>One last thing, and then I'll get off my soap-box:
>Prickly-Pear = you don't "raise beef" (as if you're tending a
>field of steaks). Beef is a by-product. You raise ANIMALS -
>in your case, cows - living beings that you then sell to
>slaughter for profit. This kind of thinking is what Fast Food
>Nation is about - this disconnected thinking of food not
>coming from an actual place, but rather, just appearing. In
>this country we kill 50-60,000 cows EVERY DAY to feed the
>gluttons that we have become. We grow more corn to feed
>cattle than we do to feed people. And more water is consumed
>for the same purpose. Next time you walk through the grocery
>store, instead of just shopping, look around. Every thing
>came from somewhere. Just imagine the quantities of
>everything it takes to make everything. Check out the freezer
>case of turkeys and see not plastic wrapped packages, but
>actual birds. It is truly eye-opening to consider where it
>all comes from. It actually boggles the mind. Perhaps if we
>each had to slaughter and/or grow our own food, as our
>ancestors did, we would become a more thoughtful and healthy
>The end (I'm done now). Thanks for your consideration.
There are a few points in your statement that I would like to address.
We do actually raise beef. You will never be able to eat a T-bone that came from a chicken or a pig. Nor will you be able to have a drumstick that originated from a cow.
I think that we are more connected to our food than most people today, including your self as I do now what it takes to make the food in our grocery stores. See, we have to right the check for the equipment, plus fuel and repairs for the equipment, to produce the food that we feed to the cows.
For all those that think that livestock is terribly mistreated. I feel that a few days on an actual working ranch may change your opinions. The long sleepless nights up with first time mothers. The long cold days out making sure that livestock are fed, watered, and have protection in subzero weather. All this long before we actually eat ourselves.
In closing I believe that your last statement is the most true of your words and is more directed towards yourself than me.