Getnfit@38 Then and Now


Just wanted to pay a bit of homage to one of my favorite people . . .

These are some verbatim excerpts from a thread Donna started 12/10/01:

"How do you bounce back the day the scale doesn't move? . . . I am feeling soooooo depressed this morning! I ALWAYS look forward to Monday weight-ins, especially after I know I've stayed on target all week with eating and exersing, and this morning was no exception BEFORE I stepped on the scale, so i look down at the display and it was only 1, here, let me spell it so there's no mistake! . . . I'm just so frustrated, and really I could just cry because I can't imagine trying any harder than I already do . . . Will the scale move again in my favor?"

and now:

12/09/02 - "It's hard, but 'nothing worthwhile ever comes easy!' ANd when I finish tweaking, sculpting and building what I've got, I'll be able to hold my head up proudly and say, 'I DID THIS!' ' It was hard work, but look at what I've done for myself, and with myself!' And you will too, Marci!"

11/29/02: - "I don't mind working hard for my fitness, I enjoy every bit of working out 1-2 hrs/day, if I don't feel like it I won't, I'll scale down my workout in a second if I'm not feeling up to it, but I enjoy it and I love doing something so positive for my body after years of abusing it so horribly."

12/02/02 - "I just don't feel like anyone, man or woman, should have to 'settle' for a certain body shape, fitness level or mind set based on a certain age . . ."

And let's not forget her point analysis of the Interval Max workout, on the Video Discussion forum, that's as suitable for printing and reference as any Cathe could come up with herself.

Donna - I admire you so tremendously.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Could I be anymore red-faced?.............

OMG! My mouth is still hung open!

I have to admit Annette that yesterday when responding to Marci I thought about that exact post I made a year ago! :)
I also thought about how much my viewpoint has changed. From being so focused on "being as thin as I can be" to wanting to become as fit as I can be. BUT~I got to this place with the help of all of you "wiser, educated crowd" that kept reminding me of the benefits of functional fitness. At first it was, "yeah, yeah, yeah, but I want to lose weight!" And now it really is all about getting my body, inside and out, where it should be~fit and healthy!
That's the best part about taking my journey here, the knowledge I've gained is worth double the price of any video that can be purchased! The support is priceless! There is ALWAYS someone to pick you up and dust you off and say, "try, try, again~you can do it!"
I just want to now begin to give back what so many of you have given me: hope, inspiration, education, support and the best cyber-friendship in the world! :)

Thank you Annette for always patiently answering my questions and refocusing me during times of tunnel vision. And I honestly thought of you last night when I was carrying the detergent from the car. I'd grabbed all 3 "family size" detergents by the handles in 1 hand and the first thought I had was, "functional fitness coming in to play!" And of course with the other free hand I could grab 4 or 5 plastic grocery bags (which hubby is now very use to and liking!) :)

Thanks everyone for helping me through the last year, I'm looking very forward to this upcoming year and really working on improving all areas of my fitness. Keep the education coming! :)


p.s.and HB: This time next year I will be able to say, "I eat MIC for breakfast!"
I might have been able to break down Imax, but MIC hi-lo is a monster I'm going to have to swallow whole!
Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Count me in this club too!!! I love love love Donna and all the help she gives me and everyone..hugs.. and Annette... hugs to u too. i always am ready to read your stuff too.. thanks again to you both and i hope you will be there again for me when i need and if you ever need me *as if* .. just yell

Candy :)
I would LOVE to see her trotted out on the Dr. Phil show as a prime example of taking charge of your situation.

Just Do It! :)
Count me on this club too! Great post Annette. As I told you before you are great with words. This forum has helped me so much too! You are all so great!


Count me in the "Club" too! Donna~you have come sooo far in a year. It has been a true pleasure, you allowing us, to enjoy the journey with you. From someone who also used to be sooo centered on what the scale weight said, I can so relate with how much better I feel now that I know it is not all about a number, but how I feel and that is STRONG & HEALTHY! You have worked so hard and it has all paid off. Thanks for all your support and encouragement you give to so many here. (Great thread Annette!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Count me in on the fan club as well!!

