I was about to post when I saw yours -- Field of Dreams is my all-time favorite movie and that scene at the end between son and father undoes me every time.
It doesn't take much, though, to make me cry at a movie. It embarrasses my sons terribly!!
Hi Leslie! A very depressing film "Sophie's Choice". I remember after I watched it I cried my heart out for an hr.!! Also, "Bridges of Madison County" w/Clint Eastwood & Meryl Streep. Kathy
City of Angels has my number one vote. But I also like Terms of Endearment. I don't get to watch very many chick ficks. The DH has a choice in movies too, so we meet half way and usually get a comedy or an action comedy lately.
Another vote for Bridges of Madison County. This is the only movie at which I've ever sobbed openly. I was sorry I saw it in the theater because it was so quiet and I didn't hear anyone else crying like I was.
Definately "Terms of Endearment". Oh, that part where the little boy is saying good-bye to his mom (Debra Winger when she was in the hospital. I just lose it every time!!