Favorite/Least Favorite Cathe moves

I totally forgot about that move, step knee tape the outside that one is TOUGH! I usually add a bit of power to it just to kick it up a bit more :)

I love Power 7's too...
and jump freezes
jack on top of the board
those lunges off the long end of the board from step max TOUGH!!!

OK I'm gushing now LOL this is like my third post on this thread!
I did Step Blast this morning and I have to say I really like those shuffle fast-foot repeater things in the third section. I also like all the jump kicks from Cathe's kickboxing workouts.

My least favorite moves are tripples around the step and power scissors.

I forgot one dislike that Cathy mentioned. I don't like the step taps or jumping jacks on top of the step either, it feels awkward. But those fast foot repeaters and step turns are fun. I can't dwell on it anymore, I want to workout so bad.:(
Here's mine

Rock Press
Power 7s/15s
Power horse

Least Favorites:
Flying angels (I feel like I'm falling off my step)
Power scissors (ughhhh, my poor knee joints)
Walking around the board (I could never get the 4 count/ 8 count walk down pat)
The only thing that really stands out that I don't like at all is that run/skip up onto the skep, then run/skip off of the step behind you (which is followed by an up-and-over, which I *do* like) in Step Blast, in the second or third section? I think third. It just doesn't feel right on my knees and feet.

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