fitnessfreak or anyone else?


I know that debbie is the guru of eating and workouts and I have gotten advice from her before but i am soooo frustrated. I cant seem to stick to a good eating regimen. I dont know what todo. I can go maybe 3 weeks then I fall off then wagon. I know that my eating is what is hindering my results. I have never been able to eat good and stick with it,this makes me so annoyed with myself because I can picture what I can look like and I have the discipline with exercisisng so why cant I get it right with eating the biggest and most important part of the whole equation. any advice,anyone out there that went thru the same thing and was able to conquer this issue please tell me how you did it. I am ready to try quicktrim or something to get me there and I have always been against using these products but I need to lose 8lbs and want to get leaner and more cut. I currently run 4 days a week and teach a bootcamp 1-2x a week which includes weight lifting.
I'm going through a rough patch with my eating, myself, but I think I'm back on track now. Sometimes we just can't eat right and there are many reasons for that. I think the biggest thing is will power and if you don't have that, it's hard to stick to a good eating plan.

I don't have any magic words because if I did, I wouldn't have been struggling all summer myself. All I can say is get back to it, log your eats every day and just try to look at food as "fuel" and not "comfort". That helps me sometimes. Also, make sure you eat something good every once in a while. Don't deprive yourself.
I always used to think it was a matter of will power, too, but I have realized lately FOR ME, it isn't just will power. I started eating clean last year and what I found to my utter amazement was that once I cut out the processed food, away went my sugar and chocolate cravings! I had no idea that this was a by product of eating clean. I have come to realize that if I avoid certain foods then I can really quite easily avoid eating poorly. Of course there is some will power when it comes to getting started and staying on track, but it is soooo much easier when I don't eat processed foods because then I am not fighting the craving. And believe me my ENTIRE life I have been a sugar/chocoholic. I had no idea that I was in this perpetual cycle of eating crap and then craving crap.

But it is soooo hard to break that cycle. I lost 40 lbs, then had a bad spate and went back to my crap eating and gained back 15 lbs in a very short time. I injured my knee, lost one of my jobs and was pretty depressed. I had a terrible time getting back to eating well. I am finally back on track. I had to tell myself over and over that yea, parts of my life are not going the way I want them to but one of the things I CAN control is how healthy I live. It is wonderful how just eating well and exercising (yea, my knee is finally better) can change the whole perspective. And so frustrating when you know this and yet still can't make that happen.

So, I hear ya, Sista. You are not alone. You will get back on track. Maybe give yourself a daily "reward"? I put a sticker on my wall calendar every day I eat well when I first get going with this. I buy stickers that I like and that have a theme for a month - I know it is silly, but I really love seeing that month fill up with my lovely little stickers.
I'm right there with you!

I don't know if I have any words of wisdom either, but just know that you're not alone. I've been struggling with my diet all summer as well. The only thing I can say for sure is that the problem lies between my two ears - what I say to myself. I'm learning to relax my all or nothing attitude. I'm learning an everything-in-moderation approach, that nothing is forbidden. Sometimes, if a food is forbidden, it becomes all the more desirable, which can lead to binging. I'm learning to say one little word: SOME. I'm slowly learning that I can eat SOME cake or SOME cookies (sugar is my vice!) and be satisfied. I'm also learning to think HEALTHY food choices (lifelong) not DIET (short-term). Eat healthy, I say. Have SOME in moderation. Don't deprive myself. These are becoming daily mantras.

It's not easy, the word SOME. But I'm hoping it brings me results.
hey's my 2 cents. just like everyone else i had those last five pounds to lose and what worked for me was tracking calories in/calories out. logging my food was the biggest eye opener for me. actually seeing what i was eating made a huge difference. i do have my cheat days of course but in the last 4 wks i have lost 4 lbs. eat clean, track your calories and good luck!:D
I agree with the posts above...tough issue that I couldn't even tell you how many times I've had to fight and start over with. I especially agree with the the post about once you start eating clean your cravings virtually disappear...exactly what happened to me. Here's a little tip though, I definitely am (was):eek: a chocoholic. I read that a little bit (1 small serving / or less) of 75% cacao chocolate a day would help with sugar cravings. Sooo I had a little experiment. I had recently bought some 80% cacao bittersweet baking chocolate in a bar form, mainly because it was on sale and I figured at some point I'll need it. Lol..right I know..makes sense huh? So, I had been eating clean for about a month or so, and the only thing I still craved was that taste of chocolate. For the next month or so I would chop off maybe a 1/4 of a serving from that bar after dinner and savor it. The funniest part about this is that it was bittersweet lol...but I still absolutely loved it because my sugar cravings had changed so much. Well...I am telling you it works...that little tiny bit of bittersweet, dark chocolate definitely has nearly gotten rid of my's so strong you wouldn't want anymore anyways...try it it works :)
thanks everyone. Its not always cravings that kill me, i eat just to eat. alot of times im not hungry or having cravings and I eat just cause it looks good or I'm bored. this is rediculous. why am i eating if I'm not hungry or even having cravings? I sabotage myself everytime. I guess I need to figure out why I am doing this. My entire family loves to eat just to eat and I need to break this cycle. again , thanks for all your advice.
macbeanur question

What are some of your foods you mentioned in your first post. I would like to get off processed foods too. I would LOVE for my sugar cravings to go away too!!!

BTW - the 85%-90% little square works to satisfy cravings.

MY problem is that I do great (mostly) during the week then the weekend comes and I ruin all my hard work.
It is a social thing. We go to someones house, go out to eat etc... No one's fault but my own.
I second the chocolate thing. It works.
I would like to get off processed foods too. I don't think I eat that many but I know I could do better.
if i do anything for a certain amount of time i stop then start again.

no sugar,now back to sweet tooth
no diet coke now back on it-but am starting to get off it
stopped being a homecook as much,now am back
stopped reading,now back
-and so much more

i have not stopped going to and searching the internet
yes,it takes will power!


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