FreeStyle training book

Okay ladies this is a copy of what George Snyder emailed when I asked about a new version of Freestyle book:

CAROLE--The name has changed from Freestyle Fitness to Freestyle Methods. Other then this it depends when you ordered, we make minor changes/additions over time as things change and certain photos need to change...this is mainly in the Galaxy section and there are some changes coming up that we will need to adjust. Basically the book stays about the same.
George Snyder

That is interesting, bec he told me that the new version was being printed when I called 4 wks ago. Then I called again, bec I hadn't received it, and he said it had to go back to printing bec of editing issues. It just seemed to me that there were a lot of changes. I have been waiting so long, that I would have taken the older version if it was only a few changes. Hopefully it will come soon, you girls have motivated me!
Just looking at the site posted, the theory sounds similar to the Slim Series w/o. Anybody able to compare the 2? Also it says it helps the waist area. Carole, or anybody, did you find any improvement there? And finally, how can you fit it all in? I have been concentrating on upper body and cardio lately and getting 1 -2 lower body w/o in. I definitely like what SS did for my legs and would like to incorporate it , but need my daily cardio plus different (more!) upper body work. Thanks Marnie
Debbie....I bet there will be some changes in the new version. Hopefully some of the OLD pictures will be taken out and replaced with new ones also. The concept will always be the same. I hope you get the book soon!!

Marnie...I haven't done the Slim Series so I can't tell you if it is similar. Yes Freestyle does help the waist area, luckily for me I can get results there quickly. The legs take a bit longer. It can be tough getting it all in. Like I previously posted I am lucky because I have the time. You might want to hold off on Freestyle until you are happy with your upper body results. Then concentrate on the lower body......:)...Carole
Carole, did you see the lunge poles? I figured you probably had seen them in your freestyle training book and just forgot about them... Rhonda
>Carole, did you see the lunge poles? I figured you probably
>had seen them in your freestyle training book and just forgot
>about them... Rhonda

Sorry Rhonda I meant to get back to you!!! Yes the book has the girls using the poles. I didn't think they were really necessary but I would imagine some people might want to use them for some of the exercises...:)...Carole
Carole, I agree, thats why I never bought them.... another is cause they are about 125 dollars, I decided too expensive... Rhonda
Hey carole,

I am going thru achilles tendonitis now. Had it for 4 mths, but only recently decided to go to the doctor.I have a boot cast on for 6--8 weeks and start physical therapy tomorrow for about 3 weeks. My question is does the physical therapy speed up the recovery? And do you do the excercises they give you when you have a flare up? Do you go back for physical therapy everytime?

Sorry so many questions but I don't talk to many people who go through this. Even though I know there are alot of people who do.

Kim....Achilles tendonitis is one thing I haven't gone to Physical Therapy for. Although annoying it is never real painful and never swells. But YES I think PT will speed up your recovery time!!! I think one of the main exercises to help is calf raises. I have read achilles tendonitis can be caused by weak calf muscles. So do whatever exercises your therapist recommends. And I hope you are painfree soon...:)...Carole
I know I'm a little late to this thread, but how long do freestyle workouts typically take? Do you spend about 30 minutes per session? Also do you rotate days between weighted leg work with floorwork?
I'm also curious about the weight that is used. I can handle a 35-pound bb for 30 minutes easily in LL. Would that be considered the weight to use, or go even lighter? I know it's individual, but just wanted to get an idea of what some of you use.
Susan C.M.
It's really possible to spend way less time, and still get good results. I don't spend anywhere near that much time - the most time I spend is 45 minutes.
Just Do It! :)
Susan, I can do 35 lbs with the barbell on cathe's with lunges and such ... with freestyle I do 25 lbs... that is 70%....

You use 70% of what you can lift..... Rhonda
>I know I'm a little late to this thread, but how long do
>freestyle workouts typically take? Do you spend about 30
>minutes per session? Also do you rotate days between weighted
>leg work with floorwork?

How long really depends on how many exercises and how many sets you do. Freestyle is 4-6 different exercises 4-6 days a week. The book explains how many sets and reps you do depending on your goals. I usually do 2 Cathe floorworks a week along with my Freestyle exercises from the book and some of Cathe's other workouts instead of the Freestyle exercise sometime. Like Rhonda stated the weight you use should be 70% less than what you have used in the past. If you use heavier weight everyday you will definitely increase your chance for injury. The time I spend can be anywhere between 30 min to 60 min....hope this helps...:)...Carole
>How long really depends on how many exercises and how many
>sets you do. Freestyle is 4-6 different exercises 4-6 days a
>week. The book explains how many sets and reps you do
>depending on your goals. I usually do 2 Cathe floorworks a
>week along with my Freestyle exercises from the book and some
>of Cathe's other workouts instead of the Freestyle exercise
>sometime. Like Rhonda stated the weight you use should be 70%
>less than what you have used in the past. If you use heavier
>weight everyday you will definitely increase your chance for
>injury. The time I spend can be anywhere between 30 min to 60
>min....hope this helps...:)...Carole

Wow! So, I'd use 12 pounds? With most of Cathe's workouts I use 40 pounds, 70% less equals 12. I guess if your doing lots and lots of reps it's fine.
>Wow! So, I'd use 12 pounds? With most of Cathe's workouts I
>use 40 pounds, 70% less equals 12. I guess if your doing lots
>and lots of reps it's fine.
I do hate my blondeness sometimes....:)...70% of what you normally did is what I meant. So if you normally did 40lbs, then you would use 28lbs....:)...Carole
Susan, this is what the book says

if you normally use this, use this

50lbs 35-40
45lbs 30-35
40lbs 30-35
35lbs 25-30
30lbs 20-25
25lbs 15-20

and so on.........

reps: if your at your goal 8-10 reps
average lose 5-9lbs 10-12 reps
pudgy lose 10-19 lbs 12-15 reps
overweight lose 20+lbs 20-30 reps

this is from the book.. hope this helps.... Rhonda

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