hi all,
I'm sitting here trying to figure out why I set goals and sabotage them with my eating and I think it is a fear of success. I am afraid that I will succeed and not be able to maintain it. Has anyone else ever felt this way or have any advice??
I understand completely. I've lost about 80lbs - believe me, its taken time. I found about 5 of them at holiday time, too much goodies and beverages, and I am trying to get back on track. I've managed to shake 2 or 3 of them and need to get the rest. I've been at the same wt now for at least 6 months (not including those pounds at the holidays) and I really need to lose about 20 more to be where I should be for height/weight and health wise. I know where I need to be, but I am stuck in a rut.
I don't like all the positive attention that comes with it - I feel like a deer in the headlights. "You look so good, have you lost weight?" said out loud all across the room. Um, no I haven't, its just a good pair of blue jeans. And thanks for mentioning that I look thinner, because then I must've looked like a REAL MOO COW the last time I saw you, even though nothing's changed. Of course of I have lost weight/inches, then no one ever seems to notice, and that kinda hurts my feelings. So then, whats the point? Plus, from what I can tell from other people, I think that I am bigger than they think I am. I carry weight well, I'm fairly tall at 5'8" and near 6 ft in heels, so the pounds have a lot of space to spread out over. I also think that when people ask me about my exercise plan, they don't believe me, becuase I am waaaay too fat to be doing all of that. If I workout like that, why am I so big? These are the thoughts that get in my head and derail me from my goals, or get me stuck along the way. I would be a psychologist's gold mine!
I try to keep in my head WHY I am trying to watch what I eat, why I bust my butt working out every day. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer all run in the family. My mom died in her early 50s from cancer. I have a husband, son, pets, and family and friends I love and I really don't care to die early of some horrible disease if I can do everything I can to prevent it. I was 19 when my mom died, I don't want my son (he's 7 now) to go thru that. DH also lost his mom to cancer when he was in his early 20s. My grandparents on my dad's side died when I was 5 or 6 from medical reasons. I never knew my grandpa on my mom's side. My youngest nephew never knew his grandma. My son never knew EITHER of his grandma's, and his great grandma died (old age) when he was 6. I am still overweight, but at least not obese anymore. This is what always pulls me back on track when I start to lose my footing. I don't want to die of something I can do everything in my power to prevent. I don't want my family and friends to watch my lie in a hospital bed dying from an illness I could have prevented. THAT is what keeps me on track and keeps my butt in gear.
When DH was 3 or 4 and I started this rest of my life journey (and I will have to fight it the rest of my life) I realize I was being selfish by eating what I wanted and lumping and the couch and wasting my life away. I was taking my son's mommy away, my husband's wife away, my dad's daughter, my friends' buddy, all becuase I wanted to sit and eat and lazy myself to death. That is what keeps me in line.
I may never weigh exactly what the American Medical Association thinks I should. However, if I can keep up with my son, my friends, and my family, and Cathe, then I am doing ok. I watch what I eat, but I do still enjoy a bbq bacon cheeseburger - yum!!! Just not everyday. Doing the best you can for you and your family, that is success. Don't measure your success in fitness by the scale or what you did or did not eat today. Measure it on how it affects the rest of your life. If you can go hiking today with friends, when 6 month or a year ago you had to sit it out because you couldn't walk up a hill, then you are a success! If you can do a half of a Cathe video when before you couldn't make it thru the warm up, you are a success! If you can curl 10lbs and before you couldn't curl 3lbs, then you are a success!! Change your view of success, and make your own definition, and when the self doubt and other people's views come into mind, push them out as quickly as possible by remembering YOUR idea of success.
Stick with it, if you take a step back, it's ok. Stop, regroup and keep moving forward.
good gracious, I was long winded on that one!