Favorite KCM...toning

This morning, I added the shoulders-only premix of Muscle Definition to SH/shoulders and really felt it. :) I liked the different twist KCM put on the moves and it perfectly complimented the exercises Cathe included in SH. I also did the ab section on Muscle Definition---whew, loved that she had folks actually doing the modifications she described.

I have to admit, I really dig KCM's style. No nonsense but friendly. Kind of like my HS gym teacher from back in the day! Man, she's in great shape, too, and she's in her 50s!

I have four of her DVDs now: Muscle Definition, Your Best Body, Split, and Shape Up. I'm tempted to add Cardio Blast---anyone have that release? Comments/reviews?
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She mentioned her new workouts on her FB page in conversation with others and as well as on her forum. She hasn't even began filming yet she just stated that she will be filming some heavy weight training workouts next.

fox2star - Kariev is correct. I will try to find you the thread where she responded to someone's inquiry on her forum - but I'm running late for work now so it will be later today. Sorry.

You might have to try Trim Down too. It's lighter weights on the video but she says go slower with heavier weights if you want. It's really good too and filmed on the same set as Shape Up.

Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely look into it!
I have four of her DVDs now: Muscle Definition, Your Best Body, Split, and Shape Up. I'm tempted to add Cardio Blast---anyone have that release? Comments/reviews?

I have Cardio Blast. I love it and it was worth the money.

The first 30 min segment is an athletic style step workout. Moves are easy to follow, the cueing is great, and it's a solid steady state workout. With Cathe's step I usually stick with a 6 inch step height (1 riser/side), but I use an 8 inch height (2 risers/side) like Kelly does for this workout.

The second 30 min segment is HiiT. She has her step out but this workout doesn't use it (I've never understood why she has her step just sitting there, but oh well...). :p IMO it's gentler than Cathe's HiiT because she gives you longer rests, but it definitely gets the heart rate up with explosive movements.

As with most of Kelly's 30 Mins to Fitness routines, I combine both workouts for a full hour workout.
This morning, I added the shoulders-only premix of Muscle Definition to SH/shoulders and really felt it. :) I liked the different twist KCM put on the moves and it perfectly complimented the exercises Cathe included in SH. I also did the ab section on Muscle Definition---whew, loved that she had folks actually doing the modifications she described.

I have to admit, I really dig KCM's style. No nonsense but friendly. Kind of like my HS gym teacher from back in the day! Man, she's in great shape, too, and she's in her 50s!

I have four of her DVDs now: Muscle Definition, Your Best Body, Split, and Shape Up. I'm tempted to add Cardio Blast---anyone have that release? Comments/reviews?

Cardio Blast has two 30 min workouts, the first is step based, the second is intervals KCM style. I love Cathe's Step Blast, RS, Powermax, and will love her PRS #2 when I eventually get to it. KCM's step is nothing like Cathe's. KCM is not comfortable with dancy and choreography, so it's athletic in nature. However, I still don't rate it among my faves. It's good, just not fab. I much prefer the second, interval style workout. It is completely do-able, floor plyo. The pace is slightly slower than Cathe tends to use for intervals but that's OK, it means when Kelly says jump long, you really can go far because you have time to get down low, and really propel yourself forwards. It is a no-dread intervals workout for those who are intimidated sometimes by Cathe's energizer bunny style of plyo intervals. It also works great as an add-on after or before lifting or after a shorter cardio routine for some extra oomph!

Yes, Kelly does shoulders really well.

Take a look at Plateau Buster: an excellent metabolic conditioning workout. Powerscuplt (workout #2 of LIFT): a 30 min, fast pace, get it done, total body sculpting with moves Cathe never uses. Trim Down and Shape Up: her latest offerings that combine upper body boxing with compound weights moves or tabata cardio wtih compound weights moves. I have both, and they look excellent (haven't done them yet). I think these 4 highlight the best of Kelly's work.

fox2star - Kariev is correct. I will try to find you the thread where she responded to someone's inquiry on her forum - but I'm running late for work now so it will be later today. Sorry.

It won't be heavy weights as Cathe does them: Kelly has only used the barbell once: LIFT. She will probably still use dumbbells for this new, planned workout. I am not sure, therefore, how she plans to make this different from her usual weight training DVDs. Her ethos is always: minimal equipment. Maybe she will break the mould for this one?

Lisa and Clare---Thanks, I ordered Cardio Blast plus the Back-focused workout and Body Shop. I'll check out the others you mentioned, as well. :) I watched the preview of LIFT yesterday and was a bit intimidated by the power lifting moves.
Lisa and Clare---Thanks, I ordered Cardio Blast plus the Back-focused workout and Body Shop. I'll check out the others you mentioned, as well. :) I watched the preview of LIFT yesterday and was a bit intimidated by the power lifting moves.

