Favorite Step Moves!

Me neither. Pivot turns make me dizzy too. That, I absolutely refuse to do, even though Cathe promises it will be fun once we try them. Nope. Not me!

I love any kickbox combos on the step. Combo #4 in Circuit Max, Combo #7 in Low Max, and the kickbox step moves in SJ&P. I wish Cathe would make an entire workout of kickboxing on the step...hint hint Cathe :)

I love almost every step move and I'm sure I'll love whatever Cathe comes up with. But for some reason I don't like flying angels. I always just do them facing forward instead of pivoting on the board.

This morning on Fit tv Cardio Blast was about STEP BLAST!!!!... so I did it.... my favorite is the first combo after warm up, putting together: Kick and leg extention, hop step, step back chacha and SLAM IT!!!! hahaha I was wohooing in my living room, I got the excercise high :7
The older I get the more I love me.

My favorites are Figure 8's, Reverse Mambos, Reverse hop turn and V-step-Hitchkick-Charleston.

I also really like:
Over face in over
Power 15s
Triples around the board
Straddle Taps
Insole hesitation
Rhythmic L's
Fast foot repeaters
6 count mambo
Power play
My favorite moves are also the ones that are the most strenuous on my lungs. But there's something about them that I love:

1) Kickbox moves in a step routine (that last step routine in Lowmax just rocks -- it takes the breath out of me, but it ROCKS!)
2) Step slams
3) Power 3's, 7's and 15's (again, they blow me away, but I love 'em).
4) Triples around the step are okay, as long as they're not excessive.
5) A-steps
6) That modified triple hop repeater in Rhythmic Step (I should move this up on my list, because I really like this move)

A lot of times, my favorite "moves" are actually combinations of different moves. Some combos just come together to be more fun than others. For instance, that last combo in Step Blast just brings a smile to my face, as does the entire last combo in Rhythmic Step. Each move by themselves isn't "all that", but when you put them all together, it's great!

EDIT: I also like:
Fast foot repeaters
Reverse Mambos
I love all sorts of mambos:

Reverse mambo
6-count mambo
mambo pivot
mambo cha-cha
ball changes
Anything with a straddle in it
Anything where you jump on or off the board with both feet


facing the narrow end of the step-always think I'm going to twist my ankle
Here are some of my favorites:

Pendulum across the board
L step
A step
(I know boring, but I think they're so fun!)
Power 15's (or whatever number)
Imax 2: the 3-count blast side-to-side across the board (name?)
Power squat (turning)
Sculpt 7
Over facing over
Flying angels
Power L
Rhythmic L (love those L's)
Over the board (like in C&W at the beginning of the "Little Less Conversation") -- fun with turning into the board, too
Thanks Cathe!

You can't tease us like that you know! What ARE your fav steps??? We want to see if they make the "cut"! ;-) Also, thanks for pinning this topic.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
>Triples around the board
>The fast foot repeater, over the board, squat, etc, combo from
>Rhythmic Step

I mean from Step Blast - sorry, it's early!
It's so hard to choose, but here are just a few of my favorites:

mambo cha-cha pivot
peg-leg pivot
pump repeater
triples around the step
reverse hop turn
straddle taps
figure 8's

reverse hop straddle
power 15's
power jig
Anything from Step Blast!

And I REALLY think we should all have to "strike a pose". :p

Anything mambo-y, particularly reverse mambos with the cha cha in between
Peg leg pivots or peg leg mambos
Drop squat pendulums from Lowmax
Jump freeze
Up jack-down jack
Triples around the board
Power 15's etc.
Pendulum across the step
360 around the board
Heel-toe-over the board and jack

Hello everyone. A few of my favorite moves that I don't see posted yet are:

6-count run on top of step
heel-toe diagonal hop turn with a jack
power T-step
ricochet (my all time fav - this has been listed several times)
lunges lunges lunges

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