Ever feel burnt out?


I'm having that kind of week. Month. Year. :p

I'm so tired and feel stretched. My eating has been poor, which doesn't help. I'm supposed to run six miles tonight, but really I just want to go home, put on some comfy clothes and sit on my couch.

I'm sick of hating what I see in the mirror and I know that if I clean up my eating, it might be better, but I just don't seem to have the motivation to eat well.

Oh well. Maybe it'll pass. Or maybe I'll just give up and plant my butt on the couch with a bag of chips.

Thanks for listening to me whine:)
The only thing I can suggest is go running and clean up your eating. I know, I know, so much easier said than done, but it sure helps turn my frowns upsidedown.:-( :) :-( :) :-( :) :):) :) :*
You're not alone! I'm having the same problem lately. I know perfectly well that if I cleaned up my eating I'd stop looking like such a swollen tick but I just can't seem to muster up the motivation.

I am so tired and being pulled in so many different directions lately that I just want to scream at someone and tell my conscience to stop making me feel guilty because I don't work out one day! Ugh. I think when we're feeling burnt out, we need to think about why and maybe take it as a sign that our bodies (and minds) need a break. (If only I could follow my own advice)......

edited to fix a spelling error. I'm a moron

I am totally burnt out. My breaking point was last weekend when the in-laws were here and we were just working our tails off in the yard and painting. I am so done. I haven't worked out since Sunday and I am not going to start until the weekend (hopefully). I am hoping it is just a phase.

I've been feeling that way, too. The heat and humidity are partly to blame for my current slump. This kind of weather completely zaps me of energy and leaves me feeling sluggish. Lately I've been curling up with books or movies and a lot of cold water. My eating has been off because it's too hot to prepare food at home, IMHO. Whenever I eat out or go for convenience foods I tend to end up with junk I wouldn't normally eat, like foot long hot dogs:eek: ;)
Yeah, I go through this occasionally. Sometimes its because of the heat - which tends to drain me. Sometimes its because I'm overtraining - even if it doesn't 'feel' like it. When I feel like this, I take a small break or do something easy and fun. Maybe you need a break?

Well - last week I couldn't exercise because I was sick. My body simply wouldn't let me push myself. So, this week I'm feeling better, and you know what? I keep thinking that maybe a few more days off won't hurt, and gee, wouldn't it just be nice to come home and cook a decent meal instead of scavenging scraps after I work out.

One thing I am doing this week is relaxing my routine. I'm just doing whatever workout I feel like, instead of sticking to the routine. And I find myself picking easier workouts :eek: . It does help.

I guess everyone needs a break once in a while. Maybe I'll take another one next week. :p
I'm glad I'm not alone. The last couple of months have been hellish to say the least. I broke-up with my boyfriend 2 months ago. Unfortunately I see him every M,W,F at my boot camp class which hasn't been easy. Then my aunt was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in late June and passed away in July. I'm doing everything I can to push myself through the day sometimes. All I want to do is stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. I have eaten more delivery pizza lately than I have eaten in the last 5 years. Some days are easier than others but I force myself to workout because I know that I feel better in the end.

Hang in there!!
Yes Shelley, I do--I feel totally crappy right now, I'm working ridiculous hours, my vacation was stolen by a very difficult, labor intensive move in 95 degree weather, I'm sick, I haven't really exercised this week. I'm exhausted. But I know it'll pass.

Stop being so hard on yourself! You are truly one of the most beautiful women I've ever met, inside & out. You look fabulous, you have a heart of gold, you have a hilarious sense of humor, a daughter & an SO who love you, & you're an all around fun gal.

I'm glad you posted this--not b/c you're feeling bad about yourself but b/c I was feeling really cranky & pi$$y & you reminded me I should focus on the positives in my life.

So stop beating yourself up & recognize yourself for the unique & wonderful woman that you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Yes Shelley, I do--I feel totally crappy right now, I'm
>working ridiculous hours, my vacation was stolen by a very
>difficult, labor intensive move in 95 degree weather, I'm
>sick, I haven't really exercised this week. I'm exhausted.
>But I know it'll pass.
>Stop being so hard on yourself! You are truly one of the most
>beautiful women I've ever met, inside & out. You look
>fabulous, you have a heart of gold, you have a hilarious sense
>of humor, a daughter & an SO who love you, & you're an all
>around fun gal.
>I'm glad you posted this--not b/c you're feeling bad about
>yourself but b/c I was feeling really cranky & pi$$y & you
>reminded me I should focus on the positives in my life.
>So stop beating yourself up & recognize yourself for the
>unique & wonderful woman that you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura ~ That was BEAUTIFULLY written and oh so true!!!!

