FreeStyle training book

Hi, Heather, nope gliders aren't the same as lunge poles...
I also have the butt book, and the freestyle training for women book by laura dayton & george snyder.... I love the freestyle method, it works great for me.... Rhonda:7
Thanks Carole and Honeybunch for the information.......I think I am going to order this book as well because I am desperate for my legs to become leaner. I know I have very strong legs, as I can pretty much match Cathe's weights for lower body work, but I think I just have the type of body that puts on muscle rather quickly and as much as I enjoy the lower body weight work, I know I need to do something different as the bulky leg look isn't what I'm going for! I also want to lose a few inches in my hips so this looks like it's up my alley.

Can you still do Cathe's lower body workouts when doing freestyle training by just lowering the amount of weight you would normally use??
I do only the lower body work attached to DVD's such as High Step Challenge, Boot Camp, HSTA, etc. I will do the non-weighted work, or floor work, from GS legs, L&G, and PLB. The less weight I use, the better. BUT, I still work hard, and you will certainly "feel" it! I will do Circuit Max with walking lunges substituted for the weight work. That's a good way to sneak in your 400 walking lunges - there are 6 segments, so you do 50 lunges after each segment, including the warm up, and an extra set at the end. You could do the same with Gauntlet, or Power Circuit.
Just Do It! :)
>Can you still do Cathe's lower body workouts when doing
>freestyle training by just lowering the amount of weight you
>would normally use??
Sandy....I use any of Cathes workouts for Freestyle. I prefer GS legs and L&G though. One day I did a killer 3 sets of the leg section in Supersets!!! Just remember to take the weight amount you did use and cut it 30% back. For example if I did 50 lbs for lunges I'd cut back to 35 lbs. I actually do 33 lbs for almost any squat. Reba Wattier did a Freestyle rotation in the Rotations thread if you want to look for it. I do Freestyle from the book about 3 days a week and then Cathe's modified the other 2-3 days.

Rhonda...THANKS! I thought the gliders were the poles....I am glad you straightened that out...:)...Carole
Honeybunch1 that is a great idea to sneak in those walking lunges!! I could definitely incorporate that into my lower body routine.

Carole, L&G is one of my all time favorite leg workouts but lately I am really getting into GS Legs and I am loving that one more and more! OK, I just have to remember to cut my weights down to 30% of what I normally you guys keep a journal at all for freestyle?

Today for example, I went for a 2 mile run (it's sooo hot here in NJ now that it was impossible to run another foot without passing outx( :-( ) then I went home and did the GS warm up, followed by 150 walking lunges then finishing off with the GS leg floorwork. Would that be considered freestyle at all?? Also, generally is there a limit to cardio sessions or is there no real focus on cardio??

I appreciate all the help I can get!! I just want to be able to look down at my legs one day and not be embarrased by all the upper thigh jiggling!!:+
Sue...I do follow Cathe's count and also lower the weight by 30%.

Sandy...cardio is mentioned for fat loss. Nothing set in stone. I did alot of cardio so I didn't worry. Running no doubt would be good. So what you did today was Freestyle. The basic rule is 4-6 leg exercises 4-6 times a week. Feel free to email me with any questions...:)...Carole
Hey, my sweet, Carole, here's my question to you. How were your legs before you started freestyle?

See, I ask because my legs are rather muscular. I would have to be a total slob & f*t*ss just to make them look bad. By the same token, they are so fun to work out. I am not afraid to go heavy-duty with them. My waist & my fat arms are another topic.

So seeing as you are very muscular from your pic, were your legs also as muscular? And what is the difference now in the shape & form & how has freestyling contributed to that.


Marla are a sweetie..:) legs before had shrunk from P90X. But ...they were flabby....when I was younger heavy weight used to work. Now it just bulks me. Freestyle firms me....but as for my upper body...heavy weight still works...:)...Carole
Carole, great thanks SOO much!! I may just be sending a few more inquiring emails your way....:D! The more I read about freestyle on the forums the more I am convinced that I have finally found something that can really help my lower body.

How about upper body training, is there any focus on that at all?

Marla, you DO NOT have fat arms...don't even go there!!
>Carole, great thanks SOO much!! I may just be sending a few
>more inquiring emails your way....:D! The more I read about
>freestyle on the forums the more I am convinced that I have
>finally found something that can really help my lower body.
>How about upper body training, is there any focus on that at
>Marla, you DO NOT have fat arms...don't even go there!!

You are welcome Sandy. Happy to help. In the Freestyle book the upper body is only worked 2 days a week and just a few exercises. I personally get better results doing my upper body more. I also am lucky enough to have the time to.

Marla is a crazy woman...:)...and quite cute...:+ ...Carole
LOL Carole!! You are right on both counts regarding Marla:7 :7

Oh ok...yes I think I would probably do more upper body work as well.

Just curious Carole, I know you are a long distance are your knees holding up? Do you load up on lots of supplements and baby those knees or are you just blessed with super strong knees? I am starting to feel a few twinges here and there, nothing major, and I know I'm never going to be a marathon runner, nor do I care to be but I find I am really getting into the running thing (i don't love it but I do love that runner's high lol)and don't want any kind of pain to get in the way of continuing to push myself to run a little longer or a little faster within reason of course! sister and I have this theory about knees...:)...we both have a bit of fat there, so no skinny knees and we both have not had knee issues!!! I do take Glucosamine/Chondroitin on a reglular basis. My injuries didn't start bad until my 40's. A torn calf muscle, sciatic nerve injury, IT (Illiotibial) band injuries, and the one that seems a bit chronic for me is achilles tendonitis. Tendonitis being an overuse injury!! I did find that Phyical therapy is a godsend...I also do more trail runs now as the impact of trails is a bit more forgiving on the body...I have always felt running is great, if you can do it. I am sure I have been blessed in many ways...:)...carole
Thanks Carole. Just as I figured. I have to pay extra attention to my upper body. I do think I'll purchase this book, next pay period.

Thanks for all your help on this again.

>Thanks Carole. Just as I figured. I have to pay extra
>attention to my upper body. I do think I'll purchase this
>book, next pay period.
>Thanks for all your help on this again.

Always happy to help you Marla...[/img]..Carole

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