feel a cold coming on? What do you do?


Curious as to what evryone else does if anything?

I am very intuned to my body so the slighest thing & I'm on it. That & I'm paranoid. Yesterday I started feeling a little something off. I had 2 daycare kids out the beginning of the wk w/strepthroat so maybe it's the worry in me.

Anyway I usually take echinecea, then hit the foods
Garlic (ate a whole bulb yesterday DH said I stink :rolleyes: )
lemon juice in water
hot peppers on my food
lots of water
& rest
Well, I've been using buckwheat honey. Whenever I feel a tickle in my throat I would take a spoonfull of that. It worked all last fall and up until this week:mad: I ran out of honey this week and have not gotten a chance to get to the store and the cold has finally settled in.:mad:
I'd love to learn something that works at fending off a cold. Usually, when I feel one coming on, it's already with me. Nothing I do changes the fact that I'm going to suffer through a cold.

I hate colds! :mad:
If I start feeling a cold coming on I start vitamin c, zinc lozenges, lots of fluids, and if possible I go to bed early. I do not work out. For me, working out will get that virus going at double speed. I get quite sick with headcolds and try to NOT get them.

I'm methodical about hand sanitizer after being in public places, like grocery shopping, the bank, the hardware store. I think soap & water are better but not always possible. 1. So, get in car 2. use hand sanitizer. I've become more aware about touching my face with my hands and I don't do it unless my hands are clean. I have avoided quite a number of colds even when my husband (the usual source of the virus) has been sick for a week.
I take liquid echinacea at the earliest sign--it works if you get it super early. I've also heard recently that Vitamin D is great for our immune systems, and something that most people don't get nearly enough of. So I started taking that regularly too. Haven't had a cold since I can't remember when! My DH is prone to colds and the echinacea seems to keep them at bay if we catch it early enough. Hopefully you caught yours in time and won't get sick. I have a friend who makes a tonic with lemons, honey, cayenne pepper, fresh ginger, and hot water. I'll try that if I ever get a cold again! I figure it may be a placebo effect, but if it makes me feel better then it's good enough for me.


1. First, I panic. "Crap! I can't get sick now!!" (As if there is ever a good time.)

2. Then I try to calculate the incubation period, count back the days, and unfairly attempt to pin the "blame" on a particular person. "I thought I saw her sniffling...why can't sick people stay home." (This does nothing to help, mind you.)

3. Finally, I get over it, drink some orange juice, and make sure I have my inhalers and cough medicine ready. (This helps. A lot.)

Echinacia and goldenseal together in pill form totally works for me. If taken early enough it just about takes it away or the symptoms are very short lived. even if you take it while your sick it helps alot! The guy at GNC said to take 3 in the am and 3 in the pm, don't take it longer than 2 weeks at a time.
Well, I start taking some Emergen-C. I also start making tomato soup/tea (if you Google tomato tea you'll probably get this recipe). I take V8, add in as much pressed garlic as I can handle, lemon juice, cayenne, chilli powder, red pepper flakes (anything I can find that's hot and spicy!). Sometimes I'll just sip in a big mug like I would a hot tea (hence calling it tomato tea) or add brown rice, barley or noodles and make a little soup out of it. Anyway, even if you are already sick, this helps clear up congestion and that garlic will help you fight off that unwanted cold as well.
1. First, I panic. "Crap! I can't get sick now!!" (As if there is ever a good time.)

2. Then I try to calculate the incubation period, count back the days, and unfairly attempt to pin the "blame" on a particular person. "I thought I saw her sniffling...why can't sick people stay home." (This does nothing to help, mind you.)

3. Finally, I get over it, drink some orange juice, and make sure I have my inhalers and cough medicine ready. (This helps. A lot.)


That's hysterical, and essentially the same path I follow. Why do we always say that???? "I can't get sick now!" As if we have the choice anyway. :eek:

I also put a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide in my ear, let it sit for about 10 minutes, drain it, and do the other. I do this only once, max twice a day when I feel the cold coming, then everyday I always swab out my ears with peroxide on a qtip. There are some theories about cold germs entering through the ears, who knows, but after I started this, I went from 2 colds a year, to being cold free for about 2 years straight, I finally go sick this year in November.

I will say the cold I got this year, nothing was going to help it except running it's course, I tried every remedy I could find, but nothing lessened the severity, just the right drugs and cough medicine and a lot of hot tea with lemon and honey to try and feel better.

Hope you feel better soon!
I got this stuff called Cold Calm from the Vitamin Shoppe. I still got a cold but it wasn't nearly as bad as I usually get. When I get sick I always get it really bad. I will use this again if I feel one coming on.
Well, I start taking some Emergen-C. I also start making tomato soup/tea (if you Google tomato tea you'll probably get this recipe). I take V8, add in as much pressed garlic as I can handle, lemon juice, cayenne, chilli powder, red pepper flakes (anything I can find that's hot and spicy!). Sometimes I'll just sip in a big mug like I would a hot tea (hence calling it tomato tea) or add brown rice, barley or noodles and make a little soup out of it. Anyway, even if you are already sick, this helps clear up congestion and that garlic will help you fight off that unwanted cold as well.

That sounds really good !! Cold or not. I love tom soup & garlic :D Yummy. Love the stuff.

If I've got several kids with a green 11 I'll take Air Bourne also. Feel even the slightest sore throat - gargle with salt water several times a day.

Alot of great ideas I hadn't thought of - Thanks!
Feel fine today, I think this one was just in my head :rolleyes: know what I mean?
The only thing that has been proved effective is zinc. I take Zicam or Cold Ease the moment I feel something coming on and I only have a few days of minor symptoms. I also make sure I eat very healthy - lots of fruits and veggies and do something to get the blood flowing - like yoga if that's all I have the energy for.
Cold FX (we have this in Canada) I take it as "soon as I sense a that coldish feeling coming - cold symptoms subside within 24 hours if I catch it early enough - or only last 2-3 days. I swear by it!
Ditto Vitamin C in mega doses for me.
I've also used Airborne one tablet every 3 hours and that has worked too.
Whenever I feel that tickly, scratchy feeling in my throat, I reach for the Zinc lozenges.
Very rarely do I get colds, but if I do, it's very mild and short-lived.
I second the vote for Zicam, I love the stuff. I used to get everyone's cold even though I constantly wash my hands. Now if I come into contact with someone who is coughing or sneezing, I take it and I usually do not get a cold. If I take it when I first start feeling symptoms, I might have a slight runny nose for a day but it doesn't develop into a cold. Last month I felt cold symptoms but I thought it was allergies so I didn't take my Zicam and I had cold symptoms for over 2 weeks.
1. First, I panic. "Crap! I can't get sick now!!" (As if there is ever a good time.)

2. Then I try to calculate the incubation period, count back the days, and unfairly attempt to pin the "blame" on a particular person. "I thought I saw her sniffling...why can't sick people stay home." (This does nothing to help, mind you.)

3. Finally, I get over it, drink some orange juice, and make sure I have my inhalers and cough medicine ready. (This helps. A lot.)


*lol* Funny.

I up the vitamin C for a few days by eating an orange or two daily. If it seems unavoidable, I'll do Airborne and rest.

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