Freaking Out!

From what I understand the only way to test is on the brain, and you have to be dead for least the bats do, I'm assuming it's the same for humans. If it's just a matter of a test I will be over the moon.

No more shots in the stomach at least. Today it's a course of I think 5 shots over a 28 day period. I've been reading that it's very expensive...sadly we have a HDHP! Oh well, at least I know I will meet my deductible for the year! :D

I think you are right Sparrow - the last information I read stated to test for Rabies, you have to test brain tissue. I am not really sure why that is but it must be where it settles.

I am so surprised the bat was rabid. The vast majority aren't. Not that you want them in your house if they aren't!

I went thru this a few years ago and I want to reassure you that I did not find the shots particularly painful. It was more the anxiety over the whole thing that upset me. We went to a public health clinic in NYC and they call out your name and what you are there for so you can just imagine everyone's face when they shouted out rabies vaccinations! I don't think we paid for them at all but it was quite some time ago. No there is no test for rabies and you MUST start the treatment immediately and be very sure you follow thru right to the end of the treatment. This is very important. I wish you the very best and I know how anxiety provoking this can be.
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Hi Sparrow,

I'm so sorry that you & your DH will have to go thru the shots, but I'm VERY glad you aren't taking any chances!! Here in CT, they usually recommend the shots if you have ANY contact w/ a bat because the saliva itself is so potent for transmitting rabies (not just getting bitten). There was a family in my town that had a bat in their house and everyone had to get the shots (even their baby) because they didn't catch the bat.

BTW, bats can slip thru a hole the size of a dime.

Wow!! That is freaky, sparrow. We occasionally get bats in the house, but just release them. Sorry you have to go through the shots.
From what I understand the only way to test is on the brain, and you have to be dead for least the bats do, I'm assuming it's the same for humans.

You are correct, there is no test for it for humans. If you have any contact, they automatically give you the round of shots. I'm glad to hear that is what you are doing. Rabies is a pretty scary "virus" (I think it's a virus). Basically, once you have symptoms there is nothing they can do, so definitely have your entire course of shots.
Hi Sparrow,

I'm so sorry that you & your DH will have to go thru the shots, but I'm VERY glad you aren't taking any chances!! Here in CT, they usually recommend the shots if you have ANY contact w/ a bat because the saliva itself is so potent for transmitting rabies (not just getting bitten). There was a family in my town that had a bat in their house and everyone had to get the shots (even their baby) because they didn't catch the bat.

BTW, bats can slip thru a hole the size of a dime.


I'm in CT too! :) Everyone we've talked to from the health department to wildlife control has said "get the shots, you don't know what happened." I guess they don't play in CT!

DH caught the bat with a large Trader Joe's coffee can and a piece of cardboard. I then slid the lid over the can while he slowly removed the cardboard. It was not hard to catch. In a million years I never expected it to be rabid.

So first step is to get to the emergency room for immunoglobin (sp?) Apparently all treatment happens at the hospital, not the doctor's office. Then we go again in three days, three more days again, and then one week, one week.

Phyllis, thanks for the info, I'm going to look into the public health option via the hospital. Also, someone just told me homeowner's insurance may cover it.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Craziness all around!
Oh Sparrow, I'm so sorry you have to go through all of that, but it's best that you do. There is no treatment or cure for the Rabies virus. If you get it there is only one outcome.... What would we do without our Sparrow!!!!? {{{{{Sparrow}}}}} Smooch smooch
Basically, once you have symptoms there is nothing they can do, so definitely have your entire course of shots.

Just an interesting tidbit. Although rabies is always fatal. There is one documented case of a child (IIRC it was a child) that survived. They placed her in a coma and she lived. I'll have to see if I can find the info on it.
Ooh, just heard that you're going to have to go through the shots! Sorry to hear that, but better to be safe! I believe everyone has already talked about the possible outcome if you don't.

At least once you get the shots it's over! There's no need for follow up or anything. Shouldn't be anyway.

I'll be thinking of you and your DH as you go through this! I've never had to take these shots, but I really hope they're not as bad as I've always been told!

Back from round 1 of the shots! I had 4 in the rear and 1 in the arm, DH had 5 in the rear, 1 in the arm (it's based on weight). Next time we only get one in the arm each, thankfully!!

None were particularly painful.
Sparrow, I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this. Thank goodness you are getting the treatment, just in case you were bit. I know a few people in my town who have had bats in their house. It seems the popular solution around here is to kill the poor things with a tennis racket. :( No one I know of has ever had the bat tested or gone through rabies treatment. Pretty scary!

I don't know if you have already but you might want to make sure that there are no other bats living in your house. They live in colonies. We once found out in one home we had some living in our attic. Glad they don't do the shots in the belly anymore. That is what I had always heard was done but hadn't exactly looked into it or anything.
does your cat need to get shots as well?? did cdc tell you wash the curtains or get rid of them since he was on them...just wondering. glad you are both getting treated, better safe than sorry.
does your cat need to get shots as well?? did cdc tell you wash the curtains or get rid of them since he was on them...just wondering. glad you are both getting treated, better safe than sorry.

Maggie is up to date on her shots so the vet says she'll be fine. And nope, have not heard that anything needs to be washed though now I'm thinking it's not a bad idea!
Not all bats live in colonies, some are solitary. They should be able to tell you what kind of bat it was, so you'll know how likely it is there are more around. Find someone who is experienced in bat removal who can check and if there is a colony they can be moved and relocated depending on your local regulations.

This is a bat organization in my area and they have lots of info on their site:
Well, the bat was definitely rabid. Just talked to the health department. Now I've got to call our doctor and get the course of treatment started. What a drag.

That said, never have I been so grateful for modern Western medicine.
Man, that totally sucks.

How did a bat get into your house? I've found no less than 3 birds (dead, of course, with all the cats) in my own house and I swear I cannot figure out how they get in...
Wow, I just read this thread! I am so sorry you are having to go through this, but thank goodness you were smart and figured out that you needed to have the bat tested.

Good luck with the rest of your treatment, and healthy vibes being sent your and your DH's way!
I feel like you are giving us a daily dose of a soap opera! :eek: I am soooo thankful for our modern medicine -- and glad you and your DH are getting those shots in the bum!
Man, that totally sucks.

How did a bat get into your house? I've found no less than 3 birds (dead, of course, with all the cats) in my own house and I swear I cannot figure out how they get in...

Stacey, we have no idea! We've dealt with ants and ladybugs, a bobcat and several groundhogs and woodchucks but never a bat before. We live in an old house, and apparently bats can squeeze in a tiny space, so maybe that. Also we had a party Saturday night so maybe someone left a door open somewhere along the line and the bat came in.

Here's something funny...DH and I have a high-deductible health plan. Because we're healthy people we're no where near meeting the deductible, but I called them anyway to see if they'd cover the cost of the shots (which could be upward of $5000) since it's preventive. But the insurance told me "we don't consider this preventive." REALLY?! LOL, insurance, gotta love 'em. :)

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