>Well, for all my whining, I came home, changed, got on the
>treadmill, and ran 6 miles in a personal best time of
Yeah, Shelley! Isn't that just the way? This morning I started Imax2 and thought my brain isn't up for this. I am going to do something stupid and fall over my step, maybe I should do something else, etc.... Half way through my brain and my legs woke up, and I had a ball. Jumped higher on blast nine than ever before, I think. When Cathe said, "I know you're tired, but jump higher," I already was.
We aren't worried about you giving up exercise, girl. But you can afford to rest when you need to, ya know.
And, A. Jock, I am so glad you weren't near that bridge.
>treadmill, and ran 6 miles in a personal best time of
Yeah, Shelley! Isn't that just the way? This morning I started Imax2 and thought my brain isn't up for this. I am going to do something stupid and fall over my step, maybe I should do something else, etc.... Half way through my brain and my legs woke up, and I had a ball. Jumped higher on blast nine than ever before, I think. When Cathe said, "I know you're tired, but jump higher," I already was.
We aren't worried about you giving up exercise, girl. But you can afford to rest when you need to, ya know.
And, A. Jock, I am so glad you weren't near that bridge.