that's the nice kind, but I'm nice . . . tenacious, but nice. :)
I have two children, a 10 yo daughter and a 3 yo son.
DH and I will have been married for 12 years in August, but we've been a couple almost 19 years.
I like a wide variety of music, but my radio is preset to hip-hop/Rr&B, lite rock, adult contemporary, news, and jazz stations.
I workout at home and outside. I had a gym membership until very recently, but I never go to the gym consistently.
Hi Beth, nice thread!

I am Susan.

I live in Norfolk, MA...between Boston and Providence, RI.

Not sure how long I've been a memeber but I have worked out with Cathe since her first "video" and knew she was a superstar.

I have been married for 1.5 years, got married at 42 y.o., having held out for the right man!

I have 2 step children and 5 nieces and nephews.

I am a registered nurse but have been in corporate marketing for many years.

Sorry, don't connect to country music at all. Love U2, Diana Krall and Morocan/Algerian Rai.

I love this forum for all that I learn from everyone about fitness and nutriton!
Hello Beth!!

My name is Jes(sica).
I live in Texas.
I am as Southern as it gets;-)
I am 26 years old.
I have been a member of this board since Oct 2004 and have posted almost everyday since i joined.
I am married and have two miniature schnauzers (Pj and Bella)
I work at home (dh and i have a business).
My hobbies are cooking, shopping, home/lawn improvement and scrapbooking.
I workout at home and the gym.
I love most genres of music, but very rarely find a rock/alternative song that i enjoy.

Hi Beth:

Great thread. Fun to read about everyone.

I'm Robyn.
I live outside Boston.
I've been on the forum since 00 I think.
I'm a program (project manager) and about to change companies again (I'm 99.9% sure). I work in software/database marketing field.
I have 2 kids - DD 20 (in France for the semester) a sophomore in college and DS 17 (a junior in HS)
Been single a LONG time! 16 years. Was married for 6. Noone in my life guywise that is.
I only workout at home these days. I have joined gyms in the past. When my son goes off to college I will probably join again.

Nice to hear all about you :)
This is fun!

Another Rhonda here.
I was born in Colorado Springs and lived there until I was 26 when I moved to Italy for 2 years to be with my then boyfriend,now hubby, who I met while he was an exchange student in Colorado.

I now live in Avondale Arizona (suburb of Phoenix)..but still love my Denver Broncos hence the DB1 screen name.

I have been on this forum since 1998. I don't post often but I do check in several times a week.

Hubby and I are both the big 40 and we are 3 days apart. I'm July 6 and he's July 9 (he loves those older women;) ) This coming Tuesday will be 21 years together total, 12 married.

We don't have "human children" but we do have 2 "4 legged children"

I am an Interior Designer and have worked on projects all over the country and one in Canada.

I love to workout and be outside. Those are my dearest hobbies!
Hi! I'm Leslie and live in central WI
I'm 49 and have been doing Cathe for about 5 years, I guess, although I have been a regular exerciser since my college days.
I teach high school Spanish
I will finish my MA in Spanish this summer at UCSanta Barbara (I hope)!
I've been married for 23 years to the same wonderful man!
Have 3 kids: 20, 17, 14. The 20yr old is in college and my 17 yr old is graduating HS this year.
We lived in Costa Rica for one year and in Argentina for 7,I feel like it is my second home.
I listen to "light" rock and classical rock and any current Spanish language music, although I don't like hip hop (in any language) or country music.
I recently took up spinning and love it :)
I always take Sunday off from exercising and will now take my Sunday nap!!
I am Melissa
I live in northern Virginia (moved here a year ago from Tampa, FL)
I will be 35 in March
I have been married 4 years (have been with DH for 9 years)
I have a 13 yr old stepdaughter, two godchildren, and had a 17+ year old cat that I had to put asleep a few months ago :(
I am a mechanical engineer and work for a company that makes flight simulators
I have been a member of this forum over 3 years
My main hobby is working out (at home), but I have many interests, just not the time or money to do all I want to do
>I do have to say, that Diane Sue, Robin, and Carole are my
>inspirations. I think I have to start lifting heavier lol.
>Rhonda:7 :7

That was sweet Rhonda...thank you...[/img]...Carole

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