I think if anyone actually looks at the studies, which is what i'm saying. I have never ever read anything on grapefruit being a miracle weight loss food. Ever. And i have found NO studies to point that it contains anything other than vitamins (which are clearly good for you).
Now if you take the time to READ the studies, on pubmed, and other sites, of which i've given the names times over, you will see that these are studies done on humans (not rats) and the results are, i think you'll see, very impressive.
I have a problem when someone say's you'll gain weight. I find it scary that weight is the only issue. Health? But lets say weight is the issue (and i did originally start this thread about weight loss - not health) i think you'll find that if you talk to any endocrinologist you'll find out that calories in vs calories out (has some truth) but not much as much as people would think. And all it takes is some searching and talking to either, a) an endocrinologist, b) pubmed, c) other doctors with a history in health management not weight loss, and they will explain that fat and protein are the building blocks of human life. They are essential for life. So when you eat protein and fat, your body will use them (according to pubmed article, on the studie of fats and proteins in the humna body) as hormones, muscle, bone, tissue, metabolic function, etc... you'll see that these calories are first and foremost used as building blocks for the body not stored as bodyfat. Meaning that 200 calories from fats and proteins are used differently than 200 calories from carbs.
Just for information - there are no essential carbohydrates. NONE. There are essential proteins. And essential fats, but NO essential carbs (note - i did not say carbs are bad).
I'll end this rant, or CULT as someone said it sounded by saying a couple of things.
I honstly don't think i've eaten less calories. Perhaps some day's i do, but normally i think i either stay near the same or just over. I doubt i'm ingesting thousands over, more likey a couple of hundred. I have lost weight. My skin has taken on a texture like silk. It is strange as i normally have greasy/dry patches of skin. But best of all. I normally get colds really, really easily. In my life, once i start sneezing, i always get a cold. Last year i had 7. On Friday i started sneezing and feeling really rough. I had read that supplementing coconut can help in cold fighting, so i tried it and increased my doseage. When i woke up the next day. No cold. No sore throat (which i always get). I felt better. Miracle? Perhps not. Good anti-bacteria fighter? I'm certain. I'm not asking anyone to use coconut oil that doesn't wish to, but i honestly believe, from everything i've read (which is alot) that coconut oil can help in weight loss, but more importantly than that, it can and does improve health.