Favorite Tear Jerker

Forrest Gump ;( ;( ;(
Sophie's Choice ;( ;( ;( ;(
Steel Magnolias ;( ;(
Schindler's List ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
The Big Red One ;(

I'm sure I'll think of more.

For me it's
Terms of Endearment and
The Way We Were (gotta love Robert Redford).

In Fact, I cannot allow myself to watch the last part of Terms of Endearment because I become so upset.

:) Jessi
Hey Jen, I "second" Field of Dreams!

I was about to post when I saw yours -- Field of Dreams is my all-time favorite movie and that scene at the end between son and father undoes me every time.

It doesn't take much, though, to make me cry at a movie. It embarrasses my sons terribly!!

http://e4u.deltait.com.au/sport/sport23.gif Kathy S.
Hi Leslie! A very depressing film "Sophie's Choice". I remember after I watched it I cried my heart out for an hr.!! Also, "Bridges of Madison County" w/Clint Eastwood & Meryl Streep. Kathy
City of Angels has my number one vote. But I also like Terms of Endearment. I don't get to watch very many chick ficks. The DH has a choice in movies too, so we meet half way and usually get a comedy or an action comedy lately.
I'm a huge cry baby at movies! I'll even cry from seeing some tv commercials, how bad is that?

Some BIG tear-jerker movies for me:

I am Sam
The English Patient
Schindler's List
Somewhere in Time

I'm sure there are others...
Another vote for Bridges of Madison County. This is the only movie at which I've ever sobbed openly. I was sorry I saw it in the theater because it was so quiet and I didn't hear anyone else crying like I was.
Definately "Terms of Endearment". Oh, that part where the little boy is saying good-bye to his mom (Debra Winger when she was in the hospital. I just lose it every time!!

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