fear of success

Oh thanks, Cynthia!! That is very nice of you to say.

But my weightloss started many months before I was diagnosed with cancer. Just after I was diagnosed I tightened my eating even more.

I wonder if you can guess what my Big Why is :D?
I remember a summer day about 4 years ago when I was complaining about my body. I've nver been overweight, just felt "frumpy". And I thought, why am I complaining when I'm not doing anything about it?(I think at that point, I was walking occsionally). Well, that x-mas I received 50$ as a gift and bought a step at wal-mart. Best thing I ever did. In the last 4 years, I have lost around 7 lbs. (I'm 5'6"/132 lbs) and have toned up alot and people think I have lost so much weight!!!!!!!! I still have about 5 lbs. to loose, and probably could if I eat clean, but I'm not ready to make that lifr change yet. But I am happy where I'm at for now, and always think how I would br today if I hadn't bought that step(that had a Cathe DVD in it!!!!!!!!!) the rest is history. Kay
OK - I am not kblover - but Nan, Cynthia & Carola ! ! !

Excellent posts with tons of motivation to do what we need to do for US !

Yep, I just ordered BFS and really liked BFFM. Learned lots and I have cyclical issues with stress - now only from work issues as I have not kids at home ! :eek:

Not always living my life as I wish I was, I am more of a moderation type of person, and enjoy some "cheat meals", adult beverages and take extra rest days here and there.

What am I afraid of? Not really anything, just lack willpower at times. Last year was a stronger year for me with checkins and keeping in touch with others here - not to post the perfect workouts with the perfect eats, but to connect with others who are human like me.

I am coming off of a few weeks of "blah dom" as I <<<crossing fingers>>> am nearing menopause :eek:. Feel so hormonal and need good eats and hard exercise, but many times just crawl into bed when I come home from work. Not liking life much right now, but keep on truckin'.

So - here I vent - just like kblover (which I just got my AOS KB workouts today ! :p) and wonder why I cannot keep it up everyday. OK - newsflash that I am human and just have to take it a day at a time.

Thanks to all of you as I need to be "hearing" this over and over again and think I may be hitting a break through here soon. Comon' and join me for a New Year in Health ! :D
This thread has actually made me feel better to know i'm not alone with my struggles and frustrations.

I constantly ask myself why i keep sabotaging all my effort and hard work. Why do i continue to binge on junk food when i know how horrible i will feel after? Why do i let one skipped workout turn into two weeks when i know how much better i feel when i excercise?

This week has been a good one for me since i managed to get myself back on track for the gazillionth time. I'm trying to appreciate the small victories and break a lot of my old patterns. If i slip up with my food i won't allow it to ruin the whole day. If i miss one workout i will get back on track the next day and not "start fresh" on a new week or month. My past pattern has been to let one slip up turn into a huge mess. I made a decision that i will keep "getting back on track" because i refuse to give up and be miserable.

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