Feedback on DVD Chapters


I received the Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks DVD today. My first planned combo was the kickboxing and step sections of Circuit Max followed by the Cardio Kicks drills. I was disappointed that Circuit Max is divided into so few chapters, that will make me unable to do this. It would have been great to be able to program out the hi/lo sections (which I don't care for) and the strength parts if one doesn't want to do weights that day. I don't know what the technical issues are regarding how the chapters are selected. Just wanted to give you that feedback for the future. Thanks.
[font color="red"]140 pounds gone...and counting![/font]

I just wanted to say that I'm very happy that SNM decided to put out a DVD. I haven't minded the wait because I knew a new project always takes longer and I mentally added a lot more time to the expected arrival date. Also, Cathe's tapes really motivate me to workout. What I am unhappy about is the fact that the DVD's don't have a lot of chapters. That is the purpose of DVD's as far as I'm concerned. I'm wondering if the pressure to complete this project influenced the amount of chapters on the DVD. I hope the 6-pack is very combinable and I would be willing to wait for that--even til Christmas. If not, I think I would be extremely disappointed in SNM and the DVD.
SNM I have some questions

Needless to say, I'm very frustrated with the way SNM has handled the DVD's.

1) Why is there no announcement on the front page telling us the DVD's are shipping (I recall the shipping of the videos were front page news)? Why were DVD orderers given second-class citizenship?

2) Why do we have to search several conferences to get info on the status of the DVD's (again why not put it on the homepage). One time and update is in ask Cathe, another time it's in Video questions. As one person put it on Video Fitness forum, it's like we're playing "Where's Waldo".

3) Where are the Chapters between the hi/lo & strength (that is the purpose of DVD's). I feel that I waited this long for this. I could have bought the videos, if I couldn't break them apart as expected.

4) Why do we have to email you for information? Why not be more forthcoming with the information. Any news is better than none at all.

5) Quality-wise what can we expect from the rest of the shipment?

I feel like I didn't get what I paid for. And please don't pull an SNM leaving our questions un-answered.
RE: SNM I have some questions

>Needless to say, I'm very frustrated
>with the way SNM has
>handled the DVD's.
>1) Why is there no announcement
>on the front page telling
>us the DVD's are shipping
>(I recall the shipping of
>the videos were front page

I'm not sure where you're coming from on this. We have made weekly announcements on the forums about the DVD's and those of you who provided us with your email address received an email notification from UPS. After the VF Road Trip we will make an announcement on the start page.

Why were DVD
>orderers given second-class citizenship?

We have worked on this project almost everyday for the last three months. This is in spite of the fact that it is doubtful we will turn a profit on this project for a long time and maybe never. There are very few companies making DVD's for the fitness industry at the moment and none are as small as we are. It is because of our hard work and the risk we are taking that others who use the same studio as we do will be able to make DVD's with one tenth the effort we have had to put into them. They will also have the advantage of being able to learn from our mistakes and feedback.
We strongly disagree with you on this point. Yes, we've had our problems, but at least we're taking the risk and the time to be one the first companies to bring you advanced fitness DVD's...and we're doing this because we listen to our customers and try our best to give them products they like and request.

>2) Why do we have to
>search several conferences to get
>info on the status of
>the DVD's (again why not
>put it on the homepage).
> One time and update
>is in ask Cathe, another
>time it's in Video questions.
> As one person put
>it on Video Fitness forum,
>it's like we're playing "Where's

We only have four conferences and one of them is the pregnancy forum. Our announcements are made in either the "Ask Cathe" or the "Video Questions..." forums. I think both have threads on the shipping news.

>3) Where are the Chapters between
>the hi/lo & strength (that
>is the purpose of DVD's).

Circuitmax has 6 cycles of 5 minutes of cardio and 2 minutes of toning. This is set as one chapter. I guess we could have broken it up into more chapters, but this is something we will learn from the feedback we get. The other chapters are the floor work, warm-up and stretch.

> I feel that I
>waited this long for this.
> I could have bought
>the videos, if I couldn't
>break them apart as expected.
>4) Why do we have to
>email you for information?

You don't have to email us. All you have to do is read our forums. We've posted updates almost every single week. As for emails we answer them too and quite promptly. I doubt you will find too many other companies that have a faster response time.

>Why not be more forthcoming
>with the information. Any
>news is better than none
>at all.

Again, we answer questions every day on our forums. You just have to read them. If you still have a question, just email us.

