Fast Food Nation

luvmylabs -

I'm sorry! I'm not at all offended by anything said on this thread. I think it's been a very civil conversation.

Susan L.G.

P.S. My adopted doggie is a black lab with very sad eyes- hee hee. I luvs her to bitz.
luvmylabs -

I'm sorry! I'm not at all offended by anything said on this thread. I think it's been a very civil conversation.

Susan L.G.

P.S. My adopted doggie is a black lab with very sad eyes- hee hee. I luvs her to bitz.
Hi Susan,

I just did not want everyone to think that I started this thread to start a conflict . I was just curious about how people felt. No need to apologize.

I have 2 labs.. Both are 6 years old this year. 1 I have had since she was 4 months old, the other we adopted this year, I think everyone should have a lab!!!:)
Hi Susan,

I just did not want everyone to think that I started this thread to start a conflict . I was just curious about how people felt. No need to apologize.

I have 2 labs.. Both are 6 years old this year. 1 I have had since she was 4 months old, the other we adopted this year, I think everyone should have a lab!!!:)
Well, I can see why some eat meat and why some abstain and I usually abstain from these threads - but I cannot resist all the arguing of how we "evolved". So here's how it really is ;-) God put us in the garden and told us to eat vegetation but we messed that up. Then God told Noah that we can now eat animals. Then Jesus came and told us it really didn't matter what we ate - what was important was and is what comes out of our hearts toward each other. Please love and respect others that may have different ways of eating from you. :) Marnie
Well, I can see why some eat meat and why some abstain and I usually abstain from these threads - but I cannot resist all the arguing of how we "evolved". So here's how it really is ;-) God put us in the garden and told us to eat vegetation but we messed that up. Then God told Noah that we can now eat animals. Then Jesus came and told us it really didn't matter what we ate - what was important was and is what comes out of our hearts toward each other. Please love and respect others that may have different ways of eating from you. :) Marnie
The world would be such a kinder place if everyone had a lab to greet them at the end of the day.

Is there anyone on the earth happier than a lab?

My heavens, nobody is as happy to see me as my dog: Hooray! You're up! Let's celebrate! I will wag my tail and knock it into everything within striking distance!

Hooray! You opened the bathroom door! I haven't seen you in three whole minutes! Let's celebrate! I will jump on you and lick your mouth the very second you least expect it!

Hooray! It's time to make the bed! Let's celebrate! I will follow you around the bed and make strange grunty noises because I'm so happy to see you again!

Susan L.G.
The world would be such a kinder place if everyone had a lab to greet them at the end of the day.

Is there anyone on the earth happier than a lab?

My heavens, nobody is as happy to see me as my dog: Hooray! You're up! Let's celebrate! I will wag my tail and knock it into everything within striking distance!

Hooray! You opened the bathroom door! I haven't seen you in three whole minutes! Let's celebrate! I will jump on you and lick your mouth the very second you least expect it!

Hooray! It's time to make the bed! Let's celebrate! I will follow you around the bed and make strange grunty noises because I'm so happy to see you again!

Susan L.G.
>The world would be such a kinder place if everyone had a lab
>to greet them at the end of the day.
>Is there anyone on the earth happier than a lab?
>My heavens, nobody is as happy to see me as my dog: Hooray!
>You're up! Let's celebrate! I will wag my tail and knock it
>into everything within striking distance!
>Hooray! You opened the bathroom door! I haven't seen you in
>three whole minutes! Let's celebrate! I will jump on you and
>lick your mouth the very second you least expect it!
>Hooray! It's time to make the bed! Let's celebrate! I will
>follow you around the bed and make strange grunty noises
>because I'm so happy to see you again!
>Susan L.G.

LOL... This is how my two are.. they are so wonderful. You would think they get no attention.. For a while my girl lab would sleep on my bathroom floor right in front of the toilet , so when I would have to use the facilities, you could imagine the position of my legs, she would not move either!! so now I keep my bathroom door closed. My 2 think they are too good to sleep on their doggie beds, they need couches and real people beds, they like to snuggle...:+ :+
>The world would be such a kinder place if everyone had a lab
>to greet them at the end of the day.
>Is there anyone on the earth happier than a lab?
>My heavens, nobody is as happy to see me as my dog: Hooray!
>You're up! Let's celebrate! I will wag my tail and knock it
>into everything within striking distance!
>Hooray! You opened the bathroom door! I haven't seen you in
>three whole minutes! Let's celebrate! I will jump on you and
>lick your mouth the very second you least expect it!
>Hooray! It's time to make the bed! Let's celebrate! I will
>follow you around the bed and make strange grunty noises
>because I'm so happy to see you again!
>Susan L.G.

LOL... This is how my two are.. they are so wonderful. You would think they get no attention.. For a while my girl lab would sleep on my bathroom floor right in front of the toilet , so when I would have to use the facilities, you could imagine the position of my legs, she would not move either!! so now I keep my bathroom door closed. My 2 think they are too good to sleep on their doggie beds, they need couches and real people beds, they like to snuggle...:+ :+
It's like the prayer/saying goes - Lord, make me the person my dog thinks I am.

