Favorite/Least Favorite Cathe moves


Hi Everyone :)
I'm learning more and more Cathe choreography every day, and I am just curious to see if what I like/dislike is similar to other Cathe fans....

Flying Angels
Shuffle Repeater
Hop Kick
2 Knees down and shift

Least Favorite:
Power Scissors (ouch my knees!)
Walking around the board (zzzzz)
Knee Up Clap Under (just awkward)
Pendulum and
Flying Angels
Elephant Stomps ( IM2 )
Grapevine on the Step ... shuffle in and turn...A Step
Peg Leg Mambo

Lunges ( during step )( too much )
Over the tops ( in older workouts there are a lot of these )
Rhythmic L
Shuffle forward and back (CK)

Deadlifts ( they look so cool )
Single Leg Squats ( coolness factor )
Posterior delt flye
Hammer curls
Overhead move for the back/chest

ROWS ( I hate them with a passion...particularly bent over ones! )
Ahhh... good topic.

Favorite moves:
rocking horse
6 count horse
that skip back move from the corner of the step
rebound from the corner of the step
anything shoulder

Least favorite:
rythmic L
low end anythings (lunges ouch!)
sit and stand squats

Any mambo moves
flying angels
triple steps around the board
skip back move from the corner
fast hop repeaters

Least Favorites:

Pony ups (it's the only Cathe move that gives me trouble!)
rock horse
horizontals over the step ( I think she used to call it Play time)
power squats
Anything intense.
Space hoggers (CK & SJP- I love moving around the room)
fast foot repeaters
Sa shays(sp?) I love flying around the step-especially last cardio in C&W)
Running man

Least Favorite:
Mombo cha cha
Mombo cha cha
Mombo Cha cha

Rock Horse
Rhythmic L
Power Scissors
Flying Angels
6 Count Horse

Least favorites:

Alternating Knees
Knees Around the World
Triples Around the Board
(these all make me fall asleep!! LOL!!)


Great topic!! Here's mine
Pony on the corners
Flying Angels
In MIC where you straddle the step and then move backward down the step jumping with opposite elbow to knee type thing
In Step Fit where you go over the step diagnally and then do a sa-shay 3 times the last time with one foot on the step. Its in the cooldown part I think, but that is fun!!!
Up and backs (Airborne!!)
shuffle on the board
grapevines and
step touches

Power Scizzors
3 knee repeater
over the board in MIC with the squats in there!! (Can you tell I did that workout today?!:) I don't mind over the board without the squats.
knees around the world adding on a knee each time

HATE Sashays. I have never gotten used to them. They are so awkward and take up too much space. So, I do repeaters in place. Also hate power scissors because they are hard!

Love.. flying angels, pendulums and the squats where you lunge long way over the board and then squat!
Sequential Power Kicks
Plyo Heel Digs
Power Scissors (in CTX Kickbox and Legs & Glutes, it's more hate than love in interval 8 of Imax I, however)
Any variation of a repeater (tap hop repeater, pump repeater, etc)
Power Jig
Airborn jacks
Any and all punch/kick combos as they make me feel tough!

Least Favorite:
Plyo jack with two jumps
Tuck jumps
>Anything intense.
>Space hoggers (CK & SJP- I love moving around the room)
>fast foot repeaters
>Sa shays(sp?) I love flying around the step-especially last
>cardio in C&W)
>Running man
>Least Favorite:
>Mombo cha cha
>Mombo cha cha
>Mombo Cha cha

LOL! I really don't like those either. They just seem like kind of a waste of time...no intensity and tough to get the footing.
Pony ups
Fast foot repeaters
Rhythmic L
double ricochet
Any type of hop turns over the step
Steps with change of direction such as the mamba (on the step) chacha off the step pivot turn and mamba on the step found in RS or the fast foot repeater followed by triples in BS
I also like the choreograped clapping with some of the steps

Anything with more than 2 consecutive steps on top of the step (it feels awkward to me)
Power scissors
Power anything if it shows up later than 45 minutes into a step workout.
I like those things in ME (can't remember name--senior moment:+ ) ---I think it may be glute lifts? Where are in lunge position, and keep back leg straight, while pushing glutes up to the ceiling, straightening front leg. I love the way it works hamstrings and butt right at that area where they meet. My favorite, next to lat rows. I have really strong lats, so I like working them.
Favorite Moves:

Flying Angels
Figure 8s
Skipping backward from corner of step
Tapping inside and then outside the foot
Hip flexor repeaters
Peg leg pivot
Fast-foot repeaters
Bow & arrow

Not-so-Favorite Moves:

Pony-up onto the step
Power squats
Oh, I have many favorites...but here are my top picks:

straddle tap repeaters or fast foot repeaters
shuffle repeaters
double grapevine
hip flexor repeater
mambo cha cha
any and all lunges in any form (love box lunges)!

Least favorite:
Power scissors
Tuck Jumps
favorites: most of Cathes moves

un-favorites: WITHOUT a doubt: floor moves on L&G ( with ankle weghts) on your side and you lift up on the supporting leg and straighten the free leg simulatneously. They work both outer thighs and give me more trouble than any other Cathe move hands down x( x( x(... Just after she has us do 16 of them we rest ever so shortly and she says "lets bang out another 8!" }( }( }( }( yea, I do it but I want to scream at Cathe "STOP already"!

AKA "Likes2bfit"


Least Fave: Sashay Repeater....I usually do a figure 8 with a repeater instead of the sashay
I'm a-scared of pikes, but I attempt a few of them. I don't like the "gasping-for-breath-intense" step with high intensity. I'd rather power walk or run, or ride my bike OR have surgery--just don't make me do that hi-pounding torture!!!

I don't like leg-lifts. I pretty much hate them--the side lifts. I like other floor work, but leg lifts BITE.

Thanks for letting me express myself!}(

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