Ever met anyone famous?

Derek Jeter, Bernie, Tino and a few other Yankees as well as some Red Sox guys I don't know.

Me and my girlfriend and a guy friend of ours went to a Yankee/Reds game in Boston about 7 years ago and went to a small(real small) bar around the area when they all started walking in little by little. There was barely anyone there when Derek and his friend got there and a conversation was struck up with the guy we were with (he looks like Derek and everone thought it was him) and it was history from there! Everyone in the bar hung out like we all knew eachother forever. It was just nice, no "celebrity" type of presence lingering. We did get to try on Dereks ring(dont know what made him take it off, drunk?). Had a nice convo with Tino about his wife and 4 kids(? dont rembember). We wound up going to the game the next day and sitting in the vip section. Great time.....
ok I don't know if this counts but I met Donny Osmond a few times, I have run into him in the movie theater and a book store and I have run into Marie Osmond and I also ran into Wilford Brimley also at a bank. But then again I don't know if those count LOL
I met Drew Carey last year in Atlantic City...got his autograph..he is very sweet and friendly..now if only..if only I could meet Matthew McConaughey and Ed Norton!!!
I forgot that I used to babysit for the Big Ragu or something like that, he was the taxi driver, in Luvern and Shirley. Anyway, I babysat for his two children when I was in Jr. High.

When my husband and I was on vacation a few years ago (Las Vegas), we were in Bellagio's and there was a crowd of people and some roped off areas. We went over there to see what was going on and they were filming Ocean's 11. Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damen, and another guy, (but my mind is drawing a complete blank) was right there! It was pretty crowded, so we tried to get out of the way and try to make our way out of the crowd. We ended up in between some slot machines that were roped off and thought there was no way out. I looked up and Julia Roberts walked about 3 feet from me. Of course, I didn't get to talk to any of them x( But it was exciting for us!

This year when we went to Vegas (actually last month) we were in the Venetian shopping and Seigfried walked past us in a coffee shop. He only had one other guy with him (I would have thought he would have had a bodyguard or something with him but the guy didn't look like a bodyguard). He was just walking around pointing at things. Didn't talk to him either :+ But still, I was close!

I worked at a country music station, and then a heavy metal station...
I met Vince Gill (he actually came into the office with singles when he was trying to get into country; his wife at the time lived in a nearby town), Hank JR, Whispering Bill Anderson, Bill Monroe, Mark Farner from Grand Funk, Peter Frampton, Billy Ocean. I've also met Donnie Iris and Joe Greshecky. My husband plays in a band that's been around for a million years, so I've met guys in "has been" bands like Kansas (not that these guys aren't good, mind you).
Hi jillybean
Well first of all I was a good company addict my siser and I watched daily together Our children were the same age and we hung out together they were usually napping at this time Did you see the update on channel 5 news awhile ago about them? I have heard thata bout here before not good company thta is hum do not know never met her.
Now what grocery store did you work at? I used to be in that business no one famous that i recall as out in Lakeville not to many celebs except Ahmad rashad Tommy Kramer Paul krause

Several years ago for my 40th birthday, about 6 of us were eating dinner at an Italian restaurant in the Village (NYC). We were laughing and carrying on, and as one customer was leaving, he said, "Could you guys please keep it down?" We all looked over ready to blast the guy for raining on our parade, and it was Bill Cosby! He was smiling and waving and wished me a happy birthday!

I've also met Bill and Hillary, Diane Von Furstenburg, Trish McEvoy, Al Roker, Katie Couric, did yoga next to Anne Curry (sp?) sat next to the entire cast sans Sam Waterston of Law & Order at lunch (when Benjamin Bratt and Angie Harmon were on) just saw Ed (of NBC's Ed) two weeks ago at lunch, Bob Woodward, saw James Gandolfini at brunch one Sunday a.m., sat in the next booth from Oliver Platt, Kyra Sedgewick and Stanley Tucci at a sushi restaurant for lunch.

NYC is a great celebrity spotting ground... I'm usually not paying attention and my friends are usually the ones who spot them. I know some of these aren't technically "meeting" but they're great celebrity sightings!

