Fitnessfreak's December Rotation for 12/20


Good morning ladies,

I will do Gym Style Back & Biceps premix today! Not sure if I will do 30 min. cardio, my legs are so sore!
Hi girls,

I am done with GS Biceps & Back! No cardio for me today, I have a headache!

Debbie, how is your back and headache today? Hope you feel better.

Have a great workout!
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I did GS Back and Biceps premix twice. I might have messed up the order a bit- I tried to recall it but you know...brain is fried along with biceps. :) Have a great Saturday! I'm off to swim class with my 1 year old and then the family Christmas party (tons of people and food, ack).

Underhand Lat Row- 30's then dropped to 25's
Biceps Curls- BB- 35#
One arm Lat Row- 25# then 20# on the second round
Crazy Eights- 10's (doing 12's next time)
Concentration Curls- 15#, dropped to 12# for the bonus
T-back Squeeze w/ band- green
Bicep curls w/ forearm reverse- 12's
Hammer curls- 12's then 13 1/4's on the second round
Wrist curls- 12's
Ribcage Pullovers- 30#
Superman leg lifts from bench
Superman chest lift w/ side rotation
Hey everyone! I did the GS Back and biceps premix, twice. Whoever said that premix is choppy -- you are right! I did an extended strech from the new KCM boot camp afterward -- nice. I'm gonna love that rest day tomorrow!

Debbie, I noticed you don't have back work next week -- do you want to add it in somewhere?

have a great day!

Howdy Ho!

Just got done with GS: Back & Bi's and then I did 30 minutes of Sharon Mann Cardio Works: Step Combos. She's not "easy", had a bunch of plyo moves and running drills, a little reminiscent of BC from yesterday! OW!
Yes, Beth! That premix is very choppy!.... Some moves there is NO pause in between and I'm running for the PAUSE button!

Busy day today and work tonight... We have a mountain of snow out there. thankfully DH started vacation yesterday and is clearing it all! Love him!

Have a great day and rest day tomorrow...
I was supposed to do 4DS Cardio Power, but I peeked ahead and saw BM2 Cardio which I was in the mood for and decided to do that today so that I make room for CCPP next week.
Ok, who's brilliant freakin' idea was it to do this TWICE!!?? Holy crap. Today I did Gym Style Back & Biceps premix and did it twice through. That was hard. I had to go to wimpy weights by the second time through.

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Rows: 30's - 2 sets/8 reps; 25's - 2 sets/12 reps
***Second time I used 25's and 20's.
Barbell Curls: 45# - 2 sets/10 reps w/4/4 ct.
***Second time I used 40#.

One Arm Rows: 27# - 2 sets/12 reps 2/2 ct.
***Second time I used 25#.
Dumbbell Bicep Partial Reps: 12's - 2/2 ct. 8 reps bottom half, 8 reps top half 2x's.
***Second time I used 10's.
Concentration Curls: 15# - 10 reps 6 ct. up/2 ct/s down; 4 reps static holds.
***Second time I used 12#.
Concentration Curls: 22# - 8 reps 3 cts up/1 down.
***Second set I used 20#.

T-Back Squeeze w/Band: Purple
***Same w/second time.
Dumbbell Pullover: 35# - 2 sets/8 reps 4/4 ct.
***Second time I used 30#.
Curl Up/Reverse Down: 15's - 10 reps 4/4 ct.
***Second time I used 12's.
Hammer Curls: 15's - 10 reps 2/2 ct.; 4 reps 6 cnts up, 1 down; 2 reps 2/2 ct.
***Second time I used 12's. These just burn.
Wrist Curls: 10's - 2 sets/16 reps.
***Used the same for second time.

Low Back Extensions on Step
***Skipped this both times.
Low BAck Rotation Tilts.
***Skipped this both times.
***Don't like this exercise and my low back was really tight by this time.

That is all...

I don't have time for personals today. Hopefully tomorrow I can catch up.

Someone asked about back work for next week. It's right. We worked back twice this week due to the Christmas day off. So do the rotation as is shows.
I'm a dork ~ I thought it was 4DS Back/Bis, x2 today. :p Ah well...I can hardly hold a cup in my hand, so I must have done something right.

Belinda, I hope you feel better.

Patti, have fun at your Christmas party. We have one too, but I usually work it (meaning I spend most of the time cleaning up, however it does keep me in the kitchen and near the best food).

*waves to Beth, Chris, Lisa, and Debbie* :)
I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I can't believe it's already December 20th. On to my workout:

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Rows: 15's - 2 sets
1 Set 10's

Barbell Curls: 25# - 2 sets

One Arm Rows: 15# - 2 sets

Dumbbell Bicep Partial Reps: 10's

Concentration Curls: 10's, 2nd Set 12's

T-Back Squeeze w/Band

Dumbbell Pullover: 25# - 2 sets

Curl Up/Reverse Down: 10's

Hammer Curls: 12's

Wrist Curls: 10's - 1 set

For Cardio, I did Real Kickboxing Instructional (about a 25 Minute workout). That's it for today.
Good Morning,

Did GS back and bis and 30 min on TM tonite I will do 4ds chest shoulder and tri work and calves to get caught up.
Hi Girls:)

Debbie!!! It was your "IDEA" to do that twice...just reminding you;)

I think that was the toughest workout by far and my arms are going to be sore tomorrow. Im also thinking that they could have done a much better job putting that premix together. I was either rushing to grab things or starting the chapter over! I don't like that...twice at that. I also did 5 seg of Imax 3. I think tomorrow I will run.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale at 121.8 today... I usually range between 123-125. Its probably the fact that I have tons to do with little time to eat:confused:

Have a good night everyone!~

4DS BC & KB Premix #9 Cardio Power

Hey guys. I didn't get my workout in yesterday so I did the cardio workout today. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

541 cal
30% fat
Max 184
Avg 161
Yesterday was a rest day for me so I did the cardio workout today. Looking forward to back and biceps least I was until I read some of the posts from today! :eek: JK....always love a good challenge.

Have a great weekend! :D
I took a rest day today and headed out before 8 a.m. to get everything done and back for DS's game. I'm planning to do biceps tomorrow morning, but I got enough back work shoveling!
Checking in late...

My whole body was SORE this morning from all of the shoveling we did yesterday. (we so need that snow blower!)

Anyway, I did the back and bicep premix once. (felt like my biceps were pulsating byt the end) I followed that up with the kickboxing section of Mindy Mylreas Bootcamp. I didn't really feel all that ambitious today. The holidays are approaching and I'm starting to get stressed. :eek:

Looks like we are getting more snow tonight...GREAT! Looking forward to break tomorrow.
I missed todays workout due to being sick with a cold. I will try to get it in tomorrow if I am feeling better. This has been a tough week for me to get my workouts in with all the little parties I had throughout the week.
I will get it in though.

Fitness Freaks December '08 Rotation 12-20-08

Hi everyone!

I like to do my workouts in the evening. I had a very late start tonight but refused to skip the workout, eye of the tiger and all that. ;)

Today I did Gym Style Back & Biceps premix= 35 min, Maximum Intensity Cardio, warm-up and hi/lo and stretch= 37 min, and from Cardio Hits- PS back, biceps, and abs. But ONLY the abs portion= 10.5 min. That was fun!!!

Ok, I hope everyone is done with christmas shopping and facing the crowds so you can kick back and relax. Of course, relaxing would be after doing Cathe's workouts and Fitness Freaks rotation for the day.

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!:D

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