ARGH! Not getting much done these days.
So far this week:
Tues: Run interval 3 miles
Weds: Pyramid Bonus Combo WOW I am feeling this one today!
Today so far has been sending job quotes and catching up on emails. My internet has been acting up!
Sherry: Great job on your runs!
Belinda: Your new workouts for Step Across America sounds interesting.

Great job on your workouts. I hope your Doc appt.
went well.
Yesterday after my WO I rushed out the get my Mom to her Doc. Went out to lunch and went shopping with her and her BF friend.

We had a great time.
For the past 10 days I have been caring for my Sons and DIL's kitties. This is a trip of 20 min back and forth to their place for me.
Lots of driving for sure!
After my time out with my Mom I had to go tend to the kitties again. One of them I couldn't FIND! I started to panic! I finally found her
inside the box spring mattress. LOL!
Came home to rest and head back out again at 11PM to get my Son from the airport. Home by 2am. I ended up crashing on the couch until my DH woke me at 4am.
Needless to say I am wiped! I think this calls for an easy day of just doing little things around the house.
Have a great Thursday ladies!