>5) Quality-wise what can we expect
>from the rest of the

I think the quality on both DVD's is very good. CTX does have more chapters and by its nature offers more mixing variety.

>I feel like I didn't get
>what I paid for.
>And please don't pull an
>SNM leaving our questions un-answered.
I'm not sure what you mean by pulling a SNM. There is not another fitness video production company in the world that spends more time answering its customers questions than we do!
RE: SNM I have some questions too

I hear you. I am with you.

I would also like to know how the CTX series will be broken down before they even ship. Will there be a chapter for cardio and one for strength?

Honestly, I never thought SNM would not break down the body of the workout itself. I have Cardio Hits and I love the fact that you "did" break down the workouts in different chapters. I am interested in DVDs for the mix and match feature, not so much for the "awesome" audio and video.

I am sorry to say I am quite dissapointed!!

I have been pre-ordering your tapes for the past 4 years. I am sad to say I think this will be the last.
You really didn't answer my questions

You gave an emotional defense intended for your Forum Audience, but the fact remains:

1) There is no announcement on you homepage regarding the shipment of the DVD’s, when there was one for the videos (equal treatment or different?)

2) Updates, were given “only” after continued prodding from customers

3) I shouldn’t “have to” read your Forum, or be expected to search through threads for an answer about shipping. It SHOULD be on the homepage for all to see

4) The un-breaking of Chapters speaks for itself. Feedback was not necessary to know that Chapters means Chapter. Which means the cardio and strength should have been separated

5) You tend to answer “selective” questions. Yes, it is an obvious and "well known" pattern, that the tough questions go unanswered. And your answering of so many questions philosophy is from a business standpoint, as well as your taking risks. That’s what business is all about RISKS. Customers want the final product, not an assessment of a businees risks and public relations policies.

I’m sure you read Video Fitness forums and you know you have lost a lot of pre-order customers because of the DVD debacle. Live and Learn!
Some APPRECIATION is in order here!

I for one did not expect Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max to be broken into many chapters, which is why I ordered them on VHS and the crosstrainers on DVD. Some of the points made are valid (I too would have liked to see updates on the "front page"), but did not agree with the WAY particular complaints were lodged.

Vicious complainers don't improve service, they make companies sorry they tried so hard to please, because companies know they can never do it well enough to satisfy people like that. SNM is going out of their way to give us what we want, and all I see is complaints.

SNM, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work and dedication in providing the best possible service. I've NEVER been dissatisfied with the way I've been treated. By far, the best customer service I've ever received, was from SNM.

I'm thrilled to have the option of DVD

I only pre-ordered the VHS tapes because I didn't have a DVD player at the time (also, I knew that the tapes would come out first as was clearly mentioned by SNM). I'm sure SNM didn't know that hiccups that could have occurred with using state-of-the-art technology (DVD9s). I, however, know what hiccups can occur while playing with cutting edge technology. I was involved with "cutting edge" technology that was supposed to be available in the near future. It took 2 years before we could do anything with it.

I'm thrilled to see that we now have an option for our videos. Either in VHS or in DVD. Yes, I understand everyone's frustration in not having your DVDs in hand or not having the format to your expectations. Perhaps it would have been better if SNM made it clearer to everyone that they were going to use cutting edge technology to provide everyone a quality product instead of using the other DVD format.

Yes it would have been nice to have a strength chapter in Circuit Max (as there will be in the CTX DVDs). I'm sure SNM appreciates all positive and negative feedback on their projects. It will make future products much more useful for the consumer.

I, for one, plan to order the CTX on DVD as I now have one. Why? Because (1) I appreciate SNM for all their hard work in their faith in their customer base, (2) I like the idea of customizing a workout using the DVD formats in CTX, (3) I prefer the formats of CTX to the 60 minute formats of the 2-pack, and (4) to save my tapes for when I'm on travel. These may be lame excuses for some of you, but I always intended to eventually buy the CTX on DVD.

I just hope that SNM will consider to release DVDs in the future. I'm sure that SNM is sharing their lessons learned with not only themselves but with the DVD manufacturers themselves. I know I did when I was working with cutting edge techology.

Just my opinion. It wasn't meant to attack or support anyone. I just wanted to share with you my thoughts and experiences.


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-00 AT 03:09PM (Est)[/font][p]I lodged my complaint to SNM, as a customer I deserve that right. However, I don't reserve the right to be called a "vicious complainer" because I lodged my complaint, especially since their was no viciousness involved. One thing all business owners appreciate is customer feedback. They may not like all of it, but it's how they "improve" their products and services, therefore they are indeed appreciative of it. Had no one provided feedback to SNM or any company out there, as consumers we would all be getting table scraps from companies.

