>There are a few points in your statement that I would like to
>We do actually raise beef. You will never be able to eat a
>T-bone that came from a chicken or a pig. Nor will you be
>able to have a drumstick that originated from a cow.
>I think that we are more connected to our food than most
>people today, including your self as I do now what it takes to
>make the food in our grocery stores. See, we have to right
>the check for the equipment, plus fuel and repairs for the
>equipment, to produce the food that we feed to the cows.
>For all those that think that livestock is terribly
>mistreated. I feel that a few days on an actual working ranch
>may change your opinions. The long sleepless nights up with
>first time mothers. The long cold days out making sure that
>livestock are fed, watered, and have protection in subzero
>weather. All this long before we actually eat ourselves.
>In closing I believe that your last statement is the most true
>of your words and is more directed towards yourself than me.
Although I myself do not come from a farming backgroung, my husband does, and I have been part of it for the last 10 years. So I know where you are coming from. And I know quite a lot about this subject. My husband raised 4 H beef growing up and began working as a farmhand at 13. His sister and her husband ran a feedlot and until recently have run a 275 cow calf operation for years. (BTW my SIL had names for most of the cows and calves as well so they were not just dollar signs to them.) They have raised beef to be sent to slaughter as well as running thier own butcher shop on the farm. (Where we use to get all our beef YUM!) My husband has overseen a 300 cow calf operation himself for years in the past. I know what it's like to be on 24 hour watch during calving season, and I've seen the love ranchers have for their animals. I remember one cold night when a cow would not take to her calf and we had to bring it in. Guess where it slept. In our house. With us up most of the night sitting beside it comforting it. Keeping watch and feeding it. His Mother and step father have raised beef as well until recently when it was too hard for them to work full time and run the farm. My husband hauled cattle, and I can remember many times going with him to help drive or him pushing all his limits because he was out of hours, but didn't want the cattle in the trailer for too long. We lived 5 km from a kill plant. We had a friend that worked there as well so I know what really goes on inside. And as far as his comment about exploited imigrants...I can't speak for what happens in the States because I am from Canada. But I can tell you this. The plant that I lived by as well as most kill plants in Alberta employe minoritys on the kill floor (yes that is what it is called) But, most of these people have come to Canada for a better life. They have no other skills and a very poor grasp of english. Cargill pays these workers well and they are able to give their families an oppertunaty that they would not have without this job. And they are in no way exploited, and very thankful for this job. I eat beef and I'm a proud supporter of the beef industry. I have a story that my MIL wrote about a bad day at the farm, if ranchers were as bad as vegans make them out to be I can assure you that she would not of had this day. I can post it if you want, but it's long.
I have no problem with people who choose not to eat meat, that is your God given choice, but don't look down on us because we do, that is our god given choice.
And here is a link for all you PETA supporters.
Just a little behind the scenes for you.
To the origianl poster, I got the artical as well, and the BIGGEST problem I have with it is he is hypocritical in his own interview. He states at the end that he does not push his views on anybody, but if they ask he will talk about it. THEN WHY THE HECK HAS HE MADE A MOVIE ABOUT HIS VIEWS??????
Quoated from the artical:
I don't eat meat, but I hate to impose my own views on others, even my own family. It's kind of a personal thing. I hate when vegetarians impose their stuff on other people. But if you want to ask me, I'll tell you about it.
Hey I didn't ask!!!
And as far as the fecal matter being in hamburger, well as with anything mistakes can happen, that is why we end up with recalled beef. This is not the norm. And as I recall did we not just have a huge spinach recall for the very same reason?! This is like saying don't ever eat spinach, it has poo on it!
I'm done for now.......Let me know if you want to read My MIL story.