Fit Moms are the Best Moms--Check in 4/25

Morning ladies!
K was up to nurse 3 times last night..yawn! But I did get my booty up and start Meso 1 again! I had great results last night and if I tighten up my eats more Im hoping for even a better outcome!
Oh and having company and going to tenn ...well my diet was not great. My friend is 50 lds overweight and always makes things I like so I iwll eat them..I know..I could resist..but I didnt. She did mention she wants my help to lose we'll see. I ma ON THE WAGON TODAY EATING CLEAN!
so far 2 clementines, prot pancake

K is now getting oatmeal in the morning and rice at dinner. Im going to add a veggie toninght. She is just now actually I think she is ready to add stuff.
We go for her 6mo's shots tomorrow..not fun!...and our house is being inspected so I will hang out at dh's office for a few hours after her shots.

Melanie-perky vibes coming your way!!!!!! We really miss you when you work.

I will do my darnest to keep up this week!
Oh Jen-I would of been PI^&&%%#ED off to no end if someone gave K ice cream!!!!
Hi Christine, Kendra, Pricilla,Allison, Judy
off ot get Haley ready and to school
Oh, Melanie! You know we are all here for much as we can be in cyberspace. You are balancing SO much in your life. I hope the meds make you feel a little better.
Jen-ice cream?! My gosh that sounds like my MIL. What are people thinking? There is no wonder the health of our country is in the toilet. I did Maximum Cardio Conditioning again. Love that one!

Susan-glad you're back on the wagon. I always start to fall off on the weekends.

ah..Reese is up so I'll have to bbl with more.
Christine- I have the 7 Habits. It's really good too. I've only listened to it once so far.
Yes, I am nursing. I think he's going through a growth spurt.He's been sleeping and eating a lot. Is it normal for me to be hungry when he's going through a growth spurt? I do Weight Watchers so I really don't know how many calories I take in. I only know points. I'm afraid to change because it has worked. But sometimes I think I may should learn to count calories and not be so dependent on Weight Watchers.

Susan- I'm jumping on that wagon with you.I'm going to the store today to get me some fresh fruit and veggies.

Melanie- Hope you have a wonderful day and see all the blessings surrounding you.

Hi Pricilla, Lisa, Allison & Judy. I hope you all have a great week.
Sounds like I may need to get the 7 Habits book...and then find time somewhere to read it..maybe on vaca in a couple months. Chrstine-you mentioned a babyproofing your marriage book. what's that all about? DH and I often feel like roommates. Our relationship could use some isn't that bad...just isn't very good, you know?

RA appt today with the alternative med dr. Missed my workout this AM because Reese wanted to party. I wasn't about to start my day at 330am just to get the workout. Will need to find a way to make up for it later this week...the scale was not on my side this morning, despite a decent day of eats yesterday and a major butt kicking from Shaun T. I think he's my new favorite instructor...I wish he was in all my workouts!
Hi Ladies!
Hoping you are all having great days!
Lisa-I hope your appt goes well! Sorry for the early morning with Reese. A few nights ago K woke up at 3:30 ready to party..finally she went back to bed at nearly 6.

HI Christine-weatehr here today reminds me of your weather...70 and beautiful! K and I will be taking a walk.

Waves to everyone! K has been napping for over an hour and I have been packing. Getting ready for lunch..same ole same old...broc soup and lentils..YUM
I have never read any self help books...maybe i need to start!!
Afternoon all!

Melanie- Good for you for taking a step towards helping yourself to be a better mommy! Like Lisa said, we are all here for you.

Kendra- I have had good results with increasing my calorie intake. I don't count calories at all but will add an extra snack during the day if I feel my body needs it.

Susan- Yay for Kara and her eating! J isn't doing too bad, just still taste testing things.

Lisa- ITA about Shaun T! After Insanity, I don't know what will ever challenge me again in the same way! I would LOVE if he came out with something else!

Went to GYN today for annual and talked about birth control. Still not sure if I should just leave well enough alone. She sent a prescription for Nuva ring to my pharmacy but I am nervous to do hormones again. I did a little research on it and so far it seems okay.

James still has runny/stuffy nose and sitter said he threw up earlier but is acting fine. I don't know what is up with my child????

Hi all!
Ok ladies...I need your mommy advice.

I'm not sure if James is teething or if its an ear infection so here it goes. He started with a runny/stuffy nose Friday and a little cough. He fusses and cries when we try to rock him to sleep the last few days but fell asleep quickly in his bouncy seat or car seat. We put the wedge under the crib last night to help him breathe and he slept all night. Prior to that, the last two nights, he would wake up crying at night. He does fine all day until its time to go to sleep. He's been having excessive drooling and putting everything in his mouth. He didn't eat much yesterday at all and just plays with the bottle or pushes it away but doesnt cry. I haven't checked but he hasnt felt warm so I dont think he's had a fever (but will check again tonight). He threw up at sitter's but was fine immediately after. Doesn't seem to be tugging or pulling on his ear anymore than usual (he does this when tired since he was about 2 months old) No swollen or red spots on his gums either. I think that's it....

