Exercises that need to be added to the 1RM Calculator

SNM Videos

Please let us know of any weight exercises (dumbbell or barbell) that are missing in the 1RM calculator.

We have just added #517 Squats (dumbbell) and #533 " Stiff legged Deadlifts on a Platform"

please make sure ti include two things in your reply:

1. Exercise Number
2. Exercise Name.

If you everyone can help us compile a list we can get this corrected this weekend

I just finished loading all my 1RM's and correctly matched the number on the WM to the chart I printed of all the exercises. When I went to print, I found the following exercises (and these were just off the 1st 4 discs) weren't carrying over:

Barbell Curl Narrow Grip
Seated Curls Alternating & Both Arms (dumbbell)
Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms High Ends (dumbbell)
*Functional Overhead Press Rt & Lt then front raise (I don't remember seeing this one on the chart to do)
Squats (dumbbell)
Stiff legged dead lift on platform
Drop side lunges & stand with knee lift
Deadlifts (dumbbell)
Double arm rows with band
Seated rear delts

I hope this gets fixed ASAP! Hubby and I are starting MONDAY and want to get all of our STS workout cards printed ahead of time!


I'm cross referencing the STS Printout Cards, with the STS 1RM Chart pdf and the 1 REP MAX Calculator.

Here's what I've found...

#679 Seated Rear Delts (I've already posted it in the WM Bugs thread)
#703 Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell)
#445 Leg Press (dumbbell, High Step)
#224 Preacher Curl on Stability Ball One Arm (One Arm Preacher Curl Stability Ball (dumbbell)

Is #519 Squats Narrow Stance the same as Front Squats Narrow Stance? (both are using dumbbells...)
I'm still going through the rest of the lists.


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I'm cross referencing the STS Printout Cards, with the STS 1RM Chart pdf and the 1 REP MAX Calculator.

Here's what I've found...

#679 Seated Rear Delts (I've already posted it in the WM Bugs thread)
#703 Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell)
#445 Leg Press (dumbbell, High Step)
#224 Preacher Curl on Stability Ball One Arm (One Arm Preacher Curl Stability Ball (dumbbell)

Is #519 Squats Narrow Stance the same as Front Squats Narrow Stance? (both are using dumbbells...)
I'm still going through the rest of the lists.



I've now corrected most of these, but you will need to refresh your browser before you will be able to see them.
Seated Rear Delts are shown in the 1RM calculator, but when I print my workout list, it still shows N/A for my weight, even though I've calculated in 1RM for this (text is red).
Did you make sure the exercise number for the card was the same as the exercise you did the 1RM test for? If so what was the exercise number? and the disc # where you are not seeing your target weight?

I just finished loading all my 1RM's and correctly matched the number on the WM to the chart I printed of all the exercises. When I went to print, I found the following exercises (and these were just off the 1st 4 discs) weren't carrying over:

Barbell Curl Narrow Grip
Seated Curls Alternating & Both Arms (dumbbell)
Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms High Ends (dumbbell)
*Functional Overhead Press Rt & Lt then front raise (I don't remember seeing this one on the chart to do)
Squats (dumbbell)
Stiff legged dead lift on platform
Drop side lunges & stand with knee lift
Deadlifts (dumbbell)
Double arm rows with band
Seated rear delts

I hope this gets fixed ASAP! Hubby and I are starting MONDAY and want to get all of our STS workout cards printed ahead of time!



These are either exercises that you don't test for or have already been corrected. You will need to refresh your browser to see them.
Did you make sure the exercise number for the card was the same as the exercise you did the 1RM test for? If so what was the exercise number? and the disc # where you are not seeing your target weight?

I'm still not any of the above I mentioned. When I pull down the STS exercises they all appear in RED stating I've done all the 1RM exercises but these particular exercises will not load the %'s onto the card........HELP!

what I need to help you is one example with the following:

1. Exercise #
2. Exercise Name
3. Disc # you're not seeing the result on
Ab Circuit Error

Ab Circuit Error

No matter which Ab Circuits DVD I select my calender shows Med Ball Partner

We still have some work to do on Ab Circuits. We ran out of time on Friday and still have some things that need to be linked up and finished on Monday.
679 Rear Delts

This one is now fixed. If you have others just let me know in the same way as you did for this one.
I noticed on disc 3 that the missing exercises were the ones that did not have pictures posted, if that helps.
I really need Exercise number, name and disc # to help. There are a lot reasons why a person will not see an exercise. Some are errors that need to be corrected while others are not. There can be many similar names for the same exercise, so I really need all of the information to make sure I'm understanding correctly.
Good morning!!!

Here's what I looked up today (coffee in hand...)

# 468
One Leg Deadlift (Toes Elevated) 3/1 Count
Disc 9
# 236
Seated Isolation Barbell Curls
Disc 10

I haven't received my STS yet so I gather once I preview them and have my MacBook close by I'll be able to figure out everything and do proper 1RM Testing (following each exercise along with Cathe and the team).

BTW... I contacted customer service about my order (it's actually being shipped to a friend of mine in New York who then will forward it to me) and I understand how busy they must have been last week! My friend hasn't received anything yet and I can't track the shipment through the UPS Tracking site.... :(
Any ideas?....

Please let us know of any weight exercises (dumbbell or barbell) that are missing in the 1RM calculator.

We have just added #517 Squats (dumbbell) and #533 " Stiff legged Deadlifts on a Platform"

please make sure ti include two things in your reply:

1. Exercise Number
2. Exercise Name.

If you everyone can help us compile a list we can get this corrected this weekend

#469 One Leg Elevated Lunges
Not showing on Disc 26 Plyo Legs
Also under the STS Exercise List its not under PLYO category just the Legs & Glutes Category
Good morning!!!

Here's what I looked up today (coffee in hand...)

# 468
One Leg Deadlift (Toes Elevated) 3/1 Count
Disc 9
# 236
Seated Isolation Barbell Curls
Disc 10

I haven't received my STS yet so I gather once I preview them and have my MacBook close by I'll be able to figure out everything and do proper 1RM Testing (following each exercise along with Cathe and the team).

BTW... I contacted customer service about my order (it's actually being shipped to a friend of mine in New York who then will forward it to me) and I understand how busy they must have been last week! My friend hasn't received anything yet and I can't track the shipment through the UPS Tracking site.... :(
Any ideas?....


Both of these have now been fixed

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