frustation over clueless family members!

I'm with everyone else in that I just don't bring it up unless someone else does.

I'm down 40 pounds from my highest weight with a combo of clean eating and exercise, and have maintained my weight for 2 years. Occasionally, I'll get did you do it. When I say "diet and exercise," I am inevitably met with crestfallen faces and the conversation usually ends right there. So many people are looking for a magic pill.

My youngest sister has struggled with her weight for years. She sent me an email wanting to know what I do. I took the opportunity to outline my eating and exercise plan. She wrote back saying that she didn't have TIME to do all that. So instead, she's currently taking the Alli pill. Sigh.:confused:
This was a huge topic of conversation on the roadtrip....and everyone echoed that they didn't tell many people what they were doing for the weekend in detail for fear of the eye rolling.
You know what's funny and sad at the same time...If we on the RT told people we were going away for a 3 day drinking binge, they wouldn't give us the strange looks/comments that some people had to endure.
Seriously, Melissa, you should tell them that, I can almost guarantee you'll get a more favorable reaction...probably along the line of..."Why didn't you ask me to come?" I'll bet you didn't get that response too often when you mentioned where you were really going!
You are so right Jerry. I was on such a Cathe high when I got home. I kept waiting for the inevitable "so how was your weekend?". When I started rambling about the road trip, people got this look in their eyes like " you went all the way to NJ to exercise?" Cathe who?" and I just finally had to say to myself this is something special that only Cathites can understand.
Oh, I can relate!

I totally felt that way this weekend. I was with relatives and couldn't believe the junk that was eaten!! We went to a fair and they kept trying to make me eat the funnel cake and drink some of the lemon shake up. First of all, we'd just eaten dinner like an hour before, and second of all, I didn't want any!!!!

But... thankfully my 22 yr old cousin has been doing P90X so we talked nutrition and fitness for a while. He's doing awesome and trying to motivate his 20 yr old brother and get his family (my aunt & uncle) to eat healthier. And I have another older cousin that I ran 4 miles with this morning in the pouring rain, so at least I do have some healthy relatives!! LOL

Why are *we* the odd ones for trying to eat healthy and exercise?? UGH!!
You know what's funny and sad at the same time...If we on the RT told people we were going away for a 3 day drinking binge, they wouldn't give us the strange looks/comments that some people had to endure.

Oh, I'm sure!!! I'm jealous of all of you RT'ers, but I'm sure people wouldn't *get* wanting to go exercise for a weekend!! *rolls eyes*
I too have had a hard time trying to tell folks why I'm going to New Jersey this weekend. It's just not something that people understand, they don't know who Cathe is, and they think I'm crazy. Although, I feel no reason to justify myself either.

At first when I told my dad I was going on a "road trip", he thought I was gonna party all weekend.:rolleyes: After I explained to him what the road trip was, he is more at ease. Geez dad - I'm almost 40!!

As a first time RT'er though, I do feel like a bit of a rebel for taking the plunge.:cool:

My family is very supportive of my fitness hobby. However my friends are another story. I am in my 20s and it seems like a lot of my friends are still in that phase were most of them can still eat and drink what they want and still be skinny so they do not care. Although it is starting to catch up with some of them because of all the beer. I just ignore their comments for the most part and do my own thing.

Good for you, Jacque...they'll be going, "man, I shoulda..." in a few always catches up with them.
You know what's funny and sad at the same time...If we on the RT told people we were going away for a 3 day drinking binge, they wouldn't give us the strange looks/comments that some people had to endure.

what a good point, Jerry! It is sad...but funny!
My DH is NOT supportive of my exercise and fitness goals. He thinks it's silly and discourages me constantly. You don't know how lucky you all are to at least have a spouse who is supportive. I could care less what anyone else thinks. I have to live with this man!
My DH is NOT supportive of my exercise and fitness goals. He thinks it's silly and discourages me constantly. You don't know how lucky you all are to at least have a spouse who is supportive. I could care less what anyone else thinks. I have to live with this man!

Wow April, I'm so sorry to hear that. My ex husband wasn't ll that supportive either. He'd make fun of me and say stupid crap. Used to really bug me. I'd do it anyway. My ex was overweight and I'm sure jealous.

I'm sure it's hard not to have the support you need from him, but you at least have the support you need from us here.

Keep up the good work!
My DH is NOT supportive of my exercise and fitness goals. He thinks it's silly and discourages me constantly. You don't know how lucky you all are to at least have a spouse who is supportive. I could care less what anyone else thinks. I have to live with this man!

How sad April. :(

Now what would your DH say if you quit exercising, started eating crap and gained 20 or 30 pounds? Would he be supportive THEN or would he just berate you for gaining weight!? :eek:
sticking up for our gal!!!

Me too! I wrote my brother back an email and told him most definitely that Cathe has been teaching fitness classes since she was 16 and works out - oh probably with STS filming - a ZILLION hours a day! Which is why she looks so FANTASTIC. My brother is no doubt comparing to my SIL, who has never worked out a day in her life and pooh-poohs the whole concept.

And my ideal goal - which I am probably not genetically gifted enough to reach - but I can have it as a goal for sure - is to look fit and athletic like Cathe and the crew! When I saw her in person the first time at the road trip last week, I was so in awe I nearly fell out of my chair.
so, so true

You know what's funny and sad at the same time...If we on the RT told people we were going away for a 3 day drinking binge, they wouldn't give us the strange looks/comments that some people had to endure.

Jerry that is so true. I told my relatives where I was going - my niece laughed and said "I just don't understand why anyone would pay money to get their A.. kicked all weekend."

I would pay it again, in a heartbeat!!!
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I totally agree with what others have said but I have also seen the pendulum swing the other way to people measuring every food item they put in their mouth every day, day in and day out, highly restrictive diets for no good reason that I can see, and being hyper critical of others who don't measure up (literally and figuratively) to fitness/nutrition standards. I prefer not to subscribe to either philosophy. I do what I do because it works for me and I tend to share little of it with others, fit or not, unless they ask. I'd love some of the people in my life to take their health seriously before it takes them seriously but I'll do my best not to pass judgment (which admittedly I am prone to doing) and hope for the best.
April, that stinks. :( I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Beavs, I couldn't agree more. I don't want anyone pushing their extreme views on me, whether it's someone who thinks Cheez Whiz is a diet staple or someone who proudly marches around with a "No Fatties" t-shirt. :rolleyes: (Sadly yes...that's out there.)

i am 48 and over the years I have learnt that it better to keep my mouth shut. That way no hassles with those who do not RELATE to my interests.
I totally agree with what others have said but I have also seen the pendulum swing the other way to people measuring every food item they put in their mouth every day, day in and day out, highly restrictive diets for no good reason that I can see, and being hyper critical of others who don't measure up (literally and figuratively) to fitness/nutrition standards. I prefer not to subscribe to either philosophy. I do what I do because it works for me and I tend to share little of it with others, fit or not, unless they ask. I'd love some of the people in my life to take their health seriously before it takes them seriously but I'll do my best not to pass judgment (which admittedly I am prone to doing) and hope for the best.

Excellent post! I agree completely!

You know, talking about working out with others who are not interested in the subject, isn't any different that talking about other things that don't interest people. Think about the person who tells endless stories about their grandkids, or the person who can't stop talking about their fishing's the same thing. I don't talk about it to anyone (unless asked of course) and that way I'm not setting myself up for disappointment at their reaction, or lack thereof!

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