January 12, 2009 Check-in with Fitnessfreak and gang!
Good evening ladies!
Wow! Debbie I think you and Cathe kicked my butt good and proper with todays workout. Phew! Now that's intense, I loved it though.
PUB Chest:
10#,12#, 15#, then 12#'s, 10#'s Chest Flyes into bench press
I have to say that I did this twice with a rest inbetween and first time was very doable comfortably. The second time was a struggle to get through.
GS Chest: 72 Dropset pushups, that was very hard to finish, but I did!
PUB Tri's:
3#,5#,10#/ then #5,#3. Kick backs. These weren't hard for me which surprised me, I thought they would have been. I did this 1X through, rested, then repeated and still felt that it was very doable, chest was tough, I'm sure that could be used for 1RM.
And Seated Overhead Press:
I went heavier here. #12,#15,#20 then rested, and repeated, Pyramid down #15,#12. My tri's felt great!
GS Chest- Closed Grip Barbell Press
I did one set of 12 reps using 30#'s I thought that was a little light so I went up on the next set. Set 2 I used 35#'s 12 reps. The last couple of reps on set 2 where tough for me, but I got them done, Phew!
Ok, I admit that I'm insane I like ab work
I did KPC Stabilitiy Ball Abs=7 min.
Overall it was a very challenging workout today. The chest work just about killed me
My tri's seem to be able to handle it all much better than on the chest work, not sure why that is.
Oh I have a question. I've noticed that DOMS is used often. What the heck does that stand for or mean? Just curious and want to be in the loop.
Have a great evening ladies!