for those of you who have not done 1 rep testing


do you regret it? Feel like maybe you should go back and do it?

At first I thought maybe I should but I still find doing that testing daunting. I'm loving STS and I just grab a heavier weight the next time around if I felt the first choice was too light.

But I am wondering if it really should be done for the other 2 cycles.

Just curious as to what others thoughts are.

I didn't do any 1rm testing, and I have had no problems at all with figuring out the amount of weight to use. I pick a heavy weight and keep a light one there in case I need to switch. I am suprised how well that is working.

I did do 1 RM testing, but the weights I'm supposed to use (and am using) in STS are pretty much what I would have used if I hadn't done the 1 RM testing. I originally wasn't going to do the testing. To challenge myself, I was going to go up one increment from my "normal" weights - e.g. 17.5 lb dumbbells instead of 15 lb for biceps curls - and wouldn't you know it, 60% of my 1 RM was 18 lb! (In case you think 17.5 is weird - I have one of those sets up adjustable dumbbells that goes from 5 lb to 20 lb in 2.5 lb increments.)

I think if you are honest with yourself and try to increase a little bit each time, you will still get great results with this program without doing the testing. I like Susan's suggestion of keeping a lighter weight nearby just in case.

ditto singinggoddess---I haven't had any problems at all. I'm going slightly heavier than what I think I can do. I just finished disc 4 today and my weight selections were dead on.
I do not regret it at all. I have workout journals and referred to my weights during my heavy routines and have found most of the time the weight I've chosen for STS is pretty much spot on. I"ve been training a LONG time and know my strengths/weakness pretty good.
I don't regret it. I do not have any problems choosing the right weight. My workouts are intense and I feel challenged on the last 5 reps. I''m working very hard to squeak out the last 2reps for most exercises.
I think if you have been lifting weights for a while you have a good sense of your abilities. I did some 1RM testing but could get most the information from my workout logs. I think the 1RM testing would be particularly important for someone who doesn't do much serious weight training.
I didn't do the testing either and I am on the last week of Mesocycle 1 and so far I've been doing OK.


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