Fraudelent seller on ebay removed!!!!


The fraudelent seller of cathe dvs that goes by "wiredvds" has been booted off of ebay. Their listings were there just several hours ago and now they are all gone. Wonder why :7
Good! I'll never get my money back but thank goodness no one else will get scammed. I think enough of us here alerted Ebay and they had to do something.
RE: Update on eBay

We would like to thank everyone for their support and help in this matter. We’ve spent the last week filling out the required paperwork that eBay requires in matters like this. Though this has taken some time to do, eBay has now set us up with special buttons on every and any page that sells our products so that we can quickly alert them of any problem. This feature became active last night and within hours of reporting the violation we had all of the bids from this particular seller removed. We can now do this with any seller who we feel is violating our copyrights.

We have also instructed our attorneys to try to recover any and all money obtained from illegally selling our DVDs and products and to have the FBI prosecute the individuals responsible. Though we can’t go after everyone who illegally sells our DVDs, we certainly intend to prosecute the major offenders. We’re just getting started with this phase , but hopefully we can put an end to the people who are ripping you and us off.

As for contacting eBay, we certainly appreciate the thought and effort...but it really doesn’t do any good. eBay has a very set procedure for reporting Intellectual Property violations and it can only be done by us. The best way to stop the criminals is to let us know on our forums or to email us. Illegal duplication of DVDs is a big business nowadays and is becoming a huge problem for us and the entire industry. Always remember, if you see a seller selling a lot of DVDs at a greatly reduced price, there is usually something wrong.
RE: Update on eBay

Thank you, Chris, for this update. I'm glad that you, eBay, and the authorities are taking care of this individual. It's really sad to see someone take advantage of you, or any other distributor of DVDs.
RE: Update on eBay

>This feature became active last night and within hours of
>reporting the violation we had all of the bids from this
>particular seller removed. We can now do this with any seller
>who we feel is violating our copyrights.


>We have also instructed our attorneys to try to recover any
>and all money obtained from illegally selling our DVDs and
>products and to have the FBI prosecute the individuals

I'm so happy to hear this! Even if you never catch ever bootlegger out there, at least you're doing something. The impact of counterfeit goods is bigger than your copyrights or us (the customers) being ripped off. The ties to organized crime and in some cases, terrorism, is a huge impact.

I went ahead and did what I should've done in the first place. I ordered my DVDs from! UPS has them "out for delivery" right now. I can't wait!
RE: Update on eBay

We're keeping an eye on this seller, but two DVDs is not enough for us to know know if the seller is selling burned DVDs. When we act to stop a seller we want to be at least 90 percent sure they're breaking the law.
RE: Update on eBay

I understand that. This actually makes four times in the last week she's had these same three DVDs up together in a single auction. Her two other auctions ended successfully on the 16th and 19th. And she has the same "fast shipping" thing in the location field as the other fraudulent auctions.

Just keep watching her.
RE: Update on eBay

Hmmm...I'm just getting familar with eBay's site and I was going to ask you how to look up old auctions...but I figured it out. Looks like you're right.
>Keep after them for what? Selling legitimate DVD's of
>Cathe??? And at the same price as her website? :eek:

What I was trying to say is that I want Cathe & Chris to put a stop to all illegal sales of their dvds.

Sorry for the confusion! :)
RE: Update on eBay

Hi Chris & Cathe,

Thank you for taking action against this seller. Consumers can complain, but only you can protect your copyrights.

There are many legitimate sellers on eBay, but these blatent offenders make everyone look bad. It's easy for consumers (myself included) to get caught up in the excitement of getting a deal. Some of us have learned some hard lessons.

Hopefully these crooks will learn some hard lessons from SNM.

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