Functional Lower Body with the bonus workout

I am waiting on this one. I suspect I will use a lower step because of knee issues. This morning I followed the cardio from Cathe's Live 500 (which I love!), about 20 minutes, with the Bonus Balance on Functional Upper Body. Doubt I will be doing this one very much. It's all down on the mat, and the disks hurt my knees and my elbows and my hands. It was hard for me to concentrate on mastering the balance challenges when I hated the feeling of the disks. I have a knee replacement and it needs a soft surface, not this prickly thing. My other knee is okay, but I just didn't like the feeling of the disk, which left imprints all over me.
Just did this one & I loved every second of it! I only had time for the main workout. There are familiar moves, but the way Cathe layers them and incorporates small changes make it feel new & fresh. For an idea on what was used; Cathe & crew used a high step platform w/2 risers, 3s, 10s, 12s & a 10 lb weight plate. Even though the weights were lighter than what we're use to using, it felt like the right weight as the moves were slightly slower which I appreciated so I was able to focus/feel the muscle & work balance. I also liked that it was different than a traditional weight workout using multiple sets of same ex; instead this one runs through each exercise once or twice and at times were cardiovascular but not like a cardio w/o. After the warmup, you start out using the fabric loop which I think is a sneaky but effective way to pre-exhaust the glutes just enough before using weights, and then towards end of workout you use the elastic loop. This is exactly what I was looking for today, didn't want to do a all-out/knockout of a workout but still feel like I worked it. Can't wait to do it again!
... the disks hurt my knees and my elbows and my hands. It was hard for me to concentrate on mastering the balance challenges when I hated the feeling of the disks.
Maybe try putting a towel over the discs to protect from those nubby things? Just a thought ... based on your comment, that's what I expect I may try.
Lannette, I was going to make that very suggestion! I've used my old mat for other things around the house too. Even funnier, I have a salt/sand bucket for winter weather that I keep in the back of my car and it stops it from sliding around.
It’s nice to know that I’m not the only re-user of retired mats. We replaced a 7’x7’ manduka with Cathe’s round mat and repurposed all but a small piece, which I’m keeping because I know I’ll find a use for it. :D
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The Functional Lower Body workout has a great mix of weighted exercises and band exercises! Like the LM&R TB, there is a cardio effect much like a Metabolic Weight Training workout. It starts with 4 exercises with the green Boss/Fabric loop, then 10 weighted exercises with no other equipment. The Halo Circles with the weight plate also work the core. Then 4 exercises with the 8" step, 2 with weights, 2 without. Then the frosting on the top is 8 exercises with the green firewalker loop. These are great to get to that stubborn gluteous medius - I think mine just go along for the ride when doing regular squats and deadlifts. Sometimes after a rotation of heavy lifting, my IT band acts up, which is usually due that gluteous medius needing more attention. These types of firewalker exercises really help strengthen them & calm the IT band down, so I'm thrilled they take up a good chunk of this workout. The cool-down stretch is almost 6 minutes long for those of us who like a longer stretch after a weight workout. Thanks Cathe for listening to our suggestions to include longer stretches in the actual workout!

The Lower Body Balance Disc Bonus (~20 minutes) looks great (didn't do yet, just watched). The first four exercises use two balance discs. The rest use only one. Jai again demonstrates great balance - maybe someday I'll be able to approach her level if I do this bonus regularly. This looks challenging, yet fun! Maybe it'll be a little frustrating - we'll see - Cathe and crew laugh and giggle at themselves doing it, so hopefully so will I as I fight for balance. :)
The Functional Lower Body workout has a great mix of weighted exercises and band exercises! Like the LM&R TB, there is a cardio effect much like a Metabolic Weight Training workout. It starts with 4 exercises with the green Boss/Fabric loop, then 10 weighted exercises with no other equipment. The Halo Circles with the weight plate also work the core. Then 4 exercises with the 8" step, 2 with weights, 2 without. Then the frosting on the top is 8 exercises with the green firewalker loop. These are great to get to that stubborn gluteous medius - I think mine just go along for the ride when doing regular squats and deadlifts. Sometimes after a rotation of heavy lifting, my IT band acts up, which is usually due that gluteous medius needing more attention. These types of firewalker exercises really help strengthen them & calm the IT band down, so I'm thrilled they take up a good chunk of this workout. The cool-down stretch is almost 6 minutes long for those of us who like a longer stretch after a weight workout. Thanks Cathe for listening to our suggestions to include longer stretches in the actual workout!