I think about that sometimes.

Susan L.G.
It's like the prayer/saying goes - Lord, make me the person my dog thinks I am.

I think about that sometimes.

Susan L.G.
>One last thing, and then I'll get off my soap-box:
>Prickly-Pear = you don't "raise beef" (as if you're tending a
>field of steaks). Beef is a by-product. You raise ANIMALS -
>in your case, cows - living beings that you then sell to
>slaughter for profit. This kind of thinking is what Fast Food
>Nation is about - this disconnected thinking of food not
>coming from an actual place, but rather, just appearing. In
>this country we kill 50-60,000 cows EVERY DAY to feed the
>gluttons that we have become. We grow more corn to feed
>cattle than we do to feed people. And more water is consumed
>for the same purpose. Next time you walk through the grocery
>store, instead of just shopping, look around. Every thing
>came from somewhere. Just imagine the quantities of
>everything it takes to make everything. Check out the freezer
>case of turkeys and see not plastic wrapped packages, but
>actual birds. It is truly eye-opening to consider where it
>all comes from. It actually boggles the mind. Perhaps if we
>each had to slaughter and/or grow our own food, as our
>ancestors did, we would become a more thoughtful and healthy
>The end (I'm done now). Thanks for your consideration.
There are a few points in your statement that I would like to address.
We do actually raise beef. You will never be able to eat a T-bone that came from a chicken or a pig. Nor will you be able to have a drumstick that originated from a cow.
I think that we are more connected to our food than most people today, including your self as I do now what it takes to make the food in our grocery stores. See, we have to right the check for the equipment, plus fuel and repairs for the equipment, to produce the food that we feed to the cows.
For all those that think that livestock is terribly mistreated. I feel that a few days on an actual working ranch may change your opinions. The long sleepless nights up with first time mothers. The long cold days out making sure that livestock are fed, watered, and have protection in subzero weather. All this long before we actually eat ourselves.
In closing I believe that your last statement is the most true of your words and is more directed towards yourself than me.
Prickly Pear -

I have never worked on a cattle farm, but I have worked plenty at horse farms and completely sympathize with the hard work it takes to care for livestock. In my short avocation as a horse person, I have blanketed hundreds of horses - some who very strongly stated their opinion that they did not want a blanket (!), mucked stalls, made bran mashes, cracked ice out of buckets to fill with fresh water only to go home and set my alarm for 2 a.m. to come back and redo the water buckets all over. I have swept floors, learned to drive a tractor so I could spread manure, repaired fences, and watched over more than one colicky hose, making sure it was OK all through the night.

The small farmer is an unsung hero IMHO. I see how hard our barn staff works for our horses and although I do help out here and there, I am glad those days are behind me.

Susan L.G.
I just want to say thank you for your post Eminez.
I also wanted to say that when I made my original post I had a pretty good idea that I would be attacked as I am the minority at the forum, as far as my job description goes. I really appreciate and respect everyone elses statements, as I learned a great deal from them. Especially about how our bodies digest food and work. I know that our family has cut back on the red meat consumption and eat more chicken and fish. I have learned a ton from this site and its wonderful members and hope to continue too. I just felt a need to reply to the attacks that were directed at me publicly rather than via private message.
I also want to add that we raise hormone free beef and plan to continue to do so.
No, it just shows I mistyped--I meant calories.
So you are equating humans and animals. Again, that's the old PETA argument.
You need a B12 supplement? Yes? No? If so, doesn't that tell you something? You are on a diet that requires outside supplements because of deficiencies you are bringing into it because you refuse to eat meat. You refuse to eat meat because you feel that humans and animals should be on equal footing I assume.
Just so I understand it, that's all.
We all know that animals are probably higher on the social plane in Indian Hindu culture than are women. But that's a different issue.
Amy, people are free to choose their diets. The science doesn't back up alot of these claims you see here though. Having an opinion that is backed up by scientific fact is not being defensive. Refusing to look at the scientific data is, however, sticking one's head in the sand.
As someone said, agree to disagree.
>And according to who is meat one of the 'foods' our bodies are designed to have?

Well, the purpose of the appendix was to help our bodies digest raw meat...of course, since most people cook it now, it is largely unnecessary and that is why it can be removed.:)
Hi there realfit1. I'll agree to disagree, but I not too sure that you will! I get a weird feeling that you're in the mood for a good argument about this, but I'm not, sorry. And I don't think others on the forums are either. Nothing that I, or anyone, says will sway you to even consider "scientific data" that does not jive with your views. So I will not bother. I don't know why you single me out when lots of people here are sympathetic to the vegan/vegetarian position, but since you have, I'll respond. I wasn't going to respond to this at first but I am doing so to let you know that I'm not going to indulge you in a pointless back and forth. So, let us, as you say "agree to disagree". Really, it's okay, we're cool, no need to argue about this anymore.

>>Amy, people are free to choose their diets. The science doesn't back >>up alot of these claims you see here though. Having an opinion that is >>backed up by scientific fact is not being defensive. Refusing to look >>at the scientific data is, however, sticking one's head in the sand.
>>As someone said, agree to disagree.

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