Thanks, Jillybean, for another fun thread!
>Do they look as good in person as on the screen? Just

Yes, they do!! But it is strange how really "normal" they look. It was funny though, I thought Julia Roberts was a lot taller than she really is. She was TINY and she didn't look very tall and she even had really high heals on.

Now meeting Cathe would be wonderful! Maybe she'll visit Calif someday...:)...when I was in High School....long time ago about 1976 I was working at a fast food place "Hot Dog on a Stick" in a mall in Southern Calif and in walked Beau Bridges! So handsome and I don't believe I even felt my chin drop to the counter...:)...he was so nice and talked with me and my girlfriend for a few minutes, then gave us his autograph and walked away....cool....:)...Carole
When my daughter was in hospital we met Nicole Kidman.
We knew she was doing the rounds of the hospital that day but didn't know when she'd reach our ward. When she arrived I had been reading one of those trashy weekly magazines which had, coincidentaly, her on the cover and some story about her love life or something.
I had to get rid of that thing extra quick.. I guess it wasn't the time to ask her if she was having that fling with Russell Crow or whoever it was at that time, it's always someone.
Meeting Nicole made my daughter April's day, it was a huge thrill.
She was lovely.
I met David Brenner when I was in late highschool. I was on vacation with my parents. David Brenner was sunning by the pool and I went up and asked for his autograph and only had this tiny peice of paper (about 1.5 inches long by .5 inch wide) but he signed it anyways.
Also met Jacque Cousteau's son, Jean-Michael as we invied him to give a seminar when I was in college. I was on the seminar committee and got to meet him. Due to the nature of my job, I have also had the opportunity to meet three Nobel laureates: Paul Berg, Stan Cohen and Phil Sharp.:7
Hi, let's see - being a born and raised New Yorker - I met Geraldo Rivera back in the 70's when he was just an eyewitness reporter (not what you think - we had a bad confrontation - does this count?), Rudy Guiliani before he was our mayor, Tony Randall - I wrote up his life insurance policy, I held up a dress for Lisa Bonet in a little boutique in the village, Cindi Lauper in a cafe in SoHo, JFK Jr, as he roller bladed into my office looking for my then boss, The Donald himself - same office - same day, Al Pacino, Sean Penn and John Leguisamo during the filming of Carlito's Way - my daugher Marilyn was an extra in the movie and Kieffer Sutherland, Woody Harrelson and Dillon McDermott - on the set of the Cowboy Way - my daughter Marilyn was an extra in that movie too! Back in my early working days I met the late Betty Shabbaz - widow of Malcom X. The best to date - back in the 70's while crossing the street on Carmine and Leroy - I gave directions to the one and only Ms. Lena Horne! She was and is truly a gracious lady. When I was in CA during my many visits (my siser lives in San Diego) I went to the LA Sports Club and did a class with Billy Blanks and spoke with him and his daughter Sherry - he was truly inspiring and very gracious. I also met Ruben Studdard and his mom on the day after he won American Idol, not to mention I worked across the street from Rock Center so I got to see all the stars that appeared on the Friday morning concerts. This is a fun thread - didn't realize I had met so many until I started writing about them.

Take care,
Waited on Mr. T... he was rude and offensive.

Accepted an award from Bill Clinton back when he was our skirt-chasin' governor.

I'd trade 'em both in for a short glimpse of George Clooney!!!
Hi Dani,

I saw Tony 'n Tina's Wedding in Chicago in 2002. Scott looks so familiar, could he have been Tony? We all really loved the show - loads of fun.

I work for a newspaper, so am usually ho-hum about celebrities, since we have a constant parade coming through here. I did enjoy riding the elevator once with George Bush Sr. and Barbara - Barabara is cool.

BUT - the one time I took off running was when I heard Captain Kangaroo was on my floor! I couldn't even get close to him, though, because he was being mobbed by all my fellow baby boomer co-workers!
I met Kathy Ireland at a Kmart giving her autograph for her clothes line. Would you believe she is far prettier in person than in the magazines? I got started working out years ago with her workout video. So thanks to Kathy Ireland, I found Cathe Freidrich!

No Jeff Gordon??? I'm surprised!
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