Ever feel burnt out?

>Well, for all my whining, I came home, changed, got on the
>treadmill, and ran 6 miles in a personal best time of

Yeah, Shelley!:) Isn't that just the way? This morning I started Imax2 and thought my brain isn't up for this. I am going to do something stupid and fall over my step, maybe I should do something else, etc.... Half way through my brain and my legs woke up, and I had a ball. Jumped higher on blast nine than ever before, I think. When Cathe said, "I know you're tired, but jump higher," I already was.;)

We aren't worried about you giving up exercise, girl.;) But you can afford to rest when you need to, ya know.

And, A. Jock, I am so glad you weren't near that bridge.:)

Shelley, I know you won't hear this or acknowledge it, because you never do, but I enjoy wasting my breath...uh, fingers. What you're burnt out on is being so hard on yourself. We all tend to be harder on ourselves than others, but you are harder on yourself than anyone I've ever known. Your standards for yourself are absolutely impossible for any human being to live up to. What's so criminal about spending an evening hanging out on the couch? Would you look down at someone else who spent an evening relaxing? I know you wouldn't. So, why aren't you allowed to spend an evening relaxing? Huh??

I dare you. I double dare you. Bet you can't do it. :p
ETA: See, I was right.

I totally agree with what Nancy is saying. You are so hard on yourself and you have no reason to be. Let's see...tall, blonde, six pack abs, fit, funny, smart, great partner, great mom...yep, you definitely need to try and improve those things! You're awesome. My gift to you would be that you could see yourself as others see you.

Relax and give yourself a big break (maybe on the couch with a bag of crisps ;) ). Just don't do it on our bonus CCPP Saturday! ;)

ETA: typos...grrrr! x(
*blushes* Awwwww, you guys. And yes, I'm probably harder on myself than anyone I know. Apparently I have issues on my issues:p

Nance - thanks for caring enough to waste your breath, er, typing fingers, on me:)

Lorie - don't worry, I'm there with Coach Sean on Saturday. Who could ever stand Coach Sean up?

Sandra - whoo hoo for jumping higher on Imax 2!!!

I'm glad you were able to regroup and push forward.

For the first time since finding Cathe, I've been having some bad weeks and have to really push myself to do what I know is good for me. But, like Nancy said, it's okay to veg every once in a while.

We love you

Shelley - I haven't seen your pictures but I have seen the before/afters of your back from P90X. Let's just say that if the rest of you looks anything like that, there is no reason at all to hate what you see in the mirror. :)
I know how you feel! I get that way many times. What I do is first take a week off. Then start up again and pretend you enjoy it, pretend and get excited about the workouts, soon you will. Trust me, it works. Do be careful about your eating, just pretend you are full. LOL! Don't know how to do that one, except don't give up.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


Hi Shelley (((hugs))) to you,

I'm glad you were able to pick yourself and have your personal best on the treadmill.


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