Feedback on DVD Chapters

Nicely said, Kathy

I think we do take for granted all the wonderful, personalized service we get here. If you put a monetary value on it, believe me, we are getting our money's worth tenfold on any video or DVD we have ever ordered.

I also feel badly for SNM in this business. They are pioneers in DVDs and this technology and I'm sure we customers are paying only a small fraction of the actual cost of making them. I feel badly for all the pre-orderers who hoped to have DVDs by August and didn't get them until October. It's been a tough process on everyone. I hope that SNM will not be so discouraged that they stop making DVDs. And I hope that DVD orderers won't become so bitter that they lose sight of all the added value they receive when they order a Cathe/SNM production.

And,if there is a next time, I'm sure that next time there will be tons of DVD updates on the home page. I hope have a player in my workout space soon enough to take advantage of those updates.

Hope everyone whose going on the Cathe Roadtrip Weekend has a wonderful, wonderful time. Let me know if you all do my favorite move from the new videos (from Step & Intervals): the kick on the step, walk back, mambo, cha cha forward.

And now I've got to go give my kids a bath and give the 5-year old a serious talk about saying "poop" and "butt" during science class today. Sometimes being the adult is no fun.
Hey Daphne...

I couldn't agree with you more!

By the way, I'm just taking a wild guess here, but is your 5-year-old a boy???

My younger son (5th grade) had his first formal sex ed class on the male reproductive system this week -- betcha can guess what his new favorite dinner table words were! }>

Next week they switch, the boys go to "female repro" (love the lingo) and the girls to "male repro." I am bracing myself :D

just a thank you

i understand janet williams' perspective from a consumer's point of view, but i also understand the frustration at having to please EVERYONE on SNM's side as well. and yes, constructive criticism is CRUCIAL for a successful business such as SNM.

all i wanted to say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for bringing to your fans the option of purchasing the DVD's. yes, not many fitness DVD's are on the market and available to home fitness fans (as a matter of fact, i only know of about 7 DVD's), and SNM is truly a pioneer in every aspect for taking the risk and forging the way for more fitness DVD's to come in the future (my fingers are crossed!!!). although i currently don't own a DVD player, by all means do i plan on ordering the CTX and cardio kicks/circuit max DVD'S once i have the machine.

please, let's all appreciate what is currently available to us as well as take criticism in a constructive manner. there aren't many of us home fitness fanatics, we need to stick together to make the fitness DVD concept work for OUR future enjoyment and advantage.
You got it, Kathy

He's a boy all right! A snake- and bug-loving, long legged, crooked smile, big eared, cowlicked almost 6-year old BOY!!!! With one very loose tooth! The Tooth Fairy is on pins and needles, waiting for her first pick-up.

And I can only imagine what your 5th grader will learn in "female repro!" Sounds as if he's got an older brother too -- I'll bet they'll have quite a conversation after female repro week!
I just received mine yesterday, and am quite pleased. The picture is great!!! The sound is just wonderful, and I am enjoying the music. I would have preferred more chapters, especially in Circuit Max, but am still pleased. The other two fitness DVDs don't actually have chapters. Tae Bo Live has 4 chapters, 1 for each workout, and the Yoga for Weight Loss has a few, but only one for the workout too. Taking into account the DVDs that are presently available, Cathe is at the TOP. As far as I can tell, with no close competition.

So, for all who wish to complain, please look around. There isn't anything better, sooo instead of complaints, please offer constructive criticism.

My suggestion to SNM (and all the rest, if only there was an easy forum to tell them too) is more chapters. We all have different goals. Some of us wanted to skip some cardio in CM, some wanted to add the weight work to CK, others wanted to do an entirely different cardio workout, and them add the weight work to it. Now, it isn't your job to make all those wishes come true, and much though we would like you to tell us beforehand whether our wishes will become reality when we get the DVD, you can't read our minds. So, next time (I hope there is a next time) please make clear what the chapter breaks will be. And remember, from the at home exerciser, you can never have too many.
Tooth fairy

Hi Daphne,
My littlest just lost his first tooth at school and never even noticed - came home missing a tooth and was absolutely devastated that he had no tooth for the tooth fairy. We wrote her a note, but it wasn't the same. Tell Brad to watch his tooth carefully!
Gosh, here I am-still the jealous one! My DVD's won't be here (Tucson) until 10/30! I agree with Kathy's eloquent post, but I would like to point out that it is just plain impossible to please everyone. Janet doesn't sound vicious-only disgruntled and everyone's entitled to their opinion. Her expectations weren't met and she's disappointed. That's too bad and she deserves our sympathy. SNM, on the other hand, deserves appreciation. As Kathy pointed out, what an undertaking! Cathe and SNM amaze me! There have been times when I was disappointed that information wasn't immediately forthcoming, but that's just because we live in a society which programs us to desire instant gratification. Homepage announcements would have been great but oh well. Because of the forums, we have gotten to see how DVD production progresses and I think SNM has done everything within their power to do what they do best-give the advanced exerciser top quality exercise videos and DVD's. I am sooooo eager to get my hands on those DVD's!
Pamela P! What a big troublemaker:) you are, starting this post! I would like to say I'm in awe of your accomplisment! 140 pounds!You go girl!!!!
Oh Bobbi, believe me...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-00 AT 07:17PM (Est)[/font][p]Had I known this thread would have taken the turn it did, I would have e-mailed SNM directly with my feedback instead. I was pleased to have a chance to discuss the issue with Chris face-to-face when I saw him this weekend. I *think* I'm forgiven. :) And the chapters on the CTX DVDs are bravissimo! :)

Thanks for the compliment! :)
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
Pam -- You're down TWO MORE?

Wow! You are on a roll, woman. Your sudden sprint here is very motivating to me. I'm feeling very sluggish due to an irregular workout schedule (lots of travel and now 2 weeks of being sick ...) But your success reminds me that I should try and concentrate on healthy eating habits for the time being. You're inspiring me and you didn't even know it!

(P.S. -- Ditto on what Melly said, you little instigator!)
Hey Daph

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-00 AT 02:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, I have to say, I love when that happens! :) (inspiring people and not even knowing it) Those last 2 pounds down actually came right before the trip. I didn't have the guts to weigh myself this morning. We did do a *lot* of eating this weekend, but I think I held myself in check just enough that I'll only be up a couple pounds, and hopefully get rid of it quickly. And of course there were some workouts in there too...that ought to help, LOL. Before the trip I had lost 11 pounds in 9 days, so yes, a roll is definitely what it was! Love those!
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]

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