At 267 lbs, I had been exercising for a while to beginner tapes. I was looking for intermediate recommendations and was referred to Cathe. Until I came across Donna's posts I thought I'd have to 'wait until I'm in better shape' to try her out.

I am truly inspired by Donna and Cathe!! 20 lbs down and counting....

Donna, thanks so much for sharing your journey.

~~ Sharon ~~
RE: Yes!

Ya know Donna I wish you and Cathe could be on like Oprah for the whole show one day and I mean that. I see so darn many "fitness video" infomercials and how you can remake yourself or turn yourself into a ball of serenity in 16 weeks or whatever. They are baloney if you ask me for the person wanting to drop a large amount of weight and or the person wanting to make huge fitness gains. It just don't happen that fast honey is what I feel like calling those 800 #'s and saying. If people could see someone like you and our Cathe who knows how to teach people to reach "inside" themselves and work hard for a year or two years as well as a lifetime and really "change" then that would be a blessing for sure.

I've lost a lot myself and have a ways to go also waterbabie/Sharon and Donna is surely a prime example of how it CAN be done wtih Cathe's videos, no matter your size. I saw a sad thread on VF a while back where some people told a poster she couldn't do Cathe if she was not a super advanced exerciser. Well she can is what I think. Yeah you gotta modify and work up but boy it sure is worth it. May have to start with 1/2 a tape on a low step bench but hey you got room to grow too.

I"m placing my 4th Cathe order for this year Friday and after that I think except for the new ones I'll own darn near everything she's got out and I dont' think I could have made a better investment ever.

Cathe is for anyone willing to work hard.


Hi Sharon,

I'm so glad you didn't wait to start Cathe! She is a challenge at higher weights, but don't you have the most incredibly proud feeling when you knock out her workout!?

And the very best part for me has been not just losing with it, but getting stronger, not just physically, but mentally as well! My weight kept me very insecure about myself, but as pounds would go, and as I became able to do more and more physically, my ego and self appreciation grew!

I tell you, for 37 years I NEVER saw myself in my dreams, I'd be there, but I could never see myself. In the last year, not only do I dream and see myself, I'm usually naked and admiring myself in the mirror! (2 much info I know!) But to me that is worth everything to really feel good about myself and see my own body (in its still imperfect stages) and be okay with what I see. (okay, except for the boobs man! These puppies are not making the transition well!)

But be very proud of yourself. Cathe aint easy, and every workout you do is a major step on your journey.
And the best part about starting now is as you modify here and there now, in upcoming months as you modify less and less, it's like a whole new workout all over again! Talk about a value for your buck! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-02 AT 05:33PM (Est)[/font][p]What you just said sums up what gave me the determination to do Cathe in the first place.
I thought if one more person suggested a Richard Simmons video to me I would scream! Or tell me to walk to my mailbox and back until I got use to movement! Use to movement?????
I wanted to shout out, "Hello~I'm fat, not disabled!"

And I admit it was hard, but Cathe never said anything about her videos being for a certain weight group, she only said, "modify, modify, modify" so I did, and let's keep it real, I still do for some things (MIC~my nemesis!) and I don't want to even think about Imax 2 yet!

I just hate to be pigeon holed and/or stereotyped! I believe anyone can do anything if they really want it badly enough. You just have to want it!


p.s.And if I EVER run in to Richard Simmons, I have words for him! I can agree that there are probably many that should start with his videos, but couldn't they at least get progressively tougher! Something to grow with?

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Aquajock, thank you for putting this thread together. Donna, did I mention lately that you are so much easier to look up to than some of my past role models (Demi Moore who started smoking again to lean out, or Heidi Tanner who works out '3 or 4 times a day')? Here's to my new hero gettinfit@38!!!!
Donna C:

YOU got it girlfriend!! We don't have to do NO Richard Simmons or walk up and down our driveways cause we are NOT disabled we are just fluffy!!! AMEN SISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got it goin on.