Cool. I hope you like Cardio Blast! I don't have the Back-focused workout. Which one is that?

It's funny you mentioned Body Shop. I bought it on a totalfitnessdvds sale a couple months ago and just did it on Monday for the first time. It did not disappoint! At first I was matching Kelly's weights (10lbs for heavy and 8lbs for light) but I got a better burn by upping it to 12lbs and 10lbs...er, except for the killer killer triceps section. Watch out for that! I felt like the workout got my UB more than LB but I'm OK with that every now and again.
Lisa and Clare---Thanks, I ordered Cardio Blast plus the Back-focused workout and Body Shop. I'll check out the others you mentioned, as well. :) I watched the preview of LIFT yesterday and was a bit intimidated by the power lifting moves.

Hello Swimmer,

No doubt you can do lift. Give it a try without weight.

I must admit I tried it cause I wanted a different work out. I really enjoyed it.

I need to revisit both LIFT and the segment soon :)
Kelly posted on FB about her new workouts:

Great news fitness enthusiasts, I'm getting ready to film two more DVDs.

The first DVD I'm adding to my 30-Minutes to Fitness series, is all about lifting Heavy. It's a fact that muscle burns calories and makes everyday tasks much easier. It's also a fact that we lose muscle every year after age 26. No worries, this workout will help you regain the muscle you need for your body to function at its highest potential...

DVD number Two is called 30-Minutes to Fitness "Home Gym Intervals".
This workout gets so much done in so little time! Home Gym Intervals utilizes whatever cardio equipment you have (treadmill, elliptical, bike, etc...) and a pair of dumbbells. You'll be surprised how many miles you accomplish and how energized the dumbbells make you feel in only 30 minutes. Cardio machines can be really boring and seem better used as a place to hang clothes...Until now!
Home Gym Intervals takes out the dread of long, joint stressing cardio sessions and makes your Home your Gym!

Here is her next response to everyones questions:

I' so excited about these two! They are wonderfully opposite and fit beautifully in any rotation. I am doing most of my training for the weights one at home because aerobic/group fitness rooms do not have the heavy dumbbells needed (eg; I use 25-30 lb DBS for bench press, not sure if I'll increase that by the time of filming...) I don't use a bar because I don't want to waste time setting up and want to use the equipment most home exercises have handy. The only thing here is that you do need heavy DBS...or will eventually need them. You can use your bench, a step for a bench, or the floor(options/modifications will be shown).
There are only 8 reps in a set...you should pick a weight heavy enough that makes you struggle a little to get the 8.
Workout one is chest/back/shoulders(abs) and workout two is arms/legs/gluteus. As you can imagine you will also have great premixes to choose from!

The interval workout is my go to at least once a week even if I am not up for a cardio workout. This training takes out the dread of simply getting started in a steady state workout. it's way less boring and less stressful on the joints...not to mention the fact that it's way more effective than a steady state workout. This workout saves me more times than not!!!

you can jump rope for the cardio drills, march, jog, jacks....stay tuned as I might add a special mix with these options(might). Also there will be a premix not using the machines, DBS drills intervalled with floor cardio drills.....
As always, I give you more than what's upfront!

i'm so excited for both of these. I adore KCM.
My two faves are Muscle Definition, the 82 min premix, and Your Best Body because there are shoulder exercises on it (amidst others!) that I struggle with every time.

I did the 85 minute "NYC Two" premix from Muscle Definition and my arms are still shaking. Wowzers! It was really tough. The focus seemed to be more on the UB, which I've noticed to be KCM's style in a lot of her videos. But oh my goodness did she burn out my UB. The ab section is crazy tough. My only complaint is that the workout is a bit repetitive and so I don't think I could do this one a lot. Maybe once every month or so, and I will make sure to include a full leg workout in sometime during the same week that I do this DVD to balance things out.

Thanks for pointing out this premix, Clare!
I did the upper body segment of KCM's Split DVD and enjoyed it. Moved at a brisk, but not too fast, pace, and I loved the exercises. Today, my back and biceps have some nice DOMS. My only druthers would be for Kelly to offer more form pointers. I look forward to exploring the rest of the KCM DVDs I recently purchased.

Not to drift this thread, but I got a couple of DVDs from The Bar Method. I'm finding barre workouts extremely effective in my overall leg strength/definition and for improving my body awareness & posture (I have a tendency to dump into my right hit instead of engaging my core/glutes/right leg when standing--something I discovered from form pointers in either a Barre3 or Tracy Mallet barre workout. ) These workouts never fail to fry me --- never experienced such quivering or good burn when doing traditional heavy weight leg work.
I think both look really good! I want to order them! I mostly want the lifting one though! I love lifting workouts that are heavy and only 30 minutes!

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