Most likely I will be making a drs appointment regardless but I wanted ya'lls input also. Thanks!
Jen it really; sounds like teething to me. Haley never had an ear infection, but surley J would be tugging at his ear. My he threw up because of the excess drooling?? all the signs point to teething
ok had my lunch and just had a cashew Larabar for my snack. I LVOE the peanut butter cookie Larabar..yum! Dh is having prime rib(ewwww) for dinner (aunt sent it to us as a gift) but Im not into fatty meat so I'll have something else!
K is napping and I have gotten 5 boxes packed and folded the Im headed to unload the dishwasher..then go get Haley.

Melanie-I hope morning went better!!
jen- john is doing EXACTLY the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just go back from taking the kids on he ferry in San Francisco. TIred. DH and i had huge fight today. he is coming home early, may get back to you all 2nite.
Christine- So WTH is it Christine? Why are our kids doing the same thing? I wonder if its teething. Sorry about the fight, I hope you guys work it out.

Susan- My gut tells me its teething. You go girl! Five boxes and folded clothes??? I like the peanut butter larabar too. The apple one isnt bad either.

Both DH and I now have "burny" throats so I started on Zicam rapid melts. I DO NOT HAVE TIME to get sick AGAIN! Not to mention it really disrupts my workout time. But I have wondered if I am overtraining because this will have been the third time being sick in less than 6 months. And J threw up two more times at daycare. UGH!
Been missing you gals!!

I have been reading the post with heavy baby on arms so I put him on the floor with some toys and now I can catch up a bit.
Well, I am happy to report that since I changed my strategy I've lost 2 more pounds only in this week. YEAH. I'm doing full body w/o and cardio on alternate days. I am happier person without stated rotations.

Jen, I know babies start teething around the 6 months mark but that's not true for every baby since. Mine is drooling too and rub his gums with his fist but no screaming yet. Hopeully it's just that he's teething

Picked up moving taget on my arms again, so disregard my typos LOL

Mel, sorry that you have been feeling BLAH lately, something that really helps me is to read Psalms and I also love reading the book of Esther. Nothing like the Bible to strengthen me when I'm feeling blah. Hopefully your day at work it's not a hard one

Susan, never tried the labarar bar. I always buy the same o protein bars (Zone). I love the dark choc with almonds one

Christine, sorry about the fight. I hope you guys can solve it today. We all go thru those moments but the best part is to work it out. HUGS

Lisa, nothing like those moments when our cute little one just want to play and be cuddle. Mine plays with my mouth while nursing or grabs my t-shirt. Oh, what about when you have to stop in the middle of a workout to go change her/him. It's all worthy though. Did you get to see the dr for the alternative treatment of RA?

Kendra, I have thought about birth control too, but DH doesn't want to take any pills. We will be looking for another baby maybe at the end of this year or beginning of the next, so for now it would have to be the old method. I'm nursing now and no Aunt flow yet YEAHHH but we are still very cautious.

I have to commute tomorrow and wednesday so I may not be around until thursday
HUGS to everyone!!
Susan- Yay on great weather. I took advantage of a gorgeous day and took the kids to the city. IT was awesome. IT will rain for the next three days, so my goal was to not be stuck here all day! Now neither kid is napping, so I am stuck! I also like the Cherry Lara bars. When I get munchies at night, I eat them. How is Haley handlign the split of homes? Will she understand?
Melanie- I ran out of discs, will go to costco tomorrow and get more. I have also go the master your metabloism by jillian michaels, if anyone wants... Hope you are havign a good day and get some rest and peace.
Jen- I think JOhn is agross combo of sick with a cold and teethign. He has bubble blowing out his nose and bats at the botle and is not slepign great (except for teh ONE miracle night). I hope that you feel better. I will get you the discs this week, need to get more discs this week. Also do you like or have PUB? I just got it.
PRiscilla- SO happy to hear from you. I think about how you are doing all the time. John and Daniel are right at the same stages, so I always wonder what Daniel is doing and how he is changing. Way to go on the weight loss! I am doing 5 days cardio, two whole body lifting adn two to three days abs. As my mileage continues to increase I will cut back somewhere. Sorry that you have teh commute, boo!
Lisa- Got yoru card in teh mail and laughed out loud, which i REALLY needed today. Thank you! I have some other stuff, if you want to email me...
DH should get home soon. I am still really pissed at him. I am thinking of ripping the volume buttons off the monitors and putting them by his side of the bed. Sometimes it sucks when DH is a manager, because I feel like I am an employee of his sometimes. I have to remind him that I am not an employee and am his wife. Grrr. Okay, back to playing on the floor and wishing I was doing PUB and Ab Circuits, or anything. I feel weak in the upper body. My legs are hamburger. And, the scale is not moving, but my jeans are falling off! YAY!
Wow gals! What can i say? I really had a great day. I felt very "normal". I'm sure it's too soon for the meds, but I'm going to go ahead & take them for a while anyway. Thanks for all your prayers & encouragement. Depression sucks and I will not tolerate it in my life!

