Favorite breakfast.....


What is everyones favorite breakfast foods? I am so tired of the same old...cream of rice or cereal...any good ideas?Thanks!
Genisoy Protein shake (mix chocolate or vanilla with plain(plain has more protein than the flavored) with lots of fruit (banana, canned pineapple - in juice, raisons, and/or grapes), sunflower seeds/almonds, plus flax seeds. I recently added a little bit of Wheat grass, which makes it this nasty green color, but you can't taste it. (unless you add a lot, then it's rather rancid.) Any wheat grass drink ideas? I really like Odwalla's wheat grass drink but I can't seem to make them at home so that they are drink-able.
One of my favorites is: an egg white omelet (3 eggs) w/ onions, green peppers, mushrooms and shredded fat free cheddar cheese and a side of whole wheat toast.

Some mornings I cut up 2 turkey sausage links and add them to the omelet.


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
If I'm going to the gym in the morning I eat Uncle Sam's cereal with 1% milk and a couple of raisins after my workout. If I'm at home I like 5 egg whites scrambled with a little hot sauce, and either a 1/2 cup of oatmeal or oatbran. Sometime I use cinnamon and splenda in the oats, other times 1 tablespoon sugar free strawberry preserves.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 06:28PM (Est)[/font][p]For a quick and easy breakfast. I have a half or a whole California Suncake. You can find them at GoodEarth health food stores. They are very filling. You need something to wash them down as they are very dense.
The ingredients are;
Oats, Tofu, Honey, Brown rice flour, raisins, natural fruit juice, spice, almond ext, orange peel citric acid, and fruit of what ever flavor you get. Say apricot, apple, date etc.

Here is their website. www.suncakes.com
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 02:18PM (Est)[/font][p]I've been trying to add more protein & fiber in the morning.. I alternate between:

Oatmeal with 1 tbsp of PB, a little 1% milk & Splenda
Kashi Go Lean Crunch w/ 1% milk (has tons of soy protein, 8 g of fiber and taste likes Sugar Smacks)

~~ Sharon ~~
I have either one or two slices of 100% whole wheat toast with either almond, cashew or hazelnut butter and a bit of jam. Usually I choose blackberry, but I have a bunch of jams. I decide if it's one or two slices depending on hunger level and that day's anticipated activity level.

Other days I have some sort of health-food store cereal with 2 T ground flax seed on top, then Silk vanilla soymilk.

Sometimes if it's a weekend I have one over easy egg with a piece of dry toast I dip in the yolk.

Sometimes I soak 1/2 cup of oats in a cup of nonfat yogurt overnight and then in the morning I add flax, chopped fresh fruit, applesauce, wheat germ, whatever I think of. Even sometimes a bit of jam.
I am major addicted to this! 4 oz. of yogurt, 1/4 c. of cottage cheese, 1 T. flax seds, 1/2 c. of Fiber One, 1/4 c. of oatmeal, 1 T. of Pumkin sedds, and a 1/2 or small banana. It is so yummy!!!! This is another good one I like for lunch sometimes: Make 1/4 c. of oatmeal in a pan, but be sure to add an extra 1/4 c. of water. Add one chopped up Golden Delicious Apple, and boil a little extra to make apple soft. In a bowl, add 1/2 c. of cottage cheese, sprinkle on some Splenda and cinnamon. When oatmeal mixtire is done, place on top of cottage cheese. Add a couple of broken up almonds to it, and it is very good. Sometimes I also add a splash of Vanilla.
Lori S.
I am addicted to oatmeal: 1/2 c. oats w/ 1 c. skim milk. 2 minutes in the microwave. Add 2T dried fruit (cherries are my latest fave) and 1T ground flax seeds. Yummy! Always gets me through my morning workout!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 10:00PM (Est)[/font][p]the suncakes are also sold at Whole Foods :)
I am new to posting anything here but this one caught my eye. I know everyone has different taste but I am addicted to my "Oatmeal Pancake."

1/2 cup multi-grain oatmeal (or regular)
3 egg whites
1/2 mashed banana
1 Tbls. blueberry muffin mix
Handful of frozen blueberries

Mix all the ingredients together except for the blueberries.
Pour into a pan coated with butter cooking spray. Add the frozen blueberries on top. Spray top of pancake with pam and flip once it begins to bubble (just like a regular pancake.)

I serve it with sugar free syrup and just here recently have started adding 1 Tbls. UDO'S Choice Perfected Oil Blend to get my EFA's.
You didn't say it had to be healthy, so here are my fav:

-A plain bagel with butter and a hot chocolate from Starbucks
-hash browns and a coke from McD's (a hangover cure from college)
-french toast from IHOP

My healthier options are usually simple: maple brown sugar oatmeal, cereal, rye toast, grainy bagels...
Through the week, after I get to work, I always eat Bryers Light yogurt along with a Nature Valley Granola bar. I sometimes also bring a couple of pieces of bacon and fruit to eat with it. On the weekends, I love my Kashi Crunch sprinkled with raisins and skim milk! But then I guess I ruin the healthy aspect of it, 'cause I eat bacon. But it is sooo good.

I just discovered some wonderful scottish oats (cracked whole oats) that I eat with a sprinkle of ground flax on top, soy milk, and maple syrup. The oats aren't at all pasty like some oatmeal can be. They're very chewy (in a good way). Since it takes 30 minutes to cook, I usually make enough for 4 servings at a time, divide it into 3 bowls, eat one right away, and save the others for later. When I fix the "saved" bowls, the oatmeal is in a big solid glob, so I chop it up into bite-size pieces, pour on soy milk to moisten, then microwave it for 2 minutes. Almost like fresh!

I've also discovered some flax toaster waffles that I really like.

In the summer, I go for a whole mango mixed with a toss of blueberries and some vanilla soy pudding.

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