Personally I'm not too big on Richie anyways and never was. Something about the sound of his voice and the hair and the tights and well.......................................... he just
bugs me.

Big Girls Can TOO
RE: Sharon............

Thanks for your note Donna!! Even your board name resonates with me. I'm 38 as well and my mantra has been "fit by 40"! When I first logged on here, I would do a search for your username and read all your posts. I think I even started a little file with recommendations you gave for videos, rotations, modifications etc. For example, after reading one of your posts I started taking Flex-a-min and haven't had aching knees since! (hmm... I'm really not a stalker!! :):))

I get so pumped up by Cathe that I have to quell my enthusiasm and be careful to not injure for now I keep my step at 4" most of the time and make my movements 'smaller' when I need to. I also work in some low impact, hi-lo days as well. Even did yoga for the first time yesterday!!

I emerged from couch potato status when I was 36 and have been working on myself (mentally and physically) with varying degress of success since then. But now, I really feel confident that I will make my goal of being at a healthy weight when I'm 40 yrs. old. I thinking about getting a little lift at goal so that I can have 30 yr old boobs to match the rest of my body :)

I still think I may have lost my mind ordering that Intensity series though :-tired I may need rehabilitation by the end of Jan.

~~ Sharon ~~
Annette.. thanks for starting this post. I'd like to thank you as well for all the helpful info you share.

PS My username refers to my love for the water.. Used to do aquaerobics and laps.. but can't find a intense class since moving to Jersey.

~~ Sharon ~~

Even my hubby is cracking up now!
Lori, there is no more pitiful sight on earth than me when I finish Imax!
(Okay~I may have to stop and slap my hubby here if he doesn't get a grip!)
But talk about your sad sights! There isn't a dry spot on my tank top, it's usually somehow twisted to the side, I actually "squish" with sweat! And when I open the bedroom door after I'm finished, my hubby just looks at me and says, "Imax?" and I nod, swill water and say, "Imax!"

And I did say I was looking forward to Imax 2 didn't I?


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

I'm glad the Flex-a-min worked for you too! There are some adjustments to be made when doing high impact, and I believe that we need to protect ourselves for the long haul!
I figured I needed the extra protection between the impact of the aerobics, lack of prior exercise, and all the weight in general my poor knees had to endure for so long, and it really did help tremendously! I hate that it costs so much, but it worked, and it's kept my knees from aching.

It's good to do mixed impact. I do at least 1 Charlene Prickett low impact workout each week, sometimes 2 depending on how I'm feeling. She has some great videos that are high intensity, but low impact, and I'm always amazed when she does the perceived exertion check and I'm in my zone! She believes in "big movements!" But it's so different from Cathe, no where near the impact, but still a good solid fat burner without the impact.

I hear you on the boobs! They just don't figure it out with the rest of the body? And mine went south so long ago I guess they figure, "you can pec squeeze, push up and bench press til the cows come home sister but we aint going no where!" And they mean it!


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
RE: Donna !

Hi Donna !

Now you are cracking me up !!!!!!!!!! LOL :7

Can I hust add my bit too - I haven't been on the forum long, and I too just want to say what an inspiration you have been to me in such a short time. OK, so I have lost 0.5lbs, BUT I am stronger, can endure more because you inspire me to keep going with my Cathe workouts. I have days when I think, Oh, do I really have to exercise ? And then I think Yes, because I can bet my bottom dollar that Donna has or is, and it is only 60 minutes of working out, what else would I do with my hour ? You have come so far, and I just think you are awesome, and you make me laugh !!!!!!!
Oh and another thing, I am glad you do what you feel on a day to day basis, like your workout time varies from 60-120 minutes, because I was beginning to feel guilty for working out for 90 minutes at a time, and had slipped back down to just an hour a day, I thought I was maybe doing too much with 90 minutes and now I realise I could manage it and cope with it.

Thankyou Donna !!!!!!!!! :) (and thankyou Annette for pointing out what a great year Donna has had).

I hope you and your family have a great Christmas !!!!!!

Anna :)

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