I have tomorrow off.

Jen~ I'd just wait and see with weeone. Could be either. The school of thought on ear infections is just to watch & wait them out nowadays (unless it's perferated). If there's blood or orange discharge by the ears I would definitely take him in....otherwise medicate with Tylenol every 6 hours and if he develops a fever then take him in. In all cases, use your mother's instict though!!!

Christine~no big hurry girlie. I'm excited to listen to some stuff though! You are so amazing. You up for Imax Xtreme tomorrow? I really need something to kick my butt tomorrow. You game?

Susan, how did the house thing go today?

Precila~ I've been spending alot of time in prayer. He gives me amazing strength

kendra~ thanks for the cool quote. i really liked it.

Lisa~ you going on vacation soon? where to?

I'm off to cuddle my amazing girls! Chat with ya'll later!
I started to reply yesterday, but got sidetracked and never returned LOL

Melanie, glad to hear you had a great day, but sorry to hear you're struggling. I think I had PPD after Drew's birth, but wasn't really sure -- I was so tired and so overwhelmed by his neediness. You have so much on your plate, enough to exhaust anyone. Maybe Christine is on to something -- the stress taking its toll on your body. Continued thoughts and prayers for you (((hugs)))

Jen, DH has given Drew a taste of ice cream already. He did this early with Ella too. I think people get a bit more lax after having a few kids (ours are #4 and #5 for him). I freaked me out the first time! I wouldn't trust MIL alone with James either; if she is not willing to do as you wish, then she can't be trusted alone with him. Period.

Kendra, the Alabama coast is beautiful :) (says the girl who was born in Mobile and lived there for a long time LOL) The quote you shared was fantastic -- the kind of thing I would tell a friend and of course my kids, but probably never tell myself, kwim?

Christine, sorry you and DH had a blowout. I hate it when that happens here, but I'm not good with conflict (DH would probably say otherwise!). I would love to plant strawberries, but I seem to be the only person in the world who can't get zucchini to grow so I question my abilities!

Priscilla, I'm glad you've found your workout groove, based on what you like to do! Sounds like it's working :) You asked about cereal in a bottle. Per our pediatrician's recommendation, we started giving Drew 1 TBSP rice cereal per 4 oz bottle when he was about 2 months. Formula wasn't enough; he was never satisfied. What can I say? The boy loves to eat!

Susan, you had a busy week! It must have killed you to leave your house trashed to go to Tennessee -- I HATE coming home to a dirty house. I found a couple lentil recipes to try/to post! Will let you know if they are any good :)

Lisa, augh -- those 3:30 AM parties aren't much fun anymore, are they? Back when it really WAS a party, it was great -- not so great when you're awakened from a dead sleep!
Evening ladies!
While dh ate his fatty meat I had tuna with apples and red wine vinegar and soup. He actually didnt really like the fatty meat either! We chunked the rest of it. So here is all my eats for today
2 clementies
prot pancake
kashi, 1/2 banana
broc soup, lentils on ww pita
lara bar
tuna/ apple broc soup
oatmeal pancake

Christine-thanks for asking about Haley. Acutally she handling it very well. She is so laid back and easy going (wish I was). She is excited about moving and "getting a new room" We will be closer to "home" too so she'll be seeing her friends. She doesnt really have a 'best friend" here. Paul is the one having the problem. He is gonna miss his girls sooo much! He tears up playing with Kara. Sorry about your fight with dh!!
Pricilla-yayy on the the lbs lost!! Be safe on your commute!
Melanie- Im sooooo glad you had a better day! yaayyyy!! The inspection is tomorrow..hope it doesnt take all day!
Jen-Im sending you DO NOT GET SICK VIBES!!! HOpe James sleeps for you tonight!
Allison-I too hate coming on to a dirty house..dh did a good job getting it clean though...but I still went crazy cleaning when I got home. yayy on the recipes!

K is in bed, H is headed that way. See you gals tomorow after inspection. TM intervals are planned for morning. OH...forgot to tellya. I sold my elliptal. I knew I woldnt have room for both the treadmill and ellip so I posted it on craigslist. Got an email the next day and a couple from2 hours away came and bought it! Im saving the money to replace it when I have room. I miss her! I might get a spin bike..hmmmmm.
ok night night everyone
Looks like Drew will be crawling soon. He gets up and goes backwards, looking at you the whole time. He gets so frustrated because he's moving away from us LOL

Jen, meant to say that it sounds to me like James is teething. With the excessive drooling, he's swallowing a lot of saliva, which can lead to diarrhea and/or vomiting. Did you feel any bulges under the gums? I think babies usually cut the bottom two teeth first...

On Saturday, we hosted a spring brunch for our Supper Club. I'll post a couple recipes because they were AWESOME!! Nothing as wholesome as Susan's protein pancakes though ;)

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