The Lower Body Balance Disc Bonus (~20 minutes) looks great (didn't do yet, just watched). The first four exercises use two balance discs. The rest use only one. Jai again demonstrates great balance - maybe someday I'll be able to approach her level if I do this bonus regularly. This looks challenging, yet fun! Maybe it'll be a little frustrating - we'll see - Cathe and crew laugh and giggle at themselves doing it, so hopefully so will I as I fight for balance. :)
FLB is the one I want to try next. Maybe today if I get some free time. I did get brave & try the balance bonus. It IS challenging but so much fun! I had zero expectations, so I didn't have an inkling of frustration, I just had fun with it!
The Functional Lower Body workout has a great mix of weighted exercises and band exercises! Like the LM&R TB, there is a cardio effect much like a Metabolic Weight Training workout. It starts with 4 exercises with the green Boss/Fabric loop, then 10 weighted exercises with no other equipment. The Halo Circles with the weight plate also work the core. Then 4 exercises with the 8" step, 2 with weights, 2 without. Then the frosting on the top is 8 exercises with the green firewalker loop. These are great to get to that stubborn gluteous medius - I think mine just go along for the ride when doing regular squats and deadlifts. Sometimes after a rotation of heavy lifting, my IT band acts up, which is usually due that gluteous medius needing more attention. These types of firewalker exercises really help strengthen them & calm the IT band down, so I'm thrilled they take up a good chunk of this workout. The cool-down stretch is almost 6 minutes long for those of us who like a longer stretch after a weight workout. Thanks Cathe for listening to our suggestions to include longer stretches in the actual workout!

The Lower Body Balance Disc Bonus (~20 minutes) looks great (didn't do yet, just watched). The first four exercises use two balance discs. The rest use only one. Jai again demonstrates great balance - maybe someday I'll be able to approach her level if I do this bonus regularly. This looks challenging, yet fun! Maybe it'll be a little frustrating - we'll see - Cathe and crew laugh and giggle at themselves doing it, so hopefully so will I as I fight for balance. :)
I did get to try FLB yesterday & LOVE it! I am with you about the IT band (especially on my right side) & I like the longer firewalker segment as well. I was also pleased to be able to use one of my fabric bands. I don't have heavier plates for my barbell, so I used a dumbbell, which worked great. I've always liked halos, especially after I started to get strength & mobility back in my shoulder after a shoulder replacement. That replacement is why I don't use my barbell much now...I can't get the bar behind my head on to my shoulders. There's something about it that just doesn't work. There are definitely restrictions with it but not enough to deter the majority of my workouts. I'll usually modify with the barbell in front or dumbbells on my shoulders. I may go ahead & get a couple of heavier plates to use in more recent workouts, just to change up the toys I am playing with.
I did this workout Friday in place of my originally planned STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs workout. My knee was being a bit fidgety back on Wednesday so I decided subbing in Functional Lower Body would be a good idea instead of insisting on heavy weights.

Really enjoyed the workout. Did this with the bonus balance disc segment, too.

Those halo lunges really caught me off guard - and off balance! Got pretty tippy a couple times there. A few exercises also got my heart rate elevated pretty good.

The balance disc section was great, too. I had to sub in a barbell bar for my balancing apparatus as I don't have a high-backed chair nor the bars she was using. The barbell bar worked pretty good for the most part, though I couldn't just go completely hands off like she did in some of the exercises.

I was thinking while doing the balance discs that I'm going to get some really strong ankles if I stick with the workout.

The unilateral work was helpful, too. I have notoriously weak balance on my right side, so while she was moving focus to the left, I put in some extra rounds of balance work on my right.

Look forward to doing this again.

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