Shelley -

I think I know just how you feel. I wrote something similar in my "Motivation is fading..." thread last week. I get so apathetic about stuff sometimes - especially eating well and getting psyched for working out.

Take a rest - you deserve it more than you reallize!

My $.02,
Susan L.G.

P.S. However, you may want to forego the chips...:p

First, I agree with everything LauraMax says.

Second, if you are feeling this way, there is a reason and your body is trying to tell you something. It sounds to me like you need a break mentally and physically. I know that is easier said than done. You work yourself so hard and do so much!!! Please give yourself a break.

I know that I can be very hard on myself as well and beat myself up over not working out or eating poorly. Well, when I went on vacation I planned on abandoning my clean eating and not being so strict and did not even bring clothes to work out (I was starting to get tendonitis in my hip). It was a week and I admit that I started feeling pretty guilty and crappy but swore I was going to give myself a rest. I was so worried I woudl come back and not be able to do a thing. Well...I got back and have been stronger and faster than ever. I am lifting more weight than I did when I left and covering more mileage on the treadmill. I also feel really refreshed and look forward to working out. Before I went away, it had gotten to the point where I was dreading my workouts and not motivated at all.

So, maybe you need to make a pact with yourself that you will take a fitness vacation. You may come back refreshed and not burnt out.

(((((HUGS SHELLEY)))))
I completely agree with Laura's post;). I'm feeling off lately, too, as I mentioned above, and I've been doing these lovely stretch workouts which have helped a lot.
Absolutely. In fact, this week is my getting back into workouts week after a serious burnout. I took some time off and am doing different workouts now than I did before. I had to go in a completely different direction, specifically, Cathe's direction.

Here's my opinion on this. Take a week off. Don't go overboard, but allow yourself a few indulgences during the week. And after a week, do something completely different than what you're used to doing. Even if you just do that for two weeks, the change of 'scenery' is sometimes all we need.
I feel burnt out also. I just don't feel like workingout. I just want to go to the pool everyday which I have been doing. So I guess that is a workout with my son.

I'm in toast-mode myself over here in the Twin Cities Minnesota. This wicked heat / humidity spell absolutely will not break, and I do not have the mojo to do afternoon home land workouts, so it's been pool (almost spelled it "poop", a near-typo hat I believe is a Freudian) pool pool for 3 out of 4 weekly sessions for the past 5-6 weeks. Blew off my pool workout last night, which, chillingly, kept me from the thick of the Minneapolis bridge collapse (one of my gyms is in the heart of downtown Mpls, and I would have left a club an hour after the collapse).

My appetite isn't weird, it's non-existent. And when my appetite isn't normal I don't feel quite alive.

Things'll break when the heat breaks, I know, but I'm in the dumps.

Well, for all my whining, I came home, changed, got on the treadmill, and ran 6 miles in a personal best time of 57:26.:p

Thank you all so much for your kind words. I'm on vacation next week, so I'll be able to work out at my leisure instead of trying to cram it into an already jam-packed day.

Laura - I'm sending hugs to you, girl. Sounds like you're mired in stress-central right now.

A-Jock - I'm thrilled that you blew off your workout last night if that's what kept you from being in the middle of that awful tragedy.

And don't worry. I'm not eating chips ;)
I hear ya!! My job is killing me (how many incompetent, lazy people can work in 1 office?), the weather is making my recently healed and still rehabbing knee swell and ache like I don't know what (just when I've been cleared to start some exercise), and I am so HUNGRY!!! Not cravin, hungry. I could seriously pack down a Big Mac, Super Big Fries, a gallon of Coke and still have room for dessert. Been that way for about a week. Not eating all the crud, but I sure could. Don't know whats up with that. I think my preferred activity right now would be to stare at the wall while sitting on the couch. I can't even concentrate to read. I think for me the weather is a big part of my blahs. I'm NOT a summer girl, and this 95 and humid is not my cup of tea. I prefer 20 and a foot of snow. So for now, I just keep pushing through. I really want to exercise, but the weather/knee combo is making even what I can do uncomfortable, plus after more than a month off, it's easy to be lazy.

Maybe you just need a couple of days off. If you really want to plant on the couch with some chips, do it. And back up and on the bandwagon tomorrow. One day isn't going to kill you, and you seem pretty dedicated, so I don't think you're going to hit a backward slide. Your mind and your body may just need a day off.

Yes, I am burnt out big time! I was so good with exercising during the school year, but now that it is summer, I am so lazy. I just ate almost a whole bag of Sunchips the other day, and I feel like a slarth. Maybe it's the weather? It's time I get over this hump!
You are not the only one:) .

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