I am vocal, no doubt about that. But my vocalizing insures that you continue to get superior products. And if ever I don't get what I paid for, I'll vocalize it with any company. No viciousness, but no sugar-coating either. Straight to the point. And if you are satisfied with the way SNM handled this situation, then you can provide your feedback to them, without resorting to name-calling of another poster. Hence, the way Lorrayne stated her point without resorting to childish tactics.

Name-calling is too reminiscent of Junior High School folly.
SNM, Did I misunderstand something here?

Is CTX going to be broken down in chapters as they are described on your homepage? From what I'm reading here, that seems to be the case. The comments about the two-pack DVD made me think otherwise. What is the truth? Will someone tell me?

If so, I am very happy and I don't mind the wait because I realized it would be a huge undertaking.


All the DVD's are broken down into chapters. CTX has more chapters than the Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks dvd. What some people are talking about is they would have liked to have seen the segment with the 6 cycles in Circuit Max broken into more segments.
RE: Carol

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-00 AT 04:29PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Janet

I neither named anyone nor did I call anyone names. I was very careful in my selection of words. But for someone who is against name-calling, you did a remarkable job of it.

My post was a rebuttal to [all] the complaints and an expression of appreciation to SNM. It was not aimed at you.

I've been in business 22 years, and yes, the "squeaky wheel" does get the oil and sometimes actually helps us see where we can improve our products. But the manner in which some complaints are lodged is counter productive and uncalled for. Regarding your posts to SNM, they seemed angry and sarcastic. I don't know if you felt that way, but that's the way they came across.

All our posts are words without faces or expressions to read, so can easily be read the wrong way. I am a quiet, thoughtful, gray haired grandmother of four, but I'll bet you didn't "see" me that way.

Let's see if we can't get off on a friendlier foot next time. :)

I almost hate to respond here

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-00 AT 05:48PM (Est)[/font][p]SNM does resond well to the forums and that is greatly appreciated. Your customer service is a cut above. But,I really wanted to mention that if an update had been posted on the home page, there wouldn't have been a need to respond to forum questions. Just a suggestion... I know you're an educated crowd. ;)

Not everyone who enjoys Cathe's tapes is interested in participating in the forum. It seems this has been a trying time for SnM (I of course could never really know how you all feel) but....... most paying customers, even those of us who run or are supported by small businesses are never really going to appreciate the risk you took. And I mean that in both senses of the word.
My DVD just arrived!!

The picture is so clear -- I can't wait to try it in six months.

May I remind everyone, as gently as possible, with all the problems in the world, lack of DVD chapters on Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks is not that big of a tragedy.

Yes, we have waited a long time and paid our money long ago. I knew when I handed over the credit card number, there were no guarantees of ship dates. It has been a long wait and I would have to agree that home page updates were not offered for the DVD purchasers like they were with for the VHS purchasers. I'm sure this is not because SNM took our money and went to the islands. I'm glad I'm not in their shoes.

I'm thrilled that I'll never have to rewind or pre-cue either of these workouts. Like Carol, I never thought of these two workouts as potential combo fodder. CTX was built up to be the "combo lovers dream." I'll continue to wait patiently for the CTX DVD and I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

I agree that it is important for SNM to know how we feel. I share in most of these frustrations, but these workouts will be worth it and we'll be reaping the benefits from them for a long time--much longer than the five months we've waited to get them.
just my 2 cents

Constructive criticism is always good...there's always room for improvement and I would like to commend Cathe and SNM for taking the risk and jumping into the DVD market with both feet. I agree that sometimes getting updates on the DVDs was kinda long, but it would be hard to have to admit that things aren't going as planned. On the whole, I've never had a bad experience with SNM and plan to continue to preorder Cathe's DVDs (you are going to do DVDs again I hope :D) This has been frustrating, I was just so excited and motivated about the proposed DVDs my patience has been wearing thin, and just to add-I'm pretty sure I provided an email address when I ordered on 5/1/00 at 00:05 but I've never received an email notification. I was however able to track my 2 pack.
all I gotta say is live and learn, take these lessons and do it different next time.I agree with whoever had worried about scaring companies from doing DVDs-PLEASE CONTINUE TO BE LEADERS IN THE FITNESS INDUSTRY...I FOR ONE LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS AND ONLY WANT MORE!!!!
thanks for listening :D
:-jumpy :-jumpy julie :-jumpy :-jumpy
RE: SNM I have some questions

You would think some of these people were waiting for a heart transplant! Not fitness videos! I want my cake and eat it too!
happy to have dvd's :)

even tho I have to send mine back cause it doesn't work. I truly appreciate Cathe and SNM taking the risk to do these workouts for us on dvd.

