Fatloss Check In May 2013


New month, new goals. I'd like to drop 5 pounds by the end of this month. Cycle season has started and nutrition goals are in check. Today was STS TB w/ the bonus footage and AB single premix. I really enjoyed the AB premix, only 32 min. and a great sweat fest. Yesterday was Amy Bento's Advanced Step Challenge II. We had book club last night, so I didn't make nutrition goals. I'm back on board this morning. : )

Sue, I can't wait to start STS next week. This time I'm going to keep track of lead legs and arms. I'm going to do the right side on even weeks and the left on odd.

We all seem to be really motivated right now, I'm loving it!! :eek:
hi ladies! I got off to a good start today then lost my self control after dinner. weighed in this morning and I'm only up 1.5 lbs from last month. most of my measurements are the same, but I lost a half inch in my waist so I must have been doing something right :). That's really the only number that matters to me right now, the waist. I'm happy with my legs and my chest/backside have actually lost too many inches.

Tina great workout today, I can't believe you had anything left after STS TB :)

Hi Shereta & Candice!!!
quiet here today... Ho hum I did one part of Tabatacize, chosen because it's such a short workout. My eating was so bad today. I made blueberry muffins last night and gobbled a bunch down this morning. my motivation to follow through on my May good intentions hasn't kicked in yet. Tomorrow is another day :)

Tina I don't have it in me to track lead legs, I'll be barely able to keep up in m1 :). maybe once I'm a seasoned pro like you!

How are you all doing?
Yesterday I did Christie Taylor's Pure Spice and STS pilates abs in the a.m. and a short bike ride in the p.m. The dessert fairy brought us ice cream and I did have a dish full. I've been so busy, I haven't been keeping up with MFP. Like Sue said, today is another day.

Not sure if I'll be doing DM or SS today. Tomorrow is a planned day off. The big chore today is grocery shopping, I need to get some health fresh produce in the house.

I hope you all have a great day. : )

(edited: changed my mind and ended up doing Trisets TB premix)
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I'm so happy today is a rest day. My inner thighs and delts are so sore from yesterday's workout. I think next time I'll go back to making TS a split workout.:confused:

Have a great weekend! : )
Hi girls -

Checking in here to just say hello for now :) not sure what workout I'll be doing today.

I bought some new DVDs this weekend - Tracy Anderson and another Ballet Beautiful, and I just ordered the Dream Body Fusion Series since it is on sale for $50 (normally $130).

How has your girls weekend been? I have been enjoying mine. I've kept up with LI (lose it) but not perfectly, however that is ok...progress is what is important.

My goal for May is to get down to 157 by my b-day (May 25). It has been HOT here (for WA at least) this weekend, in the mid-80s...I've been laying out and listening to An Omnivore's Dilemma on Audible. :) I have been eating lighter fare too - the heat and sun make me just wait fruit and light food and iced tea!
happy STS-eve!!!! I've got my vids all ready to go and my workout sheets printed for the week. I'm excited about working out for the first time since about January. My cardio will probably be walk/runs plus the occasional hiit/tabata/metabolic workout.

Those of you on MFP know I injured myself today doing intensity... big bummer. Iced my ankle, it's still tender.
hit send before I was done...

I'm going to do warmups/cool downs/stretches from xtrain as I think they're better than the (sorry -boring) ones from STS. I hardly ever did the extended stretch during my first round of STS.

Tina - how excited are you? is this your 5th or 6th round of STS? You're burning some serious calories lately!!!

Candice - you'll have to give us reviews on those CDs as you do them. it's always nice to be tempted by a new workout :). There's an OD discussion on lastics that has my ears perked up :). youve got about 3 weeks to your birthday, how many pounds do you have to lose per week to reach your goal? if you're counting calories for each pound per week you'll need to create a 500 calorie deficit every day. Be sure not to go under 1200 calories in a day.

Shereta you're doing so well on MFP!!! Congrats on fitting into a smaller skirt :). feels great doesn't it?
oh no, Sue! I am sorry to hear that you got hurt...that *IS* a major bummer. :( Well, I hope you feel better soon.

IDK if it has been readily apparent or not lately but I've just been feeling a little out of it...IDK why. I think it is because my nutrition is not where it should be and that is affecting all areas of my life - especially my w/o's because I put so much effort into it and am not seeing all that great of results so I've been feeling a little down.

Well the only thing that has ever worked for me in terms of making exercise part of my every-day life was to apply an upside-down pyramid approach...starting in January, focusing on doing exercise 1x a week, then 2x a week in Feb, 3x in March, etc etc. With that method I've managed to make working out part of my life and have really grown to enjoy it.

I have decided to start that same plan w/ regards to my nutrition. Eat clean 1x a week. Super easy, attainable goal. IDK why it did not dawn on me sooner but oh well. So for the summer I am going to attempt to have my "eat clean" days be low-carb days as well...under 100 grams. I will also track my food and nutrients and cals on those days.

(basically, if I can do it more than my required # of days each week - great, but so that I can start w/ a super attainable goal and get the momentum going, I'm going to take it easy at first).

Also, my left hamstring/muscle that is on the outside of my leg and my right knee/shin/ankle are feeling extremely sore. I think it's from the kickboxing and barre work from last week...using muscles I don't normally use and that KPC workout had my knees hurting from the kicks ... I'm taking a "break" this week and going to take it very easy...I'll be doing HC Getting Started Workout #1 on Mon/Wed/Fri and the 30 min premix of Yoga Relax on Tues/Thurs. Sat/Sun will be Total Body Stretching, segment #1.

