Ever pull out one of Cathe's older cardios......


And THINK you're going to have an easy workout?}(

Well I made that mistake last night. I had already done my workout for the day earlier that morning, but last night I had some extra energy so I said, "let me pull out a step workout to do just for fun!" (there needs to be a little icon with a smilie hitting itself upside the head with a hammer that I can insert!)
So I pull out Cathe's Step Works! Well tell me why I thought I was doing intervals?! My heart rate peaked and fell so many times I was looking for the recovery period that NEVER came until the end! 26 minutes into the workout and I say to myself, "oh yeahhhhhh! I forgot what butt kickers her NORMAL cardios are!" And then I really see the time counter and go, "d@mn! it's ONLY been 26 minutes?!"
I survived of course, and what fun the workout was, the choreo in that one I've always loved, but it made Imax seem easier today! At least Imax has recovery periods!

If you've shelved the older cardios, pull em out, they're still tough!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Know exactly what you mean . . .

After several weeks of monkeying around with the I.S. dvd's and fab premixes and blood shooting out of my eyeballs through those many million squat-thrusts and sumo-squats, a couple of weeks ago I pulled out Circuit Max, and I was gasping by Cycle #5!

That's the problem with Cathe - too many good choices.

Openly Bald
Well then I'm in for a real treat tonight with Circuit Max! I too have been focusing almost solely on the ISeries...

what were you thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Yup, Step Works will get you every time. People always describe it as dancey, I always say, there's so much power in it, and it never lets up! I just did Step Works last week and loved it so much I had to repeat the last section to really go out with a blast, which I could not have done last year, so I am pleased to see my cardio endurance progress!

Dig those side power lunges, yeah!! ;)

Wow Donna, you really impress me with your energy. My evening activity revolves solely around the couch, and that's it! I did Step Jam last week, it starts out simple, BUT, by the end I am a drenched mess. I had twisted my ankle a while back and wanted to do a quick and easy workout. The wedding video has those richochets, OMG, that's no walk in the park either.

edited for typo
yes--I regularly do. Step Fit is one of my favorites

I am beginning to consider Pure Strength and MIC and MIS as "older videos", too--but I have decided that MIC will always be split in half for me from now on. Too high impact...murph
Hey Donna! and everyone..

i haven't posted in forever but have been lurking :) . Yes i frequently too pull out an "old" cathe cardio/step.. especially the wedding video.. which my vcr ate recently.. :( bummer... or one of the others and they ALWAYS kick my butt.. anyway.. i have a question for you and anyone else that wants to reply.. what step height are you using.. i am curious about this cuz i am STILL always stepping with 2 risers.. i tried with 4 but .. too high and too hard.. i burn out so fast and trip constantly.. lol... i think with one set *2 risers * that is 6 " ? Anyway.. just curious to know what height everyone uses with their original step co steps..

thanks in advance if anyone answers

:+ Candy
I usually use 4 risers (8 inch height) when I do Cathe's step tapes such as StepFit, StepJam, PowerMax, etc. But when doing IMax 1 and 2, and Circuit Max, I use 2 risers (6 inch height)!!
Yeah Deb! They'll do!

Thanks Deb, I should have known you'd have a smilie to fit the occasion! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Candy..........

Hi Candy,

I'm still a 2 riser girl, that's a 6" step! I'm 5'4" and 6" works well for me. I feel challenged throughout the workout and it doesn't cause my knees any discomfort. I use 6" for all Cathe's workouts.

The only time I use 8" is for 1 Gin Miller workout, her Step Circuit Challenge. There are only 1 min cardio sections, so to keep my heart rate up and get a good workout I use an 8" step, but that's the only time I use 8".

You should really judge it on the level of challenge you're getting and how your body feels. You don't want to cause yourself any injury trying to "keep up" or "meet" someone elses standards! Besides, if 6" is good enough for Cathe, I'm cool right where I am! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Hi Candy..........

}( Just wanted to post that Circut Max is the killer of all for me and that I have always done MIC in two parts }(

I know what you mean! I've also been concentrating on the IS series for months, and haven't done one of Cathe's step tapes in awhile, but every time I do one (no matter which one it is!), it's always a challenge.

BTW, I have only ever used 2 risers, and that works just fine with my. My HR is WAY up there, and besides, I'm only about 5'1", so I don't think I need anything higher than that (I use a 4 inch step for IMAX and that still kills me).

I'm 6 feet tall and need the four risers just for comfort. I always used four risers for years and find I trip if I have to use two risers. I have long legs (35" inseam). I think height makes a difference for the comfort not the intensity.
Long tall Sharon
I've been loving the intensity series. I've been doing the Muscle and Weights step only pre-mix. I've been working on Imax2. Anyway - I pulled out step heat - I loved it - after working on the complicated choreography of the above two - the simpler choreography of Step heat allowed me to really concentrate on the workout! I had a great workout in my training zone and didn't have to rewind.

I used to consider Circuit Max a challenge - choreography wise - Imax2 has cured me of that.

I also do the step workout of the wedding tape - again - I get a great cardio workout and don['t have to think about modifying the choreography - I'm even considering buying one of the DVD's that has her earlier step workouts on it - It would seem that Cathe is timeless.
Step Works, MIC, and the Cardio part of Bodymax are true doozies. I personally don't think the newer tapes even come close to that intensity, but that's good, because I don't think I could take it except in small doses! I have learned to value of going a little easy, if you can call Boot Camp easy! It shows how far I've come with my fitness level in the last 3 years of Cathe cardio!
I did that a while back...pulled out Mega Step Blast after having done PUB earlier in the day. I FORGOT what a challenge the Bun Blaster is in the 3rd segment. All I can say is I slept good that night!

It's good to be reminded how great all of Cathe's videos are!
I pretty much exclusively use 2 risers nowadays...I find my workouts to be just as intense as when using 4. 4 just seems too dangerous to me anymore. I can relax the fear of tripping & repeating an old injury & really put myself into the routine. I notice Cathe & several other fitness gurus are doing the same recently.

As for Cathe's old workouts...HA! Whoever told you ANY Cathe workout was even remotely easy?! ;)

I love Step Fit, second only to Rhythmic Step. I recently purchased Step Works & was a little afraid of it but found it thoroughly enjoyable. I can't wait for her next all step video! :D

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