I have to also say that I have had nothing but great, no, awesome customer service with SNM. They always answer my emails promptly and with kindness.

I hope they will continue to make dvd's for us in the future. And yes, even tho I had to wait a long time, I would still pre-order in a heartbeat! :)
I sort of hate to keep this thread going as well but I just want to say thank you to SNM for taking on this venture when so many other companies are not even considering putting their videos on DVD. I am just pleased to have gotten my copy and looking forward to lots of use!
Thanks a million!!
SNM, Please Read...

Chris and co. at SNM, and forum posters,

I got my CM/CK DVD today and, like several other forum members, do suggest that more chapters would have been nice on the CM/CK DVD. And I agree with the general consensus that it would be a good idea to initiate a homepage shipping status update for the Cathe buyers who aren't interested in our forum (although I have to point out that, to my knowledge, no other fitness website offers that kind of detailed info on its homepage).

But none of those comments are the main reason for my post. After reading and thinking about this thread, I've gotta say this (sorry this is long, but I do want to get this in print):

I go way back as a forum member and Cathe video fan, to the earliest days of this website. When I first previewed this new DVD my immediate and strongest reaction was not what could be done better, but how good it is. And I was thinking about how amazed I am at how far Cathe's web-fueled business has come, and how fast. I want to tell all of you at SNM that I have the deepest respect and admiration for what you have accomplished in just a couple of years. And y'all, skip this if you don't want to read on, and I don't mean to be preachy, but I would like to share with my forum friends, for what it's worth, my two cents' worth of perspective on Cathe and SNM.

I'm afraid Cathe's created a monster. We maniacal Cathe fans are all sitting out here like greedy, hungry children wanting more to eat all the time, and I'm afraid that we're not always paying a whole lot of attention to where all the good food comes from. I know we all do appreciate Cathe's finished product. But I'm sure that we don't have a BLEEPING clue how many hours she, Chris and their team spend on keeping the hard work of their businesses transparent to all of us. And I say "businesses" because they've got several distinct operations going on at one time: health club staffing and operation, video production, web-based sales, and this interactive web site and forum. Heck, I think any one of these would keep me busy.

Look at how often SNM has upgraded their forum software, their server, the website design and contents. And, not to throw darts, but think about all the problems many of us have experienced at other forum sites.)

Look at all the website innovations they've tried, so that we would have more toys to play with.

Look at Lord knows how many hours Cathe puts into answering our questions, cheering us on, absorbing our suggestions and planning new videos, choreography, sets, music, clothes, shoes, crew, childcare for Eric and crew kids, rehearsal, dinner for neglected spouses and significant others, etc. I mean, good grief, guys, this gal's son isn't even a year old, yet she's recovered from childbirth, she's been up nights with a baby, she's moved her family into a new house this year, and she's successfully completed a video project of amazingly ambitious scope. I am just in awe.

And now SNM is on the cutting edge of fitness DVDs, and for beginners at that process I think they've done a pretty damn nice job (all the while, I might add, keeping us on the forum updated on a pile of problems and headaches in the process).

If there is one thing that Cathe Friedrich and SNM have shown us clearly, it is that they are totally committed to providing us with the best tools we could possibly have for learning from Cathe and from each other. We should all have this work ethic. I admire it deeply.

There is always going to be something that SNM could have done differently, and we all have the right to speak up and make suggestions which, history has shown, Cathe's team takes to heart.

But I think we've gotten a bit spoiled by how responsive these good people are. Let us not lose sight of the fact that behind all this are real people who juggle a lot like we do, and who obviously care very much about their work and how it impacts all of us.

Imperfect or not, Cathe, her staff, her products and this website are flat out wonderful.

So to SNM and Eric's mom, many, many thanks. As my 10-year-old's soccer coach bellows from the sidelines repeatedly, "WELL DONE! WELL DONE! GOOD JOB! WELL DONE!"

I'll be sending in my suggestions for new videos under a separate title... ;-)

Kathy S.
Well Said...

..I couldn't have said it better. THANK YOU SNM , Cathe & Crew!!!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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