Sue - I really hope that your ankle gets better.

And good luck to you girls for starting STS! I am excited for all of us...we should have a really awesome May :)
Candice thanks for the well-wishes!

For your workouts don't underestimate the value of a nice walk. When I first started trying to lose weight I'd walk outside an hour every day after dinner. Great results + listening to my tunes made me very happy. If you're bummed out this is a good endorphin builder :)it's also easy on your joints, add a good stretch afterwards focusing on your hammies. That's what works for me. My point is if you're unhappy stop what you're doing and start something that you enjoy.
Quick check in.
Yesterday I did SuperCuts and am nicely sore today. (740 calories burned)
Loved the pushups and situps at the end. my heart rate went way up and on the floor at that.

Today was 3.25 run/walk (702 calories burned)

Might do SuperCuts again tomorrow.

Be back later for personals.
Felt so good to be back to STS this morning. I finished with STS SB abs. I'm going to stick to just the STS workouts on MWF. I'll switch the leg workout to Wednesdays, as I need fresh legs on the weekend. How was your first day back Sue? This will be my fourth time doing the program as it's supposed to be done. During the round of 30 pushups, I had to go to the knees after 20. I swear I lost some strength over vacation.

Candice, I can't wait to hear how you like the Dream Body set. In August, after I finish STS, I plan on finishing out the rest of the month doing yoga, barre and light circuit workouts. The DB set sounds like it would fit in perfect. My workout budget has a zero balance right now, I wish that sale wasn't so tempting. You've been adding alot of great titles to your workout library. Doesn't it help keep the motivation rolling?

Sue, I hope your ankle is better! I know how you feel about injuring yourself mid-workout, geez that makes me grumpy!

Shereta, great job on the workouts! : )
Yes it really does keep the motivation up! I am looking forward to this week - I think I needed a nice and easy low-impact light week. And with the addition of all these new workouts I feel like my summer is going to be so much fun. :)

I'm really hoping to see progress too with my eating habits. Listening to the Michae Pollan books on Audible seems to really be helping me change my thoughts. I'm appalled, intrigued, mystified, and addicted...all at the same time!
Hi ladies :). STS D1 for me today. This is my 2nd time with STS and I feel so much more competent now :) The pace weights made equipment changes a lot easier. All the pushups were on my knees because I didn't want to mess w/ my ankle (still injured, I'm not sure how long a twisted ankle lingers). Don't know what workout I'll be able to accomplish tomorrow.

Shereta I can't believe you love the situps/pushups in supercuts! Superwoman :)

Tina I really enjoyed first day back w STS. I had a dread of the endurance phase because it's so challenging, but once I got started I was like "I can do this". 20 pushups on your toes, pat yourself on the back :)

Candice - Michael Pollan was my intro to food issues, he's great isn't he?
Yes, he is great. I'm off to do a 45 min walk and listen to one of his books on tape. Tonight is 30 min premix from Yoga Relax.

Next week I will be traveling from M-F in Chicago...I am excited to have the challenge of keeping up my workouts while out of town on business. Do you girls have any advice?
Today I did turbo barre, lower body. I figured it's a good day to do legs, any DOMS should be gone before STS legs on Friday. Tomorrow is back & triceps :)

Tina how are you feeling today?

Candice - downtown Chicago is great for walking if the weather is good, also beach walking. you could also go to a number of museums. it's a great town, I'd be in explore mode rather than workout mode :)

Hi Shereta!
Good morning ladies, I hope you're all doing well! : ) Today I have STS legs and abs planned. I know I have DOMS waiting in my immediate future. I'm just getting over last weeks Tri Sets soreness. For whatever reason, it fried my inner thighs. Yesterday was kickboxing and a quick p.m. bike ride with DH. For the first time this year, we were able to ride in short sleeves and shorts. :D

Candice, I agree with Sue, just enjoy the city. Do you have a pedometer on any of your devices? Just track your milage. I usually bring an exercise band with me on vacation and try to work each muscle group once or twice during the week. A few push up, chair dips and sit ups added in, and you have a nice 15 minute workout.

There are some great iTunes U and Podcasts with Michael Pollan that are available for free download. He has a great sense of humor.

Sue, how is your ankle healing up? I hope you're back to 100%. : )

Hi Shereta, how's the training going?
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M1D2 back/tri today, it seemed so much more challenging than Mondays workout. I'm beat, will catch up on personals tomorrow. G'night gals :)
Hi ladies :) no workout for me today, tomorrow will be legs - definitely not my favorite.

Tina thanks for asking about my ankle. The swelling & most of the pain is gone but if I hit it just right there's discomfort. Hopefully that'll be gone soon, it makes me realize how much I take for granted having a body that doesn't give me too much hassle. How great that it's warm enough for shorts? How are your legs feeling after yesterday?

Hi Shereta & Candice :)
Good morning ladies, I hope you're all well. Yesterday was kickboxing and today will be M1D2 and STS abs. I never ended up with DOMS from the STS leg workout on Wednesday, I think it actually cured the pain I had from the Tri Sets workout.

Sue, I'm glad to hear your ankle is mending. You'll have to be very gentle with your leg workout today, maybe skip a large chunk of it. Better to heal it completely first.

Hi to Shereta and Candice. : )

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